• Published 21st Jun 2013
  • 679 Views, 4 Comments

False Starts - wille179

A collection of one-shots and first chapters by various authors.

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My Little Pony: Pot is Magic by Prince Solstice

My Little Pony: Pot is Magic
by Prince Solstice

Preface by wille179: This is the third of Prince Solstice's unfinished stories that he sent me. It is unmodified from its original version.

Description: Weed just became an illegal substance in Equestria. The recent generation of the legendary Cannabis family have been raised by their grandmother. Headband, Big Bud, and Plum learn the trade of growing pot and how it has kept their family alive. Now they have to think of tricks to keep the business rolling due to the newly formed Equestrian Drug Service. The family will have to think of new ways to outsmart the E.D.S.

Tags: Random

Characters: OC

Rating: Teen

“I’m sorry mam, but the rules are the rules are. You cannot continue to grow this plant.” A brown colt in a trench coat and fedora had stopped by a small farm house oddly built at the bottom of the hill. Out front were about thirty to forty marijuana plants. Each one a different strand, and in the middle of them there was a dark red colt that wore his brown hair rather long. He had stopped working to eye down this intruder.

“But- I don’t understand. What are we going to do in order to survive?” a light green mare had a look of concern.

“Well, I’m sure you’ll figure something out. There are plenty of other ways to make-“ He was cut short by an older dark green pony. She had a raspy voice and spoke up behind the light green mare.

“Now you listen here! We have been growing this wonderful plant for so long, we all have a cutie mark that is related to it. It took generations upon generations to get this farm this big, and it continues to grow under this new one!” The old mare stamped her cane down. “Hell! What else are ya’ll going to take away?!” The lighter green mare stepped in front of the older mare.

She gave the colt a look of disgust “You best leave now I think. We have a lot to think about and to discuss. Plus I don’t think Big Bud likes your presence very much.” Big Bud the red colt from the field had come up behind the hatted colt.

“Nope” Big Bud spoke in a pretty deep voice. He sounded a little irritated as he walked past the colt. “and frankly, this blows.” His long hair hid his facial expressions. However tucked behind his ear was a joint. The light green mare gestured for the agent to leave while they all gave him a disapproving look.

The Solar Empire had passed a recent decree that all uses of the cannabis plant are punishable by law. If caught with the plant, then the violator could serve up to twelve years in the dungeons of the Canterlot Castle itself. None of the family knew why, other than the face some ‘research’ had been done to show that the plant could be linked to adverse effects.

“I just don’t understand.” The old green mare stepped out onto the porch. “What are we going to do Headband?” She gestured for Headband to come over to the other chair. “They’ve done this once before, a long time ago.”

“Granny Haze, I’m sorry to

Author's Note:

Prince Solstice: Not sure, had a cool idea, just couldn't find anyway to continue it.

wille179: The writing that Prince Solstice sent me just abruptly ends. I do apologize.