• Published 31st Jul 2013
  • 1,570 Views, 12 Comments

The Gift of Life - Sigil Flare

Everyone always says that life is a gift. But what if you're life was a trade? What if the only reason your alive is because your friend traded her life for your's? This is the question that Fluttershy now faces, as Rainbow Dash lies still

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“Fluttershy?!” cried Rainbow Dash her voice being cut off from a clash of thunder in the distance. “Fluttershy can you hear me?!” Dark clouds were rolling in from the south, and it made Rainbow way to nervous for any sort of comfort. Her sports jacket was completely soaked through, and her T-shirt was sodden and heavy as a rock. Her jogging shorts were drenched and her rainbow hair clung to her face and neck. The sneakers on her feet dragging her down.

Rainbow knew something wasn’t right when she’d seen Fluttershy this morning, but the timid girl hadn’t said anything until they met for their annual pet play date. Then Fluttershy had told Rainbow that she loved her. At first Rainbow was shocked speechless, not knowing how to respond. She knew she had a strong affection for her childhood friend, but she’d never thought about it before. Rainbow had tried to reply, but Fluttershy had already started to apologize and flew off.

Rainbow had tried to go after her, but Fluttershy had shaken her off when they broke through the cloud layer. Rainbow knew the timid girl was good at hiding, but she’d never realized just how good she really was. Worst of all was the realization Fluttershy been crying. Just the thought of tears dampening the face of her pink haired friend broke her heart. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't get the image out of her head. It was like a dark cloud hanging over her head.

A strong gust of wind caught Rainbow by surprise, making her focus and blowing her further skyward. Tilting her wings she caught the gust and rode it back down, increasing her speed. She needed to find Fluttershy before the storm hit. She’d known the pink haired girl, from the time they were both little kids. She’d never been a strong flyer, and a storm like this would make flying nearly impossible. Rainbow Dash knew if there was any chance to find her friend she’d have to be fast.

Rainbow flew parallel the approaching storm looking for any signs of her timid friends figure in the dim light offered by the setting sun. She thanked Spitfire for letting her borrow the goggles protecting her eyes. Without them the wind buffeting her face would be blinding. She wiped the water droplets off of her goggles once more as she scanned the skies. The storm was getting closer, the wind becoming almost too much to handle. Another bolt of lightning fired a few feet ahead of her, and a scream pierced the night.

“Fluttershy!” Rainbow yelled pushing herself into the storm. The rainbow haired daredevil would recognize that scream anywhere. “Hold on Shy, I’m coming!” She could see a faint streak of pink in the distance. Fluttershy’s dull cream yellow sundress was soaked with water, her wings working furiously to fight off the storms gusts of wind. She’d lost her sandals somewhere in the storm, her bare feet dripping with rain water. Rainbow was closing fast, but the wind was too much, it kept holding her back. She pumped her wings harder and reached out her hand to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy had stopped moving, dazed, looking around as if she’d been woken from a nightmare. She looked back at the sound of Rainbow’s voice. She opened her mouth to speak, but only a cry of pain escaped her lips. Her eyes shut in agony as a bolt of lightning shot through the girl’s body, her form convulsing sporadically. Her scream cut off as her body went limp and fell like a stone, plummeting towards the ground.

Rainbow Dash let out a cry of grief and surged forward. With newfound strength, she folded her wings and took a dive. She fought back her tears and bit her lip hard, drawing blood from the wind burned skin. She had to catch Fluttershy before she hit the ground, she just had too. Lightning didn’t always kill, so there was still a chance she could save her friend. Rainbow wouldn’t let it end like this, not without giving Fluttershy the answer she deserved.

“I won’t let you fall!” Screamed Rainbow Dash with determination, feeling the air grow thin around her. “I won’t let you die!” An explosion went off, and suddenly the rain began to slow. The sky lit up with every color of the rainbow, as Rainbow broke the sound barrier. She caught Fluttershy’s falling form a few hundred feet from the ground. She spread her wings to try and halt her decent, but with her friends sodden form in her arms it wasn’t enough.

With an expression of horror she realized all too late that she couldn’t slow down in time. Adrenaline raced through her body and time itself seemed to stop. Looking at the sodden girl in her arms, Rainbow couldn’t help but smile. Rainbow had to make the hardest decision in her life. Reacting quickly she had just enough time to turn her back to the ground before they touched down. “At least i can save you” whispered Rainbow Dash in Fluttershy’s ear “Shy...” Closing her eyes, Rainbow braced herself for what was to come.

A bone breaking crunch echoed in Rainbow’s ears as they hit the ground, she could feel the sodden ground breaking apart as they skidded along. They bounced, Rainbow clinging to Fluttershy once more putting herself between the unconscious girl and the unforgiving soil. This time it was a dull thud, the pain not as intense as the first hit. They skidded to a stop, the storm up above coming to it’s full strength as the rain fall turned into a torrential down pour. Rainbow shook with shallow breaths, feeling her ribs cracked and broken against her lungs.

She looked through tear soaked eyes at the unconscious form in her arms. Rainbow’s eyes sparked with hope as she saw the faint rise and fall of Fluttershy’s chest. With an immense effort Rainbow tried to move, and found her body unwilling and broken. The pain shooting through her chest and back nearly unbearable. It was with sheer determination she clung to consciousness. She couldn’t let go just yet, Fluttershy still needed her!

Rainbow reached up slowly and ripped the goggles from her eyes. They fell to the ground as, she let the rain wash away her tears. Blinking her eyes, she looked at Fluttershy in her arms. Her soft warm smile, twisted into a painful grimace. Her deep blue eyes closed and unmoving. It was too much for Rainbow Dash to take. “I am not going to just lie here” She said through gritted teeth “and let you die”

Using every ounce of will she had, she forced herself to her feet, yelling in pained growls. She bit her lip as she put one foot in front of the other, working her way back towards town. From time to time she would slip and catch herself in the mud. Pain would tear through her body, like a slow burn. Rainbow didn’t let it stop her though, she fought for Fluttershy’s life now and that’s all that mattered. Seeing the large oak laying not far off, she made her way towards it.

Soon she was standing in front of the Golden Oak Library. Her friend Twilight was inside, she’d be able to help them if anyone could. Tilting her head backwards with the last of her strength Rainbow Dash let out a pain hardened cry “Twilight!” At that final act Rainbow fell to her knees, her energy fading. The pain she felt overwhelmed her as she slid sideways and hit the muddied earth. The last thing she saw before she lost consciousness was Fluttershy’s face next to her’s, the cheeks illuminated in a single streak of light, at the sound of a door creaking open.