• Published 3rd Jul 2013
  • 1,405 Views, 6 Comments

Sonic Rageboom - redhotfillypepper

Rainbow Dash ends up in anger management where she befriends a unicorn.

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Chapter 2

It is a calm day in Ponyville. The ponies go about their usual activities whether it be grocery shopping or chatting at cafè. However, the ponies seem to be in a calmer mood than usual. Even Pinkie Pie was acting unusually calm. Normally, she would be bouncing and hopping around Ponyville, but she is trotting normally like everypony else. It was probably the overcast that the pegasai brought into town the day before. The bright gray light created sort of a somber mood over Ponyville. The only sunlight that is there came through the Derpy-shaped hole that remained. Everypony was calm until a familiar face rolled into town.

An annoyed Rainbow Dash comes flying begrudgingly into town. Where ever she flies, she brings a tense vibe that radiates from her. Everypony avoids her out of fear of confrontation. One wrong move, and it's a world of hurt. Despite the tense vibe she gives off, Pinkie Pie approaches Rainbow Dash in her perky nature.

"Hi, Dashie," said Pinkie. "What's the matter?"

"Other than having to attend a stupid anger management class instead of enjoying my time off, which would've been ruined anyway because of the stupid overcast, everything is hunky bucking dory," replied Rainbow Dash.


"Well what?"

"Don't you think that maybe all of this could have been avoided if you kinda let things go and moved on?"

"Pinkie, if you want to live to eat your next cupcake, you'd shut up."

"Okay," quietly said Pinkie as she slowly trots away from Rainbow.

Relieved that she is done talking with Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash continues to make her way to her anger management class.

"Hey, Dashie," yelled Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie's annoying girly voice rips through Rainbow Dash. Her inner anger explodes like a supernova and then she jerks her neck around and gives Pinkie Pie a deadly stare. In a flash, she quickly zooms over to Pinkie Pie and pins her down.

"WHAT?" yelled Rainbow Dash.

"Just wanted to invite you to a picnic on Wednesday," said Pinkie Pie.


The anger management class is at the Ponyville School. The classroom is filled with other ponies who have to take the class. There is a tense feeling that floats around the room. Each one of these ponies could be a potential powder keg waiting to go off. As with many anger management classes, all the chairs are in a circle. There are complimentary snacks by the entrance and motivational posters hung up around the class room.

Cheerilee is the teacher of the class. She is at her desk looking at her clipboard and at the class to see if everypony is there.

"What's taking so long, teach?" said one of the ponies. "Class should've started 10 minutes ago."

"We are waiting for one more pony to enter the classroom," said Cheerilee.

Cheerilee continues to look at the clipboard and walks around the classroom. She is so distracted by it, she accidentally bumps her head into another pony's head. After she quickly recovers, she looks up and discovers that she bumped into Rainbow Dash. Dash's teeth begins to clench hard, her angry eyes quickly zero in on Cheerilee. Without warning, Dash quickly grabs Cheerilee's clipboard and chucks it at Cheerilee. With quick enough reflexes, Cheerilee is able to dodge the flying clipboard, which flies pass her. She quickly looks back at Rainbow Dash, whose face is tightened up with anger.

"Please, take a seat," said Cheerilee calmly. She looks at Rainbow Dash nervously. Despite the anger that she is in, Rainbow Dash calms down enough to listen to Cheerilee and takes a seat. She sits down at the only available seat in the class. While Cheerilee gets her things organized, a unicorn pony next to Rainbow Dash begins to talk to her.

"First time here?" he said.

"Yeah, and hopefully my last," she replied.

"I see. Listen, these anger management classes are pretty relaxed and easy. You just need to lie and cheat your way through the course, and everything will be fine. Trust me; this is my fifth time."

Rainbow Dash eyes widen slightly at how this was that unicorn's fifth time in anger management. Shouldn't he be in prison? Rainbow Dash continues to observe the unicorn stallion in a mixture of confusion and intrigue. He has orange fur, brown eyes, and a white loose curly short mane. He is wearing a chef's jacket. Rainbow Dash then looks down at his flank and discovers his cutie mark is a frying pan. She discovers that he must be a chef.

"Good Morning, class," said Cheerilee. Rainbow Dash snaps out of her distraction and turns her attention to Cheerilee. "Welcome to anger management. I'm Cheerilee and I'll be your teacher. Now then, let's go around the room and introduce ourselves and tell us why you're here. There's no need to worry; this is a judgement free environment. Let's start with you," she points to a pony wearing a business suit. He gets up and introduces himself.

"Hi, I'm Truthiness," he said.

"Hi, Truthiness," the class replied.

"I'm a commentator for the MSN-PONY news network. I'm here because my argument with the mayor of San Flankcisco got violent by throwing my chair at him and calling him a 'plot licker' on live TV. My boss then said I have to take an anger management class and if I don't take it he will fire me, which means that I have to get a job teaching journalism at a second-rate university like all other failed journalists."

"Uhm... Thank you," said Cheerilee. "How about you." She points to the unicorn sitting next to Rainbow Dash. He then gets up.

"Follow my lead," he quickly whispered to Rainbow Dash. "Hi, I'm Flash Fry."

"Hi, Flash Fry," replied the class.

"I'm a gourmet chef from Canterlot. The reason why I'm here is because I used my magic for bad things."

"What kind of bad things?" asked Cheerilee.

"Things I don't feel comfortable talking about, Ms. This-is-a-judge-free-enviroment."

"Ok, ok, I did say that."

As Flash Fry goes back to his seat to sit down, he then turns to Rainbow Dash and gave an eyebrow raise as if to say that's how it's done. Now you give it a try.. Feeling slightly nervous Rainbow Dash gets up from her seat. She scans the entire classroom while she thinks up what to say.

"I'm Rainbow Dash," she said.

"Hi, Rainbow Dash," replied the class.

"I'm in here because I too did things I'm too embarrassed to speak of,"

"Oh... um... well I did say it was judgement free... it's fine. As long as we learn from our mistakes, that's all that matters," said Cheerilee.

Rainbow Dash looks over to Flash Fry. He turns to her and grins slightly as if to say Way to go, kid. Keep it up and you'll be out of here in no time. She smiles with confidence in return. She begins to think if she keeps up taking the class very haphazardly, she will be back to her high flying ways in no time. And she has her new coach to thank, Flash Fry.

Comments ( 1 )

I'll be outta there in no time. You deserve.a watch.

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