• Published 4th Jul 2013
  • 594 Views, 2 Comments

Ephemera Folly - TimemareHush

Gallopfrey... ah... even the word just makes me smile. Remembering the sights and smells of my home. The every-season blooming trees! Oh, what a sigh! I can't wait to tell you of my days as a filly and of the creatures, the places I would freque

  • ...

When I Was A Little Filly

"Up! Hey you! Get up!"

'But I want to sleep some more.' I think to myself groggliy.

I hear hooves stomping their way up the stairs but I stay in bed under my warm covers enjoying the last few seconds of peace. A small pace down a hallway and my door bangs open. My mother standing in the frame.

She isn't my real mother. My mother died when having me. I was too little to remember so I don't know much but I ended up here after being bounced around from one pony to another. Surefore was a nice caring pony but could be a little pushy and stubborn. She was fairly young for a timemare, only being 126.

"You get out of this bed now missy! Today is the day and you're going to be late if you don't get up now!"

At that, I remember and jump up from my bed. Today was the day I get my name! I have been waiting 10 years for this! Of course, I do have a name but not one that can be known. I will get my usable name from Tourbillion, but only if I can make it in time!

I get up and brush my lavender striped purple mane and smooth my purple dotted blue hide. I shake my wings out to straighten my feathers and even polish my horn! Now all I had to do was find my formal dress, the red cape and zef.

I find them and put them on.

I'm ready.

Surefore practically shoves me out the door while screaming in my ear, "Get there now."

I take off at a trot still feeling a little drowsy. Soon, I'm at a full gallop across the ever-changing landscape.

All across Gallopfrey there are groups of trees and bushes that come to life in the moons light of our 3 moons. They don't move very far or in any order, but they do move enough that only the ponies that regularly travel in them will know the way. Me and Surefore added in stone markers so anypony can visit us without going the long way around.

After making it through the trees, I cross the small bridge to get over the iridescent purple stream to the open field of blue grass. I hear an all too familiar voice shouting to me from the edge of town. Pallid was prancing around, excitement on her face. She received her name already but even after 3 days it was strange to say.

"Hey Snow. How are you?" I say a little breathlessly as I come to a halt in front of her. Then I jolt upright. "I mean Pallid..." Embarrassed, I lower my head.

"Doing good Feathers." She says with a small smile. I feel a twinge of sadness as I realize this will be one of the last times for us to use the nicknames we made for each other a few years ago.

I look towards the clock hanging from the lamp post. I had 5 minutes to make it to Tourbillion at Town Hall. I head in that direction with Sno- I mean Pallid to my left flank, trotting along the path.

I reach the doors and turn towards Pallid and give her a hug. We don't say anything. Then I turn and walk through the doors.

Inside the marbled floor and echo-y walls amplify the clickty-clack of my hooves.

Then the sudden thought 'Oh no...there was a timestallion named Clickty-Clack..what if I get some weird name that I don't like?!'

Panic stricken I freeze a few paces from the desk. The pony there asked me a question but I don't hear her. Her face scrunches up and she walks around the desk to nudge me. I come back to my senses.

"Huh, oh, what did you say again?"

She laughs, "Oh, you wouldn't be the first to have that look on your face, maybe we should add in a carpet. Please follow me."

I move in step behind her where she leads me to two large spruce doors with ornate spiral carvings.

I always loved these doors. That how I got my nickname actually.

There is a story that says there is a godmare that was lock away in the wood to save Gallopfrey over a million years ago and her name was Feather. She's suppose to guard Tourbillion along with a Keeper.

The pony from the desk opens the door for me and gestures inside. I pass her staring in to the dim lighted darkness. The doors close behind me with a loud echoing thud.

I take a few more steps forward towards what looks like a table. Then a whoosh of air comes from no where and torches alight leaving the room an orange tinge. In front of me a table full of papers with a pillow for me to sit on seems to stare at me. I walk over and sit hesitantly. Almost immediately I hear a rustle and some mumbling down what seems to be a hallway connecting this room. It's then that I realize...'This room is bigger than what the outside of town hall looks like.'

More mumbling comes from the hall and soon an old timestallion appears. A monocle hanging from his vest make a clinking noise while his hooves clop along to the other side of the table.

"Hello young one!" he says in a bright tone that throws me for a loop. "My name is Addlepate the Keeper and who might you be?"

He looks at me smiling and awaiting my response.

I'm so nervous my voice squeaks as I say "I-I don't have o-one sir..."

He looks a little confused and looks at a chart of papers on the table.

"Oh, to right you are. You are receiving a name. I wonder why I thought you already had one. You look so mature for a young thing." he finishes with a smile.

"Okay, young one. Tourbillion will be with you in a second." he gestures at the arch behind him. "After I leave, you may walk through it at anytime, though I suggest sooner so we don't keep ponies waiting." He winks at me when he says this, as if he knows that I'm so nervous that I'd need the encouragement. The gets up with one last smile for me then seemingly prances from the room.

'Well, here goes nothing.'

I get up from my comfy pillow and walk to the arch. I look at it and see nothing special about it. I walk around it and look through it.

"What's so special about this?" I say as I take a step through the middle of it.

All of a sudden I'm pulled in and flying through the air. My wings instinctively come out but as I try to flap them nothing seems to happen. I feel no air as I move them to and fro. Not only that, I'm not in the big room anymore. It looks like I'm floating in space with thousands of stars, galaxies, and nebulae!

"Pony!" A big rumbling voice says that shakes me to my core.

'What is this place?' I think incredulously.

"Pony, all questions will be answered eventually. First, you must receive the gift of the godmare. You are the chosen one now that the planet is in a time of peace."

A blinding flash of light blinds me and I'm feel this pressure against my whole body.

Then it's over.

"What was that!?" I exclaim.

"The gift of the godmare, all will be explained in time. Now you will receive your name. As you receive your name, you will receive your mark and join your timestallion and timemare congregation as a renewed member."

A second went by and then a sharp pain, as if a hot fire seem to pierce my skin, was on my flanks. It shined so bright that I couldn't even tell what my mark was. The pain was so intense, or I was just to surprised, that I could feel myself falling into darkness.

The voice spoke in a rushed tone like he knew what was happening. "Everything will be explained. When you awake you will be known to the universe as... Hush."

My first and last thought to that was 'That isn't so bad.'

Then I pass out.

Author's Note:

I may make small changes as the story progresses or just random spicing up as I get better at making stories...
This is pretty much my first ever story.

Note: The pictures that I share with stories are only partly how I see this world..so there will be inconsistencies.
So, if a moon is missing or there aren't enough suns, I'm sorry.
I'm not good at Photoshop or making my own pics so I'm making due with others creations.
All credit for pictures go to the artists.