• Published 23rd Jun 2013
  • 449 Views, 0 Comments

Forgotten Tests of The Foundation - The Adventures of Theo Mccoy - DerpinDirty

The Foundation has kept many secrets and covered up many tests. This is one of those tests. Little did O-5 command know this test would be difficult to hide.

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Forgotten Tests of The Foundation - Theo Mccoy and Sentient Animals

Well there I was, with two sentient beings that had passed out. What did I do? If you said, "Pick up the nearest sharpie, give the scale-y lizard thing a fu manchu mustache and give the pony a monocle and write the word 'Nerd' in all caps." Then my good sir you are a cheater or a psychic.

Anyways, I took great pleasure in doing that. I can only imagine how funny its going to be when they wake up. Walking into the kitchen and opening their fridge ( I mean come on, a man has to eat.), I noticed that there were no meat products. "Damn, of course sentient horses and lizards are herbivores."

All was not lost, however. There was a lone jar of unopened peanut butter in the back corner. "Score!" I said in a whispered shout. I made three sandwiches and walked into the main room. It had been about 5 minutes since I walked in so I tidied up. There was still a ton of books everywhere but I cleaned off the couches and set the two up on them.

I was about to walk in when I heard a sudden burst of laughter from both a female and a high pitched male voice. Well, time to make my entrance. I burst through the half opened door holding the tray while shouting "Here's Theo!!!". In hindsight, not my best move. or entrance for that matter.

They both snapped out of their laughter fit to see me standing there. They weren't as terrified as last time though. so naturally I said "Yo whats up pony-thing and... uh spike right?" rather loudly. "h-hi" said the pony, with a mix of fear and curiosity on her face. I mean I am another sentient being that may or may not exist here. "Uh... yeah.. my names spike." said cautiously. Damn, am I really that scary?

"Ya know that's no way to stare at the bad ass dude who saved your life." I said, making a rather poor attempt at a hero pose.
"You saved us?" she questioned.
"Well no duh, who do you think I am, some sentient asshole who has a disregard for other life?"
"Uh... yes..."
Queue facepalming in three, two, one
"ehm, why did you just hit yourself?" the pony thing said.
"don't ask." All the while Spike was just watching this unfold in curiousity.
"so you know my name, so whats yours?" I asked in a more polite tone of voice
"Twilight Sparkle. Its nice to know you're friendly." She said
"So I took the liberty of going through your fridge..." She glared at me and was probably about to tell me off when I continued," and made us all peanut butter sandwiches!" She looked still pissed, but lightened up when she heard that it was a generous gesture.
"Next time, ask before you pilfer our fridge."

Twilight did some weird levitating thing with her sandwich instead of grabbing it and began eating. Spike grabbed his and ate too. I had already eaten mine by the time they started. I was hungry dammit. After that Twilight began to speak
"So since we know you're friendly and quite nice, would you mind answering some questions?" she asked as spike cleaned up the mess made by the shock wave.
"Sure why not?"
**************************************************************10 hours later, Twilight's Library******************************************************

She literally bombarded me with questions. There were questions on anatomy, culture, the whole nine yards. When it was over I was surprised to survive. " Thanks for answering my questions Theo!" she said, happily taking the 178 pages of notes she took on humans upstairs with her. I replied with a "Urg..." Well that was fun. now what to do, more importantly I just realized something.

I don't have a place to stay or proper currency for this world. "Dangit." I said as I walked to the door. Just then the door swung open and hit me in the face. At least five voices shouted "Twilight are you okay!?!" As the door closed I saw an orage pony with a stetson, a white pony that looks like the prim and proper type, some cyan Pegasus ( as twilight referred to them) that looked to be an athlete, a rather nervous butter yellow Pegasus, and a bright pink ... earth pony was it?

Lets go with that. So getting my best beastie boys voice I shouted "Yo baby whats up?". They all turned and fainted at the sight of me. As it happened, Twilight walked in and saw what had happened. She gave me a death stare.

I thought to myself, 'I am so going to get my ass kicked.'

***************************************************************1 hour later, Twilight's Library********************************************************

After getting a chair broken over my head and apologizing to the other pony's, I was Immediately tackled by the rainbow maned one. After that we all sat down, I summarized what I told Twilight about me. They all told me their names and after some chatting left, content in knowing that Twilight was safe, sound, and more importantly not endangered by me. As they left the white one, Rarity said "Darling in the morning you simply must swing by the boutique and get some new attire. Those 'science uniforms are absolutely dreadful!"

Two... wait no three things are running through my mind right now. One, Why is everyone taking my sudden appearance so well? Are they scared of me? Two, I still need a place to stay dammut. And Three, what the fuck's wrong with what I'm wearing?

Thinking I can deal with one and three later I asked,"Hey Twilight, I need a place to stay and..." Getting an incredibly sad look I continued,"... do you think you could let me stay for a couple days? please?" She tried to resist, but I mean come on. She wouldn't dare throw a sad and intelligent creature that could help her in the pursuit of knowledge out on the curb, would she?

"Guest bedroom is upstairs, third door on the right." Twilight said in defeat.
"Thanks! You won't regret it!" I said as I ran past her and up to the guest bedroom. As I ran into the room and collapsed on the bed, I thought to myself 'this is going so great''
***************************************************************Back on earth...*************************************************************************

It was eerily silent and all there was to see for miles was rubble, craters, and bodies. The newly freed S.C.P.'s and their brethren had been searching hours for the director, so they could force him to reopen the gate. They knew he had survived. They could feel it. After all, the director and O-5 created them. they were connected. They would find the director, and make him pay for keeping them in containment for so long. Soon it would all be over... soon they would have a planet they could take as their own... soon there would be nothing standing in their way.

It was just a matter of time. And there was no one who could stop them.

Author's Note:

I got bored and made the second chapter here in about an hour or two. I was going to spend longer on it but... meh. Enjoy and as always feedback, comments, and help with the tags is welcome. Also sh!ts getting serious up in here!