• Published 19th Jun 2013
  • 1,668 Views, 54 Comments

The Numbers - FellFour

Why me? Out of all the ponies that are in Equestria, why the hell did it have to be me? What did I do to deserve all of this?

  • ...

#4 - John's Diary

John's Diary

Okay, I was wrong. Apparently, he's had this way longer than I thought. The only time I saw this was when he was moving in with me and my dad. I asked him what it was and he immediately grabbed it out of my hands and he said:
"Don't...read...ANYTHING...out of this!"

It's strange, I never remember him saying that until now.

Anyway, I'll be typing in a lot of these entries. I will be making side-notes in most of the entries.

Dear Diary,

This is my first time writing in the journal. My doctor told me to write in this, you know to express my thoughts or feelings. I may be young, but I'm smarter than what everyone else thinks, including my parents. They don't know what goes through my head everyday. Every time I try to go to sleep, I feel as though my mom will come bursting out the door at any moment. It scares me. I don't want to be here, diary. I don't have any friends that I could talk to. I'm pretty much a loner in my school. Oh well, it's only the first day. I'm sure that I'll at least make a friend at some point. I want a friend tomorrow. Can you do that for me Mr. Diary? Please?

Dear Diary:

I knew I could count on you! I made a friend today! His name is Chris. I saw getting picked on by the other kids and I had to stand up for him, since he didn't seem to be doing anything. We talked the whole recess and it was great! When we were going home, this is what he told me:

"Hey. Just letting you know, if you need any advice on how to talk to girls, come talk to me."

I did have questions, but I was afraid of asking for some odd reason. Oh well, I'll ask him about it tomorrow. Well, I'm getting tired. I think I'm gonna go to bed. It's nice and quiet tonight. I'm not gonna get used to it though. Anyway, good night!

That's strange. John told me that his parents were fighting that night. Why would he lie to me about that?

Dear Diary:

It was another good day at school, I guess. I got pushed a few times, but it didn't really bother me that much. I just wanted to get home so I could take a nap. I actually just woke up from an hour nap, actually. Today is Friday and we don't have school on Monday, so my parents don't really care if I took a nap. They said I could take a nap for as long as I want because, for once, they were worried about me not being able to sleep. They told me that they weren't going to fight anymore, but I know that's a lie. My parents always fight and they literally don't give a crap about me.
Anyway, I woke up from a strange dream I had. It wasn't exactly a nightmare, but I know it wasn't a good dream either. So, in the dream, I was walking through the woods and I see this dark figure in the distance. It was just...standing there. I don't remember what it actually looked like, but I remember it being very tall. I get closer to it and that's when I started to wake up. However, before I did, it told me this:

"The Black Book...bring it to us."
I don't know what he meant by that, but I don't really care at this moment. I told my parents about it and they started flipping out for no reason. That's when they started arguing again. They told told me to go to my room for a while. Not because I was in trouble, but because they needed to talk. I think there might be something going on here. I don't know what it is, but I'm going to find out eventually.

Wait. It just got quiet. I'll be right back, Mr. Diary.

Nothing else is written on that date.

The next one is written three days later. Don't ask me why. I don't know the answer to that question.

Dear Diary,

Sorry I haven't been writing lately. I was having some...problems. My parents mysteriously vanished. I was alone in the house and they usually would be downstairs arguing or they would be upstairs doing...I'm not saying it. Anyways, after a while, I started to get scared of being alone in the house, so I called the police and they spent the rest of the weekend searching for them. On the third day, they finally found them. It was a relief. Even though they didn't really care for me, I cared about them. They're still my parents . When asked where they were this whole time, they said...they don't remember. The cops started to accuse them of being alcoholics. My dad denied being an alcoholic. The cops then asked me and, here's what I said:

"...Well, I don't see any beer or whatever in the fridge and, most of the time, I don't smell alcohol in their breath. So, no, they don't drink. They smoke, but that's about it."

When I said they smoked, my mom gave me a glare, like I was in trouble. I didn't know why. When the police took us home and when we got inside, I felt the hardest slap to the face EVER from my mom. I asked why she did that and what she said angered me to no end:

"For being the little fucking shit that are you! You are such an idiot! Why did you have to tell the police where we were and shit. GOD, I could be a fucking lawyer or something, but YOU had to get in the way. So, you know what John? You are GROUNDED for 3 WEEKS! Now get up in your room for school tomorrow. Don't even bother asking me to make you breakfast, because I ain't doing SHIT for you anymore! Now, get the fuck out of our face!"

I sprinted to my room and cried my eyes out. That wasn't my mother. I know it wasn't. I mean, she didn't care for me all that much, but she wouldn't say that to me. Would she? After a few minutes of crying, my dad came into the room and...said this:

"Look, I know I'm not the person that you want to be talking to, but you need to dry up those tears son. I know what she said was down-right hurtful and cruel, but you can't be doing this. Why am I telling you this? Well, it's because you need to hear it. Now, stop your crying and get some sleep. You have school in the morning. I'll make you something to eat in the morning. Don't worry."

Even though my dad was a straight up jerk all the time, what he said actually calmed me down. He was right, I can't let her get to me like this. So, starting tomorrow, I won't talk to her ever again. Even if she starts screaming at me, I won't pay any attention to her. I'm getting really tired. I'm going to bed.

Oh yeah, I saw some strange symbols coming from my mom's closet, but I'll talk about that some other time. They don't really bother me that much. Anyway, I'm getting tired.

Good night, Mr. Diary.

...Wow. John never told me about this. Why did his parents disappear all of a sudden? Also, why did his mom go off on him like that? I even met his mom and she was never like that at all. I mean, they would still argue, even if I'm over there, but that's not the point. I know her well enough that she would never say something like that to John. John is right, that's not his mom at all. It may have been her on the outside, but not on the inside. Now that I think about it, before John moved in, his dad wasn't around anymore and it was only his mom that took care of him. When John went to the bathroom and I was alone with his mom, she started to become this...completely different woman. Like, she told that she had a LOT of feelings over me and she offered to...relieve my stress. I told her no thanks, but maybe some other time. As soon as John came back from the bathroom, she turned back to the woman she was before John went to the bathroom. It was weird.
I don't really know if she was always like this, but I knew at the time that was some...new behavior.

Getting off topic. Moving on.

Now, the date on this one surprised me. I guess after he wrote 8/16/07, he forgot all about it. This entry wasn't written until three years later; 2010,

Dear Diary,

Good god, has it really been three years already? Wow, am I really 17 already? Jesus Christ, it's good to see you again. There isn't that much to talk about, really. Everything has been going pretty good...for me at least. My mom, however, isn't really doing to well. I mean, when isn't she? Anyway, the only major thing I could talk about are the headaches I've been receiving. Most of the time, they aren't so bad. The really bad ones seem to happen rarely. I have no idea why. I should probably talk the dre-

It just...ended there. The rest is just a bunch of scribbles. Symbols everywhere. It's fucking creepy.

I don't know if I should post the rest, but I think I should. I mean, there isn't any use of hiding it from you guys.

He doesn't talk about certain things, like what happened at school and what else is going on in his house. He only seems to be talking about one particular thing. I don't know what though. He still puts up the dates, which is a really good thing for me because I'll be able to know when he wrote it.


The dreams. They're getting much worse each night. They keep talking about "The Black Book" and that they want me to bring it to them. Why would I do that? Well, I'll find this "black book", but I won't give it to them. Oh god, the headache is back.

He doesn't touch the journal until...2012. The last few entries still bewilder me to no end. They take place around the time when we both arrive in Equestria. It absolutely shocks me that he was able to hide his journal so well from me.


The ponies here are really nice and it's beautiful here. I love it here in Equestria. However, I still get the feeling that I'm being watched. I still feel bad for Chris' dad. He was a great guy and...I consider him a father. He actually cares for me. That night...when he left...scared me. I waited for him to come back. I knew that thing was after him. Why did have to be Chris' dad? Why couldn't it have been me? I'm so stupid...

...That thing killed my dad. I still can't believe it.


I had another dream. It told me to go to the Everfree Forest. The book could be there. That's it. No more hiding. I'm facing him. I'm going to the forest tonight. I'm taking this journal with me, just in case I die out there. I might die. No, I WILL die if I go out there, but I don't care. If it means protecting everypony here in Equestria and Chris, that's what I will do. It's a good thing that Celestia understands. I told her to try her best to keep Chris out of the whole situation because I don't want him to suffer like I did.

Celestia knew this whole time...that fucking bitch. She told me she knew nothing about John's issues, besides his abuse on Earth. She lied to me.

I can't help but think, what else has she lied to me about? Is she more involved in this then before? What the hell is going on here? Why am I finding out about this NOW? God. Now I really wish my dad was alive. He would know what to do.

...Anyway, here are the rest of the entries. They don't have dates on them, but I'm pretty sure that they occur on the 16th of June.

I just got dropped off. I'm now in Ponyville. Since I know I'm going to die and everything, I might as well meet the Mane 6. I mean, why not?

Speaking of the Mane 6, I hope Pinkie Pie is okay. I should visit her soon, just to make sure she's still alive.

Oh yeah, you know the friend I visited for help? Yeah, he went missing a couple weeks ago. Gee, I wonder why?

Just got done talking with Twilight Sparkle and her friends. They were all really nice. Fluttershy was the nicest out of them all, but she seemed to behave oddly when I was leaving. Even her friends noticed this. I asked them about it and they said they have never seen her behave that way before. I could investigate a little more, but I can't. I need to get to the forest.

Fluttershy? Isn't she that one pony who lives in that cottage with a bunch of animals running around? I actually saw her in Ponyville when I was heading to that old castle in the Everfree Forest. I saw her walk out of the Everfree Forest with this...blank, emotionless expression. It was very creepy. I should probably go have a talk with her here in the future. Well, after I'm done talking with Pinkie Pie.

I'm in the forest right now. It's very hot and I'm sweating like a motherfucker. I'm almost there to my destination. I'm getting a stomach ache. Why a stomach ache out of all things? Whatever, I'll get through it. Right now, I need to get to the place I was told so much about.

I saw him. I saw that thing. I think he saw me too. I don't see him anywhere, though. I think I lost him. Maybe now I could continue to move forward and then I'll be a-

Almost the rest of it is scribbles. The very bottom of the has only a few things left written on it.

Oh god, it hurts. I'm going to die. If anybody reads this, I'm sorry. Oh god, here he comes. Goodb-

More scribbles. That's the last thing John wrote on his journal.

Not only did that thing kill John, but he killed my dad. I still can't believe that Celestia lied to me this whole time. That's it. I'm confronting Celestia. As soon as this is posted, I'm going to go talk to her. I know it's not going to be pretty, but I don't care. I'm pissed off at her. I'm taking this journal with me so that I have proof of how I know she lied.

I'm also going to go to Ponyville to see Pinkie Pie and see if I can talk to Fluttershy. After that, I'm going to Manehattan because of the very old building that's there. I need to hurry, though. I heard it's going to be torn down in a couple weeks.


This is Chris, signing off. Wish me luck.