• Published 23rd Mar 2012
  • 789 Views, 4 Comments

My heart belongs to you - Windchester

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Ok so this is how its going to start, Back before Luna was banned to the moon with the nightmare. Equestia was in chaos. There were many wars with ever pony, Earth, Pegasus, Unicorn, Dragons, Grifons, ETC. They all wanted the same thing, Power. So Celestia created a program called the 'Equestia knights' Many male ponies were taken from thier homes by celestia to be tested to see if they qualify. To be a knight. Many failed, Some even died. Celestia was about to give up until she meet a small brown pegasus named 'Romeo Love' a pony born with his cutie mark. His cutie marks were three red hearts. Celestia found out about Romeo's parents, How they were brutal murdered by Dragons. She found out that his sister was traumatized for life, But Romeo stayed sane. She used his angry to passed the test that were set before him, Bleeding to death, Fighting to stay alive, Falling from a far distance above the ground, Being bucked in the face, Being stabbed with a sword, And go through hell in back. He passed each test with a higher achive than the rest. Soon others like Romeo roze. From the ashes, Dark Magic- A unicorn with unbelievable power, Sonic Boom- The fastest pegasus alive, Orange juice- Good at farmming But deadly with sword, Diamond- A unicorn with a thirst for blood, Animal Heart- Medical Pegasus, Red Baker- Very insane.
Celestia saw that these ponies were the best, She trained them with the help of Zebras, Manticorns, Pegasus, Unicorns, Dragons, And much more. They went throught years of tourture together but they always looked after each other. Celestia looked upon these stallions, She didn't see strangers, She didn't see friends, She saw brothers, A love between them could never break them apart. For the next Forty five years celestia trained them to use the six elements of harmony, But the seventh element, Romeo's element was lost. Celestia saw how powerful they were and put a spell on them wich makes them age very slowly, Romeo and his friends fought in many wars with each other, Each have a scar from each battle. Every day there love between them grew stronger and stronger, The were on the top of the world putting Equestia back in order, Bring peace and harmony through out Equestia. They thought they were gods, Nothing could hurt them, Nothing could kill them. But.
Disaster struck, The grifons wanted more power so they started another war with Equestia, And again the Equestian knights went out to fight there battles. Seven days into the battle many blood was spread, The grifons were no match against the knights. But on there final push they killed Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom sacarficed his life to save his friends, Since they were surronded and Dark Magic can only teleport six ponies at a time. He died right infront of Romeo's eyes. Romeo has lost so much in his long life time, His entire family, Mom, Dad, His sister. Now his friend, His closes friend Sonic Boom. Romeo lost it, He went insane for two years but his friends brought him back to sanity. After four hundred years of fighting every thing was complete, No more war no more pain no more blood. Well until one day Red Baker was making a pasteries in his house in a small town called 'Pony ville' His steel stove expanded to the point of explosion, Due to years of cooking. On Red's death bed he whispered into romeo's ear his last words "Send me.......Flowers" After Red bakers death his friends all started to die, Dark Magic Celestia apprentice died after Celestia made him put all his magic into a ball of energy, He died of lack of magic, Diamond died when a cave collasped on him while he was trying to find a special crystal, So he can finish a dress for Celestia. Orange Juice died in a barn fire, His whole intired orchard was burned to the ground. Animal Heart died in the ever free forest, He was attack by a mantior, When all he was trying to say if from bleeding to death becuase celestia told him to got save it.
Once one of the holders of the elements died, It was passed on, And on, And on. Soon Romeo was left. He was the holder of all elements expect the seventh element, Romeo couldn't do it he just lost so much in his life. He felt that is was cause of him all his friends were dead but then. The nightmare told him the Celestia killed all his friends. Romeo swore to himself that he will avenge his friends and kill celestia. But Celestia never told him about his sercet power, His true form 'Eclipse' A god with a pony, Once realse he would kill all. Romeo's mother stopped him from killing his father, And took him to a zebra so she could make a potion that will keep the beast locked away. But right now all he wanted was to turn into Eclipse and kill her, Even though him and Celestia were deeply in love with each other, They were even secretly married. He wanted her blood. When he attack her in his normal form Celestia couldn't believe this, She only had two chooses, Kill him, Or erase his memeory. She loved him so much so she erased his memeory of all the times he and her had together. Now for the rest of Romeo's miserable life, Drinking, Fighting, Loving, And try to find out how that special mare he can't rember. And now this is were the story begins, We now find our hero in a forest with a arrow sticking half way out of his chest...........

Well fillies and gentle colts thats the Epilogue, I know its kind of short but the real story will be longer, And better, And more gory, This just basicly sums up the whole thing for you about everthing that happen in Romeo Love past. My inspirations for making this story come from, Whiplash, Until you met her, Living the dream, Cupcakes, Rainbow factory, And much more. Please leave a comment on things that I should add, Or give me some tips on my writing so I can fix my stories.