• Published 4th Jul 2013
  • 1,062 Views, 19 Comments

The Fabled Adventures of Trixie Lulamoon - Lastofakind

A Fable/MLP crossover staring the show pony Trixie as she is made into a hero... though a long and dangerous adventure.

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The Search

Deciding to rest and wait out the rain Trixie made her bed for the night. She was happy with the layout of her new wagon. It made more room for her to move around and plenty of storage space for all her spell books. Using her magic to lift a brush she cleaned her mane as she read a book on defense magic. A life on the road taught her that even a simple fire, lightning, or ice spell could save your flank. Even if it was just to start a fire to keep yourself warm. With the sound of the rain outside, she was about to fall asleep when a knock on her door echoed though the wagon. "Who dares bother, The Great and Powerful Trixie?"

A gruff yet large voice answered. "Trixie Lulamoon? Hey it's me Iron Will, can I come in?"

"Oh no... not this guy!" Feeling it would be wrong to turn him down she open the door as the dark blue minotaur stood holding an umbrella and a large bag slung over his back. Stepping aside she let him squeeze in as the wagon started to tip and creek from his weight, he had to duck to keep his horns from scraping the ceiling. Once he was in she used her magic to close the door behind him.

"Thank you for letting me in. It's good to know a fellow traveler is willing to lend a han- er hoof." He took the towel that was offered to him as he sat at the small table. "I couldn't afford to stay another night at the local inn so I was about to head for my home town."

"This late at night?" Trixie question as she started to set up a tea kettle. Using her magic she heated up the tea as she levitated two cups over to the table.

"I fell asleep in the lobby and woke up just as it started to rain. I was asked to leave if I wasn't going to get a room."

"What happen to your self-help seminar?"

"Iron Will admits he's been lacking on putting on shows. I've been working on new advice and... kinda let my savings dwindle. Also I put a book out and have yet to get any profit from it." He paused as he took the cup of tea. "By the way, what happen to your show?" He suddenly felt his tea getting hotter as he was drinking it. Quickly putting his cup down, it was starting to boil as Trixie was growling.

"I've been laughed out of every town I stepped hoof in! After that incident in Ponyville Trixie can't open her stage with out being reminded how humiliated she was." Her rage then cooled as she set her head down on the table. "But what was I to expect... there is nothing special about a unicorn who use's magic. It's the only reason I started that lie..."

Iron Will rubbed the back of his neck. Looking down at the small blue unicorn he started to move his other hand down to pat her head.

"I'll admit I was upset to hear you lied to all those ponies but I still think your magic is something special."

"There is nothing special about it. Trixie only knows show magic and a few basic spells in the arcane arts."

This time Iron Will huffed as he puffed out he chest. "Your attitude needs fixing so listen here! What you choice to do with your magic is what makes it special. You want to entertain others and make them turn their heads as you walk down the streets. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be famous and have tons of screaming fans. Though when you lie to do so is when it becomes a problem." Trixie smiled a bit as Iron Will flexed as he started to get worked up. "Now tomorrow you pick yourself up and attack th-"
Trixie kept a blank expression as Iron Wills horns went though her roof. He paused for a second as he started to move his head to get free only to make the hole bigger as the rain poured in. Giving a awkward smile he picked his umbrella from next to the door and put it though the hole and opened it. Trixie just kept the same glare as he blushed a bit. "I-is there some way I can repay you for the damages? I don't have a lot of money..."


"Why are you taking this road, you know its dangerous right? Even more so at night." Iron Will asked as he pulled the wagon behind him. Trixie was on the roof with a hammer as she fixed the hole with some emergency supply's she kept under the wagon.

"All Trixie knows is she might find some thing important here."

Nearing the edge of the Everfree Woods Iron Will stopped as Trixie climbed down. "I'm surprised you pull this yourself for such a little pony." Iron Will commented as he wiped the sweat from his brow. "You have some kind of spell you use?"

"No... Trixie never learned such a spell till she was a year or so on her own. It just came natural from living on the road most of my life." The two looked over to the east as the sun started to rise.

"Now's a good of time as any if we are going to head though the woods."

"What do you mean we?" Trixie asked turning to Iron Will.

"That path is too dangerous for Iron Will to let you go alone. Also if for any reason you get suck when night falls your going to want someone to watch your back."

"The Great and Powerful Trixie is touched that you care so much about her safety but she can manage on her own." She
noticed the look she was getting from the minotaur. It was saying he wasn't going to take no for an answer. Sighing she went to the reins of the wagon. "Thank you for the words of encouragement last night. But this is some thing Trixie should do on her own." Iron Will grumbled as he waved her goodbye. He watched her till he couldn't see her though the trees and brush.


Even with a shield spell cast around herself and the wagon Trixie still didn't feel safe as she could hear animals running though the deep under growth. The deeper she went the darker the woods seem to get as well. "I've only went though this path once in my younger days with my mother. If I remember right, getting to Ponyville should only take a few more hours. The only thing I remember her worrying about at the time was..." Her thoughts were cut off as howling could be heard in the distance. "Timber wolves..." With a gulp she kept pushing forward. "It would help if I knew what I was looking for."


Stopping dead in her track, Trixie ready a defense spell. "W-who's there?" There was no answer as Trixie started to slowly started off again.

"H-hey... I kind of need some help..." A voice called from above her before the wagon shook from some thing fell on the roof. Quickly undoing the reins she levitated the ladder off the side of her wagon. Climbing up her eyes met with a female Griffin. She was bleeding from her side and one of her wings looked broken.

"What happen to you?"

"I was flying back to Cloudsdale when I heard thunder. I blacked out and woke up in this tree." She tried to get up only to fall back down, holding her side as she cried in pain. "But there was something off about the whole thing..."

"You were hit by lighting, plain and simple. Now hold still." Trixie reassured her as she used her levitation spell to lift the Griffin and bring her down to the ground. Grunting in pain she tried to stand again. "Wait here as Trixie gets a first aid kit."

"Wait you're that weird, third person talking pony Trixie?"

"Yes, The Great and Pow-" Trixie was cut off by the Griffin's laughter before she fell holding her side from the pain. "Your the one who pulled that ursa minor deal over in Ponyville?" Trixie kept silent as the Griffin picked herself up again. The Idea of leaving her there crossed Trixie's mind as she started back to her wagon. The laughter came to a halt as a howl came from close by. "Mind hurrying it up? I don't think we have a lot of time before we are swamped by timber wolves." Trixie's horn glowed as she went to use her spell to levitate the griffin only to gasp and fall to the ground. "What's wrong?"

"I didn't rest at all the past few days. Using magic is taking more then I can put out." The next howl came from the other side of the wagon. The two watched as a large wooden paw stepped from around the side as the timber wolfs glowing green eye's met with theirs. Looking around more were coming from the bushes and the trees themselves. Their growls sounded hungry as they started to circle the two. Trixie saw an opening were she could run for it. Galloping for the opening, she started for safety when she heard the griffin screech. Looking back she watched as the Griffin pinned one of the attacking wolves with her claws and smash it with her beak. Again she screeched as one butted its head into her wound as she fell to the ground. The Griffin was able to fend off the next attack but was loosing her strength.
The Griffin picked herself up again as the wolves started to close in on her. With a few heavy breaths she closed her eyes as one lunged at her. A yelp, followed by a few zaps was what came next. Opening her eyes she had a glowing purple shield around her.

Trixie did her best to keep firing spells that shattered the wolves on impact. She felt herself get dizzy as she struggled to keep on her hooves. A timber wolf started to attack from behind the mare but was tackled to the ground as the griffin held it down and crushed its head with her beak. "You came back?" The Griffin question as she held her wound again.
"I wasn't about to just leave you. Though it looks as if we're out numbered and..." Trixie stumbled again trying to stay on her hooves. "I don't know how much longer we can keep fighting." They started to back up as the ones they defeated before started to regenerate.

"Well I'm not about to die to a bunch of lame wooden dogs. The name is Gilda by the way and... if we make it out of this don't think I owe you anything!"

"I could care less as long as we make it out of this." The two ready for the next attack. The seven wolves backed the two up next to the wagon. Trixie ready a spell as Gilda did her best to hold herself up.

"Iron Will SMASH!" Boomed A voice as the minotaur rammed himself into the pack of timber wolves. Smashing four of them before lifting one above his head. Throwing it at the rest he stood ready to charge again. "You better leave now before Iron Will puts a hurting on you so bad, your grand children will feel it."
The timber wolves started to back way as Trixie ready a fire spell and Glida did her best to ignore her pain as she stood on her hind legs. Gathering parts of their fallen pack the wolves ran back into the woods. Gilda fell to the ground, grunting in pain as Trixie and Iron Will ran to her side.

"The only bad part about this whole thing is I'm stuck with two dweebs that speak in third person." She managed to grumble before passing out. Trixie's breathing was heavy as she started to see double.

"I-Iron Will... Wha- When did..."

"Iron Will was worried about you and came to check on you. You were reckless by coming though here on your own."

"Thank...you..." Trixie then passed out on top of Gilda. The last thing she remembered was being picked up and put in her bed.

"Another quiet day in Ponyville. Hey, after we finish work do you want to go see a movie?" A pink female pony asked her Yellow friend as they both pulled the wagon full of trash cross a bridge.

"Sure what one d-"

"Get out of my way!"

Both Ponies screamed as both them and the wagon was sent flying though the air. Trash and broken wood littered the ground as they landed in the water.

Iron Will ignored the wood stuck on his horns as he pulled the wagon behind him. He didn't stop for anything as he charged though town. He knocked over a second wagon full of fruits and vegetables as he spotted his destination in the distance. Coming to a screeching stop the wagon started to lift off the ground behind him as he almost slammed into the hospital. Ponies started to gather around in wonder.

"Good heavens its that monster Iron Will." The white pony with purple mane known a Rarity said as she joined her friends Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle.

"He's a Minotaur." Futtershy corrected. "O-oh my... i-is that blood on him?"

"Hey guys what was all that racket?" Rainbow Dash asked flying down from the cloud she was resting on.

"That self-help guru Iron Will crashed though town. I-I think some thing is horribly wrong." Twilight answered as they watched on.

Iron Will called the doctors as he ran over to the wagon. Smashing the side open he reached in and lifted a griffin over his shoulder. "G-Gilda?" Rainbow Dash gasped as the doctor ponies wheeled out a bed for Iron Will to set her on. He then called for a second bed as he went back and took Trixie in his arms.

"Is that who I think it is?" Rarity asked in shock.

"Trixie!" Twilight exclaimed as she started to run over to her, only to be asked to step aside and wait till the doctors could look at her.