• Published 17th Jun 2013
  • 898 Views, 34 Comments

An Angelic Soldier - Korten

When Ember, an Angel, goes to aid a warzone planet, the situation turns on its head and she must survive. However by some chance she is brought to a different world through unknown circumstances. Now she must find a way off the world and back home.

  • ...

Crossing the Bridge

Crossing the Bridge

As they waited in the station at Ponyville, the two ordered some food that they said they were serving. It took her a bit to order since so much was only digestible for horses and not an omnivore like herself. But after looking around she was able to find a salad, and by this point anything other than apples would be good. In fact she vowed to stop eating them for a while as she grew sick of them. Not even did she feel that way about the mundane tasting rations they needed to eat on Phoenix’s various missions throughout the galaxy.

“So what are you going to do about it?” she asked as he eats her salad with her fingers as the ponies didn’t use eating utensils and just dug in with their mouse.

He looked up from his hay fries, “About what?”

She motioned to his flank, “That. You said when you followed and I quote: “Then let’s hope I get my cute mark by then. So nothing will be in vain,” However… Things appear to be in vain. Sure you got your fire ability but you didn’t get a cutie mark from it.”

“Your right… I didn’t get it. But you know what?” he asked back.


“I may not have gotten it but I grew as a pony. You trained me- I am stronger, faster, and now have the ability to summon fire from my hooves!”

Ember leaned back from her food, “But what does the fire help you with?”

He too backed from his food, “What do you mean?”

“Well think about it. How many things in your daily life can you use the fire to do? Your ability is built for battle.”

“Then what would you suggest?”

“Me? Well if I was in your situation, I would see if those Royal Guards you mentioned would take you in. Use it to defend the people of Equestria.”

Fiery looked out the window at the station and smirked, “You know… That doesn’t sound half bad… Fiery Slate, a Royal Guard. I like the ring of that.” He turned back his head to Ember, “But what about you?”

“Me..? What about me?”

“Oh come on. Think about it, we’re going to the Princesses to see if they can send you back. But haven’t you wondered if they can’t? Or if it won’t be that simple- what are you going to do? What’s the contingency plan?”

Truthfully she had been thinking about that but hadn’t put too much thought in the backup plan. If she was sent on some quest to gather something to do it, then that would still be going with the main plan- but if she couldn’t get sent back either way… She shivered at the thought, she wouldn’t accept it. Never… Back up in space, her parents and brother still live and she would be damned if she let them believe she was dead.

“I don’t know… I guess I will cross that bridge when we get there…” she said as she dug back into her salad. The train once more began to move and soon enough Ponyville was starting to get smaller as they got farther. Canterlot was starting to get clearer as they got further up in elevation. They got a good view of Ponyville from higher up through the snow, and could see the lights that were on.

It was then that the snow began to get a bit rougher and it began to get harder to see outside. However the train was fine and they continued on and Canterlot was harder to see then it was before. “How old are you Ember?” Fiery asked out of the blue.


Fiery finished up his hay fries and then spoke again, “Well you never speak much about yourself- so I opted to ask.”

“I’m twenty-six.”

“Ah- so you’re six years older than me, since I just became twenty a few months ago. When your birthday?”

“November 13th. Just turned twenty-six last month. Assuming you guys use the same calendar system.”

“365 days, January through December.”

Ember nodded, “Huh, strange how we have the same system. Then again we’ve been speaking the same language so maybe I shouldn’t be shocked.”


“English, at least that’s what we call it. Although some planets that never made contact with the alliance used it, so maybe it’s almost like a natural evolution.”

“You’re losing me here…” Fiery said and Ember just laughed.

They continued to chat through the night; the train began to go through caves upon caves until they reached the top and back outside. The snow was starting to lighten up as they crossed the bridge into the cave that would lead to the Canterlot station. As they began to slow down, the two of them discussed exactly what they would do. Considering she couldn’t just waltz through the city, Fiery said they would go to the Royal Guards that were stationed in the city and talk with them about it.

As the train stopped and Ember got a good look at the city, she almost felt like she had walked back in time, to the medieval ages on some of the Human worlds she had learned about. A large castle-city with the monarch or this case a diarchy which was common in those years, although some current civilizations still had a monarchy but they were in the minority compared to other forms of governments. Before they exited the mare conductor from before walked back into their cabin and told them that Royal Guards were on their way.

“Oh… I and Fiery were just discussing talking to them,” Ember replied.

“Ah, well the head conductor said that the sheriff told him that it wouldn’t be wise to let a new species walk around the city. Don’t want to start a panic... So you two just sit tight until they arrive.”

The two of them didn’t argue and just sat back down and waited. It wasn’t long till the cabin door opened and a couple of Royal Guards came in. Ahead in the pack being a white Stallion with a blue colored mane and a shield for their cutie mark. It was also her first time seeing a Unicorn, and one of the Royal Guards to his side was a Pegasus. While some of the other guards did seem a bit uneasy, the blue mane stallion stood strong with no fear. “I am Captain of the Royal Guard, Shining Armor. Are you the two we were sent for?” he announced.

Ember nodded, “Yes, I am Lieutenant Ember, and this is Fiery Slate. We have a letter for the princesses. About some recent events you may not be aware of.”

“I was informed of that,” he said as he looked up and down at Ember. “I have never seen your species before… Where do you hail from? They told us you’re called Angels?”

“I am from a far off place,” she simply said not sure if to bring up the fact that she is technically an alien to these ponies.

“Uh huh… A bit vague but I hope to find out more soon enough. Let us be on our way, if you do have a message for the princesses then we shouldn’t keep them waiting.”

“They know we’re coming?” Ember asked Shining Armor.

“Yes, now let’s move.”


They exited the train and followed the Royal Guards that flanked Ember and Fiery. The night streets were packed and the lights from torches and lamps illuminated the streets. It was obvious the area was high society as everything seemed fancy for lack of a better word. The stores were full of high society goods, she could see ponies drinking tea around tables and she could hear parties going on in some of the large houses.

She noticed that a lot of the nobles in the city appeared to be wearing more clothing then she had saw back in Appleloosa. There was something she couldn’t shake off, a sort of air of arrogance that stemmed from them, like they looked down on the average folks. She recalled back on her home planet of Seilia, that when she visited the capital city with her step-father she saw various rich folks that seemed to not care for the lesser people. A trait that seemed to be cross-species.

It took them a bit but eventually they arrived at the castle’s draw bridge, the Royal Guards saluted Shining Armor as they passed through. They entered the courtyard and then descended up the steps into the castles interior. “I never thought I was going to meet the Princesses in person,” Fiery said as they walked through the large halls of the castle.

“Not everypony gets the chance, you should be honored,” said Shining Armor as they reached the large doors to the throne room. Ember began to feel uneasy; she had to be very careful with her words as she didn’t want to piss off a royal ruler. Shining Armor stood and motioned for the guards on the side of the door to open it.

The door opened and they walked through and saw the throne room, it was large with stained glass windows on both sides. In the center a large red carpet leading up to the golden throne with water was flowing over it. Two guards stationed at the foot of the throne. It was then that Ember got her first glance at the princesses. In the center she saw a large white mare, an Alicorn if she remembered correctly from what Fiery told her, her mane is colorful like a rainbow, a lot different than the manes she had seen thus far. To her left a blue and black mare, also an Alicorn, with a blue and purple mane that sparkled like the night skies.

“May I introduce Princess Celestia and Princess Luna,” Shining Armor announced to Ember and Fiery who took a hint and both bowed.

“Rise,” Celestia spoke in her kind voice. “I was informed you were coming from one of my guards, you have a letter to deliver?”

Fiery pulled out the letter from his saddlebag and handed it to Shining Armor who quickly inspected it and seeing nothing wrong with it walked towards Celestia who used her magic to take the letter and open it. The room stayed silent as she read the letter between herself and Luna, her expression changed as she finished the letter.

“This is… terrible news…” Celestia said as she put down the letter.

“What is it Princess?” Shining Armor asked.

“Santa Mane has been destroyed and all killed by the moles…”

Shining Armor was devastated; something like this hasn’t happened in many years, “How could this have happened…”

Luna spoke up, “It says you two arrived and were attacked by the moles. Did you find out why?” She too felt the pain of losing her subjects but she was used to death. She was part of many black ops, and thus was out of Canterlot very often. Luna ruled the Night Corps, which was a mixture of her own guards and specialized ponies selected from the Royal Guards.

Ember shook her head, “No, they attacked the two of us on sight and we barely survived escaping their underground base.”

“The letter is kind of vague on your escape… Can you give us more details?” Luna asked.

However before Ember could respond Celestia spoke, “Luna… Now is not the time. If you want to talk specifics you can later with this… Angel. However there is one thing we need to speak about. The letter mentions that you need help getting home?”

“Yes. See as you may already theorize, I am not of this world,” Ember spoke and she could see Shining Armor shocked expression. “Before coming here, I was on the brink of death but when I woke up I appeared in Changeling territory. I don’t know how I got there and I can’t contact my command.”

“I see…” Celestia spoke uncertain as she had never dealt with an Alien before. “And so you came to us to see if we can send you back home?”

“Yes, I was told you two are very powerful magic users.”

Luna and Celestia looked at each other, “That is quite the request… We have never attempted planetary travel. In fact you being here confirm our planet isn’t alone…”

Well this isn’t good she thought.

“We would have to really research this into seeing if it’s possible,” Celestia finished.

“So what you’re saying is that I’m stuck here.”

Celestia spoke, “Unfortunately for the time. However while we look into this you may stay in the castle. You and Fiery Slate.”

Fiery spoke, “I actually have family here.”

Shining Armor stepped forward, “Wait- Fiery Slate… I know why your name sounds familiar. Your family reported you missing months ago.”

“Yeah. I will have to talk to them…” Fiery said looking down at the floor.

Celestia gave a yawn, to which Luna laughed and the Alicorn looked embarrassed. “I think it’s time for me to take my leave… Luna you can handle things from here.”

“Good night sister,” Luna said as they hugged and Celestia suddenly was engulfed in an aura of magic and then vanished. “Shining Armor you’re dismissed. However Ember and Fiery Slate please follow me- I have things I wish to discuss with the two of you.”

Ember and Fiery looked at each other and then followed Luna out of the throne room. They walked through the labyrinth of halls in the castle until Ember had to admit she was lost. Eventually however they arrived at a large black door with a moon symbol engraved on it. “Welcome to the Night Corps,” she said as she opened the door into their operations.

They both entered after her and saw stallions and mares running about in a hurry. She even saw some ponies that seemed bat like with sharper eyes and bat wings instead of bird-like wings. A lot of them were handing over large scrolls to each other and some around tables in serious discussions. None of them batted them an eye as they walked through into a room in the back that appeared to be an office. “We’re the Night Corps,” Luna stated as she went behind the desk and sat down on the large chair. Fiery and Ember also sat down wondering what this was about.

“I assume by this point you’re wondering what the Night Corps are and why I brought you here,” she questioned and both her guests nodded.

“The Night Corps are run by me, we’re an intelligence group and we take part in black operations. Away from the normal populace, we do the things others won’t. Many things that not even my sister knows of, I brought you here because I can tell that something else happened at the moles base.”

Neither saw a way out of this, also if anyone should know what happened to Fiery, it was someone who probably could see a use for it. “Well, you see when we got captured, Ember almost died to one of the large machines the moles had. Somehow something gave me powers, the ability to summon fire at my will despite being an Earth Pony, and with that I killed the moles that attacked and the rest fled…”

Luna’s eyes narrowed, “A Earth Pony actually able to conjure magic… Show me.”

Fiery held up one hoof and a small fire appeared over his hand with ease, he let it sit there and then moved it about to show he had control. “Remarkable…” she said and Fiery made the fire go out.

“I have never seen something like this… Not since…” she said but then quickly changed the conversation. “Fiery, I noticed you have no cutie mark.”

Fiery looked a bit sad, “Yup…”

“How about you join my Night Corps? I could have use for somepony with that sort of ability.”

Fiery smiled, “Really? I was actually thinking of joining the Royal Guard, but this… I would be honored!”

Luna then turned to Ember, “How about you? It’s clear from the message that you’re a soldier of some kind and you seem to be far more advanced than us. That’s an advantage.”

Ember wasn’t so sure of this; there was something she was leaving out. “Why would you let two people, one pony and the other a… Angel, join your black ops group? I am from another world and I still seek a way home. You’re leaving out something.”

“I see there was no fooling you,” Luna spoke, but Fiery was confused.

Fiery looked at the two of them, “Wait what’s going on?”

“You see what happened in Santa Mane… Isn’t the first time that the moles attacked, in fact we have been tracking various groups of them throughout Equestria. We believe they’re working with a group of Dragons to try and overthrow us, the Princesses.”

And the truth comes out, thought Ember.

“I assume Princess Celestia is unaware of this plot?” asked Ember.

“Yes, she has much to deal with already, she doesn’t need this… However there is more than just this- the reason I ask you is that I am intrigued.”

Ember raised an eyebrow, “Intrigued?”

“You’re an Angel, and a species from another world. There is so much to learn, maybe cooperate between our species. No one on our world is like you, outside maybe the Minotaur and I give you my promise that we will research much to getting you home.”

Ember was still loyal to the UE but she realized that she wasn’t home and she had no way to get into contact. The ponies of Equestria are kind and the moles do present a danger that could hamper their research if they actively harm the populace. Lastly she also saw a moral obligation; she has superior technology and enhanced strength, something that would surely help in pushing them back. Although she realized that giving technology to a species like the ponies could prove dangerous as it would give too much advancement.

This was the bridge that needed to be crossed and the choice was clear. If she was going to get back home she needed to aid these ponies as they aid her back. “I accept, when do we start?” Ember asked and the Princess looked pleased.

“Not yet… Your new here, I wouldn’t want you to miss out on Hearths Warming Eve. Once that passes, then we will start.”

Ember, soldier of the United Alliance, and operative for the Night Corps. She could already see danger in her future, only to what extent she feared as death could surely end her goal of getting home…

Author's Note:

A bit on the short side, but it's setting up future events!

Also some notes: I say the ponies use the same calender as us since it just makes things a lot easier to map out.

Lastly, if it wasn't obvious already, the story does take place before the Hearths Warming Eve episode of season 2. So soon enough the Mane 6 will make an appearance. They won't become regulars, at least not yet in the story. Luna however will be, so I may just add Luna's tag into the story. I didn't make her speak with the thou, we, us, because I think by this point she wouldn't talk like that anymore.

Also one other thing... I was thinking of possibly using my blog to expand the lore of the universe Ember is from. I may or may not do it, depending on what people think. :)

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it.