• Published 28th Jun 2013
  • 980 Views, 8 Comments

Fire Emblem: Cross Contact - MahagonyCloud

This is the story of how a pony gets sent to a land of humans, which is threatened by constant warfare

  • ...

Prologue: The Verge of History (Incomplete)

First Arc Theme

Prologue: The Verge of History

"Chrom, we have to do SOMETHING"

"What do you propose we do?"

"I... I dunno!"

"I see you're awake now."

Huh? Who's this? Where am I? Where are my friends? Where's Twilight? Rainbow Dash? Pinkie Pie?

"Hey there!"


"There are better places to take a nap than on the ground, you know. Give me your hand."

Hand? I-I think he means this thing. Well... I guess it couldn't hurt.

He pulls me up. I end up with a nice, close look at his face. What is he? Human? Twilight said those don't exist.

"You all right?"

"Y-Yes... Thank you, Chrom."

"Ah, then you know who I am?"

"N-No... Actually, it's strange. Your name. I-It just came to me."

"Hmm... How curious. Tell me, what's your name? What brings you here?"

"M-My name is... I-It's... Hmm?"

"You don't know your own name?"

"I'm not sure if... I-I'm sorry, but where am I?"

"Hey! I've heard of this! It's called amnesia!"

Amnesia? I-I think I've heard of it... I-I don't remember much... I remember my friends and... Pieces.

"It's called a load of pegasus dung."

First time HE spoke. He sounds rather mean...

"We're to believe you remember milord's name, yet not your own?"

Well he's harsh.

"B-But it's the truth!"

I don't even believe myself... How could it be the truth?

"What if it IS true, Frederick? We can't just leave her here, alone and confused."

Thank you, Chrom.

"What sort of Shepherds would we be then?"

"Just the same, milord, I must emphasize caution. 'Twould not do to let a wolf into our flock."

"Right then -- we'll take her back to town and sort this out there."

"W-Wait! Do I have a say in this?"

"Peace, friend -- I promise we'll hear all you have to say back in town. Now come."

Alright then... I guess it couldn't hurt.

"W-What will you do with me? A-Am I to be a prisoner?"

"Heh! You'll be free to go once we establish you're no enemy of Ylisse."

"Ylisse? Is that where we are?"

"You've never heard of the halidom?"

You don't say, Frederick.

"Hah, someone pay this actress! She plays quite the fool! The furrowed brow is especially convincing..."

Oh screw you too, Frederick.

"Frederick, please."

Thank you, Chrom!

"This land is known as the Halidom of Ylisse. Our ruler, Emmeryn, is called the exalt."

Exalt? Hmm...

"I suppose proper introductions are in order. My name is Chrom -- but then, you already knew that."


"The delicate one here is my little sister, Lissa."

"I am NOT delicate!"


"Ignore my brother, please. He can be a bit thick sometimes."

You don't say?

"But you're lucky the Shepherds found you. Brigands would have been a rude awakening!"

"Shepherds? You tend sheep? ... In full armor?"

"Heh, it's a dangerous job. Just ask Frederick the Wary here."

"A title I shall wear with pride. Gods forbid one of us keeps an appropriate level of caution. I have every wish to trust you, stranger, but my station mandates otherwise."

"I understand, sir. I would do no less myself."

Actually, I probably would, since I'm not much for fights...

"My name is Fluttershy."

About time I could remember...

"... I just remembered that. how odd. I suppose that's one mystery solved."

"Fluttershy? Is that foreign?"

Isn't your name?

"... Ah, well. We can discuss it later. We're almost to town. Once we-"

"Chrom, look! The town!"

Lissa? Wha- By the gods! It's on fire!

"Damn it! The town is ablaze!"

Exactly what I was thinking

"Those blasted brigands, no doubt... Frederick, Lissa! Quickly!"

"What about her?"

Yeah, what about me?

"Unless she's on fire as well, it can wait!"

Gee, thanks Chrom.

"Aptly put, milord."

"Let's go already!"

"But what about- Hmm..."

They just leave me behind like that. I'm going after them!

"Gwa ha ha! Get to it, lads! Grab anything shiny and put the rest to the torch! We gots an example to set for these Ylissean types! Ain't that right, lass?"

"St-Stay away from me! Please! Someone! Help!"

"Chrom, we have to stop them!"

"Don't worry -- after today, these bandits won't be bothering anyone ever again..."


"Fluttershy! You followed us! Why?"

"I-I'm not sure myself... But I'm armed and willing to help these people, if you'll have me."

"Of course -- strength in numbers. Just stay close!"

"Remember, Fluttershy, we face practiced thieves and murderers. They will grant us no quarter. It's kill or be killed."

"So, Fluttershy I see you wear a sword. Is it- Wait, is that a tome? ...You know magic?"

"I-I... think so. I suppose I should check."

"You think so? Perhaps I'll just keep a few paces behind you for the time being."

"No, I can control it. I'm sure. Now, how did this work again? Okay, I'm ready."

There's someone behind this stall. Alright, he has... 19 hitpoints? I guess that means he can withstand 19 hits-worth of damage. How much do I have... 19. He's got a sword, so he can't strike back at my attack because it's ranged. He took 8 points of damage...

Chrom's turn. That's an interesting sword he has there... Chrom has 20 hitpoints, but this guy can strike back with a guaranteed hit. And he's down.

Woah! Frederick's got a silver lance and 28 hitpoints. And if this hits, even with a weapon disadvantage, he's gonna kill!

Comments ( 8 )

So Fluttershy is the Avatar? [Interesting I'll give it a read] :rainbowderp: [But are you gonna have that Chrom finds out Fluttershy isn;'t even human?


Of course! But after the first arc.

Ugh I just thought this, Fluttershy's son Morgan. :rainbowderp: That's gonna be weird.

Anyways, you've got my attention so far. Let's hope you're good at combat description cause this could go many ways from here. I would just like to suggest a little bit of exposition during the battle that isn't scripted as part of the game word for word per say. Like, Fluttershy's first battle could be a team up with Chrom and we get out of script a little bit. It's no fun to be able to guess every phrase that comes out of their mouths but I understand there are some things that are unavoidable to keep with the story.
That being said, I look forward to the next part. :pinkiehappy:

Fluttershy as a Tactician? This will be interesting...

Is this still going to update this is really good

2891563 It's a bit late, but since Fluttershy takes Robin's place, Morgan's bound to either inherit his mother's amazing singing voice, shyness, strong animal affinity, dracophobia or the Stare.

A bit late? Just by 5 years :moustache:

Considering that's about how long the author has been offline I don't see this story being picked up. But for conversations sake, I'd think adopting the love for animals with an aversion to dragons could make an interesting dynamic among the army, directly considering Panne and Yarne vs Nowi, Tiki, and Nah. Might even give the young tactician a reason to carry a wyrmblade into battle, despite rarely running into wyvern riders until they get deeper into Valm. Maybe Cherche could get some spotlight as a bridge between her fears and a desire to trust and be trusted by her more dragon peers.

9216587 I can see Cherche helping Fluttershy with her dragon troubles and I can actually see Cynthia freaking out and fainting over Flutters' true form. On a side note, since Fluttershy's essentially Robin, everyone's gonna die from Morgan's cuteness. Everyone. Not even Gerome OR Lucina.

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