• Published 3rd Jul 2013
  • 725 Views, 9 Comments

Into Oblivion - ChaosZero460

When a long-forgotten sect of anti-magic, technology-worshipping Earth ponies surface, a young colt by the name of Onyx finds himself thrust into the fray. Now Equestria stands at the precipice of an all-out race war. [Now with chapter art!]

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Chapter 9: Shadows On The Sun

My cutie mark is a wrench. Not very exciting, or even interesting for that matter, but it's mine. I got it because I'm good at fixing things, and I got good at fixing things because I'm equally skilled at breaking things.

I remember when dad brought home a brand new record player, I was... seven, maybe eight. The thing cost a fortune and we weren't exactly living high on the hog, but he was so damn happy about it mom couldn't bring herself to be mad at him. Anyways, I saw this DJ awhile back, he was rubbing the record back and fourth over the needle, I didn't get it but it sounded kinda cool. So when I was home alone, I decided to try it.

Broke the stupid thing right in half. I flipped out and started trying to fix it before dad got home, about an hour later I had it back together. When I was done, I had a wrench on me. I was so busy I didn't even feel it show up.

Of course it exploded the second dad tried to use it, but that's beside the point. Ok, not really, it's kinda... y'know, in front of the point, but still. What I'm getting at is, I screwed up, thought I fixed the problem I caused, but despite my best efforts it still ended up a broken heap.
"Well... shit. This ain't good" Bruiser says as they peek over a large overturned boulder. The train was stopped at the newly constructed checkpoint at the city limits, a forcefield surrounding all of Canterlot. Guards were searching the train cars and checking the tickets of the passengers, heavily scrutinizing every detail. "Been to Canterlot a half-dozen times, don't think I've ever seen security this tight."

"Princess Celestia probably heard about what happened to her dragon and knew Blackout would be out for blood. With so many ponies coming into Canterlot for the summit, she can't afford to let anypony slip in undetected" Angel says as they huddle back down, out of sight from the investigating Guard.

Onyx thinks hard, there was no way they'd ever get through security. The railway was the only way into Canterlot, and every nook and cranny of the trains were being searched. They had even emptied the contents of the luggage and suitcases out onto the ground, they could hear the shouting from the white unicorn all the way from their location.

He looks up, spying a large ornate purple airship slowly descending from the clouds. The ponies drop mooring lines to the ground crew, who tie them off and bring the zeppelin into the dock. He began concocting a plan to get them on board an approaching ship, but then came to a realization.

"Duh. I'm an idiot" he says, smacking his forehead.

Bruiser looks over at him. "Well yeah, but what about?"

"My horn, I can just blast us a hole in the field."

"But the second you do, they'll know about it. We can't do it here in sight of all the Guards, they'll be on us in a second" Angel Fire adds.

He supposed she did have a point, a hole punched in the field would be easily detectable. They couldn't risk being captured, not with what was at stake.

"Alright, got an idea" Onyx says, walking the opposite direction.
Their hooves splash through the sewers, choosing not to dwell too heavily on what they were walking through. The central hub of Angel's mechanical wings glows blue, lighting a path through the dark, dank masonry tunnel. The stench was almost tangible, it was the kind of odor that needed stink lines to be fully comprehended.

"As far as plans go, this is probably the worst I've ever been a part of" the barrel-chested stallion says, eyes watering. "I can see the smell in here."

"If you care to take your chances with the security team upstairs, nopony's stopping you" Angel groans.

They had been walking for a little over fifteen minutes, Onyx had blasted a hole in one of the main pipes exiting the city, remembering the location thanks to the most excruciatingly boring grade school field trip of all time. A trip all the way to Canterlot, and they get a tour of the city's sewage system. Truly fascinating stuff.

"They couldn't seal off the sewer systems, not without every toilet and manhole in Canterlot erupting in a shit-geyser" Onyx says.

They continue on until they come to a ladder built into the wall, leading up to a manhole. The black stallion scampers up the metal bars built into the wall and slides the cover off to the side. He pokes his head out, scanning the surroundings for guards. Seeming to be in the clear, he motions for Angel and Bruiser to follow.

They exit the sewers, Bruiser slides the cover back over the hole. They look over to see a posh-looking unicorn mare staring at them in confusion, having witnessed the motley trio exiting the manhole. "Sewer inspectors. No need to be alarmed, everything's flowing as it should. Have a pleasant day ma'am" Onyx says, before they all quickly exit the scene.
They check into the Canterlot Suites, the clerk does his best not to make a repulsed face at the lingering aroma. They look around the lobby as the pony behind the desk shuffles through stacks of paperwork, a large fountain in the center of the room spouted water at least ten feet high. The marble floors shone like mirrors, and the large ornate columns had flecks of gold mixed in with the natural marbling. And also, it currently reeked of raw sewage.

"Ah, here we are. You're currently reserved for... The Honeymoon Suite" the suited pony says, handing them the key.

Onyx blinks twice. "Uh... the what?"

"It's right here" the clerk replies, showing him the reservation receipt. "No intrusions. What happens in the Honeymoon Suite, stays in the Honeymoon Suite." he says with a raised brow, taking note of the petite mare and the hulking stallion behind Onyx.

"This uh, this isn't anything-"

"Oh there's no need to be modest sir, I see a lot of different ponies come and go." The pony leans forward and whispers "there's extra lotion in the drawer. With that big one you'll probably-"

"Alright, thank you" Onyx cuts him off, grabbing the key from the desk and quickly walking down the hallway.

"What the hell was that all about?" Bruiser asks, hurrying to catch up to him.

"Don't ask" he replies. "Seriously, don't."
Onyx exits the shower, thankful to have the unholy stench washed away. He and Bruiser had to wait until Angel Fire was done, she had knocked them out of the way on her path to the bathroom, unable to stand the odor any longer. She was not a "girly" girl by any means, but she had her limits.

The room was large and very well-furnished, the large single bed sat in the center facing the large bay window that overlooked Canterlot Castle. From it there was a direct line of sight to the castle balcony, no doubt the single feature that attracted Blackout.

He rubs the back of his head with the towel, even those were a hundred times nicer than anything he had ever used. It was like wiping yourself off with a cloud. Just out of curiosity, he takes a look at the label.
Dry Clean Only
70% cirrus
30% polyester

Bruiser and Angel Fire were out on the balcony, looking over the castle. Onyx opens the sliding glass door and joins them outside. They were a considerable height up, the suite being on the 20th floor. The hundred or so ponies walking below looked like ants. Or, just really really small ponies. They hadn't grown an extra set of legs, or segmented bodies or horrible mandibles or anything like that. Man, the more Onyx thought about it, that was a stupid analogy.

"Well, you're still ugly as ever but you smell about a hundred times nicer" says Bruiser.

Onyx looks out at the castle. It was maybe 300 yards away, maybe more. Blackout seemed to have much more confidence in his marksmanship than he did.

"It'll be a tough shot" Angel says, mane still damp. She had applied a new white bandage over her muzzle, her old one having become dirty and smudged.

"Well hopefully, it's one I won't need to make."

The deep blue pony raises a brow. "Why, you got a plan?"

Onyx couldn't help but crack a smile.
"Blackout's gotta have eyes on the city, he's not stupid enough to leave it unattended when he's using it as leverage. Fetlock clears out, he's got nothing." Onyx leads them down the hallway of the hotel, the red velvet carpets feeling exquisitely nice under their hooves. A new eyepatch sat on his face.

"The second he catches wind I'm trying to give them a head's up, he'll blow the town. Which is why get Fetlock evacuated by... other methods."

Angel quickens her steps to get alongside him. "What'd you have in mind?"

"Well, I've got two options. Plan A, is the dam." Bruiser trots up next to him as well, ear piqued. "Fetlock's dam is a couple years overdue for maintenance, got some pretty large cracks in it. Wouldn't take much to get it to spring a leak."

"So your plan to save the town, is to flood it?" the mare inquires. She had changed into a violet dress that matched her mane, she insisted the color-coordination was strictly coincidental.

Onyx turns the corner, the hallways were just as long and winding as the compound's. "Not like a raging torrent, a few years back I remember it sprung a leak a few inches across. Main street had a foot of water over it, whole town had to-" he quickly grabs them both and jumps back around the corner they just turned.

"What the-?!"

Onyx shushed Bruiser. "It's those two mares from the train" he whispers.

"I can't imagine, all those ponies staring..." the pegasus says, voice trembling from the very thought.

"Which is why it's important we're there to support her" the unicorn says, their voices growing closer.

Angel Fire looks at the two stallions. "They're coming this way" she quietly says.

They scurry down the hallway as silently as metal hooves will allow. The chitchat grows closer, they had to be right at the corner. A few more seconds and they'd be seen. Onyx comes to a door and throws it open, they pile in and slam the door shut behind them.

"Wh-Who the hell are you?! What are you doing in here?!" A lime green pegasus stallion shouts, sitting on the bed. He placed the magazine he had been reading over his crotch. The cover depicted a sultry-eyed unicorn mare in a rather provocative pose.

Onyx sees him and grimaces. "Ugh, good lord man it's the middle of the day, get a hobby."

Bruiser puts a hoof to his mouth, giving him the universally understood sign of "be quiet".

"Get out! All of you, get out of here right now!"

Angel groans. "Bruiser, shut this guy up."

The stout pony takes a menacing step towards the pegasus, who lets out a terrified shriek as he flies out the window, manhood swinging in the breeze in it's full entirety. A shocked scream is heard from the street.

The trio stand at the door, ears pressed against the wood. The two mares pass, but they play it safe by waiting a minute or two before exiting. They slowly open and peek out, making sure the coast is clear. They quickly exit and trot down the hallway, they had to get out of the hotel quickly before they were spotted.

They reach the elevator and punch the button. The illuminated numbers show the elevator currently on the 5th floor, and it was not moving quickly to their location. 6th.........7th..........8th..........

Then, Onyx's ears twitch as they pick up the last sound he wanted to hear. For some reason, for some inconceivable reason, the pair was coming their way again.

"To think, I almost left without my new hat!" the unicorn says eloquently.

"No no no no no no....." he says through gritted teeth, manically tapping the button in a futile attempt to speed up the arrival of the elevator. 14th........15th......... "C'mon, c'mon!"

The mares grow closer with each agonizing second. 17th......18th......19th....... "Come on you useless piece of shit!" he whispers with a growl.

The doors open with a pleasant chime and they rush in. Bruiser prods the close button, but the doors remain open. He tries again with no result. The voices were very close now. He drives a hoof into the button, it disappears into the panel. "Augh!"

"Oh, hold the door please!" the pale yellow pegasus shouts, rather softly.

Onyx feels a bead of sweat roll down his face. His mechanical heart was about to burst out of his chest. He had blown his cover in front of them, revealed himself as a cyborg. If they could positively identify them... his previous conversation with Angel regarding the beheading of captured Guild members was very fresh in mind.

The door slowly closes, all three mentally screaming at the doors to hurry up. They're almost sealed off from the mares when a pale blue aura wraps around them, holding them open. Well, that was it. Game over.

They trot inside, Onyx, Angel Fire and Bruiser press into the corners, doing their best to disappear in the enclosed box. Unbelievably, they seemed to pay them no mind. The unicorn was preoccupied with her frilly hat, ribbons and flowers adorning it. She presses the ground floor button.

Angel Fire discreetly presses the 19th floor, trying to get out as quickly as possible.

"I'm afraid it's much too showy for Ponyville but I think it will look simply divine here in Canterlot" the unicorn says.

"It looks lovely" Fluttershy replies.

The elevator descends, Onyx tries to stay calm as the pegasus sees him out of the corner of her eye.
"shitshitshitshitshitshit" his mind shouts. She turns to face him, getting a better look. He desperately stares blankly ahead, trying to pay her no mind. He was still as a statue.

"Aren't you..." she meekly starts. Another bead of sweat rolls down his face, he felt like he was going to vomit. "...the unicorn from the train?"


The two doors open, the trio shoot out of the elevator like a cannonball, knocking over the pony standing in the entryway. The pink-maned pegasus follows them. "Wait!"

"Dammit, what do you want?!" he yells, galloping down the hallway. They had no idea where they were going, but knew they had to get away.

"There! Staircase!" Bruiser shouts, he busts the door down and they start down the spiraling stairs.

"Stop please!" the pegasus cries. She flies down the center of the stairs, covering ground much more quickly. Onyx comes to another door and kicks it open, the trio floods into yet another hallway. A janitor is pushing a cart nearby, the midnight-black stallion grabs it and overturns it in front of the door.

"Hey! What are you-"

They bolt down the hall, the pursuing mare trapped outside.
They calmly exit the elevator and walk into the lobby. They make their way across the gleaming marble floor and exit through the revolving glass door out into the streets of Canterlot.

"So..." Angel says, the first words spoken since their exiting the stairs "this could be a problem. We won't be able to come and go with them hanging around on the same floor."

"No, we're not killing them" Bruiser responds.

She looks over at him, almost insulted. "What makes you-"

"Because that's your usual response to a problem."

"I wasn't going to suggest that. They have personal relations with the princess, anything that happens to them would tip off the authorites" she replies tersely. "What I was going to say, is we could just move them to another hotel."

Onyx nods. "That, would work. How do we do that?"

"Leave that to me" Angel Fire says with a sinister grin on her face, turning down a dark alley.
"And you're sure this'll work?" the black pony asks as Angel enters the room with her pillowcase. She opens it, the half dozen rats fall out and scurry under the furniture. The suitcases and trunks all emblazoned with the trio of diamonds tell them they're in the right place.

"Trust me, I know her type. She sees these, and she'll be out of here before you can blink."

They close the door and go back to their room, which turned out to be right next door. Maybe they wouldn't notice their lock had been picked.

Onyx stands on the balcony, looking out at the castle. The sun was beginning to set behind the mountains, Celestia handing over the sky to her sister. What would happen if they were dead? Would it be like ancient times, where the collective effort of the unicorns moved the sun? Or would it fail to rise entirely? Would the whole world be left in darkness or eternal sunshine?

He hears the door next door open.

"Oh, goodness! What are you all doing here? Are you lost? Oh you poor little things..."

"EEEEEEEKKKKKKK!!!!!!! Fluttershy, put those things down this instant! We're leaving!"

Well, that was one problem solved. Only a hundred more to go.