• Published 17th Jun 2013
  • 383 Views, 3 Comments

From another place - TopDawg

RaibowBlitz is haunted by a dark past he can not escape! Here he resides in Equestria, but this was not his home before, find out more as you join him in his journey!

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A New Start

Blitz had settled into his new life well enough, mostly keeping to himself in the barracks and working with the nocturnals when on patrol at night it was enjoyable at most. But today he had guard duty with Celestia’s guards. He hated the idea, it was like a bad taste in the back of his mouth when he woke up. Walking over to his stand he put on the shiny new golden armor assigned to the Princess’s guardsmen.

“Well… Let’s get on it then…” He muttered as he walked out into the broad daylight walking up he marble stairs to the castle and took his post at the base of the throne.

“Ah! Blitz yes?” The Princess said as she walked up, he had always doubted she would care about his story being a very busy pony. “Luna has told me a great deal about you, you certainly are an interesting stallion. And it was with this I had come to a conclusion.”

“A.. Conclusion, princess?” He kneeled at her hooves a bit of fear stirring in him. What could she possibly want to do with me? He thought to himself as he awaited her to speak.

“Having two elements of loyalty within existence is surely an amazing thing. But I believe we are really holding you back of your potential by keeping you here.” She smiled tapping his chin signaling for him to stand. He looked up at her confused.

“So… You wish for me to leave, princess?” He looked confused; feeling betrayed that he was being kicked out.

“No, not leave! But, I wish for you to move on. You can’t do that here. “ As they were talking the doors to her throne room opened slowly.
“So what’s the occasion today, Twilight?” Rarity asked as they walked up the stairs to the castle.

“I’m not really sure, but Princess Celestia said she would like for us all to visit to meet someone” Twilight responded happily. “Maybe it’s another princess? Or maybe a prince Rarity can drool over.” Rarity squinted at her as she smirked back at her.

“Hahaha what’s wrong Rarity? You know it’s true!” Rainbow said loudly as she looped around in the air above her.

“A lady does –not- drool. Hmph.” Rarity pouted stamping her hoof on the floor.

“If you say so sugar cube. Come on y’all princess must be waiting by now.” Applejack walked up by Twilight as Pinkie bounced by making a small boing noise causing Fluttershy to stop looking around for the strange noises source.

The as the doors opened Twilight caught glimpse of Blitz and looked up at a stunned Dash “Dashy, you never told us you have a brother”

“That’s because I don’t! What the buck is going on!?” Dash exclaimed as she landed.
“Oh! Hello girls glad you could make it. I assume the trip here was pleasurable?” Celestia said smiling looking at Twilight.

“Yes princess! Who… Is this?” She said looking at the strange male version of one of her best friends; she only had made it a joke when Trixie was on her power trip never thinking really of male equivalents.

“This is Rainbow Blitz, he’s… Moved here from very, very far away. However he and Dash do share their element.” She explains as the others inspect him.

“HI! I’M PINKIE PIE!!” The bright pink pony appeared seemingly out of nowhere making him stumble back. He blinked slowly recalling memories of Berry making him smile lightly.

“Pinkie darling don’t give the poor stallion a heart attack, hello dear. I’m Rarity.” She smiled largely at him as the other went around introducing themselves. Pinkie of course being the curious one of them all.

“What’s wrong with your eyes? Why are they all. Black and stuff?” Pinkie questioned getting in his face again Blitz could have sword her eyes stretched out a little for a second.

“It happened to me a long time ago… They used to be like Miss Dash’s eyes, but maybe they’ll come back someday..” All of them being around him made him feel more at home in the new land, it was almost like having his friends again. Almost. He looked around feeling his armor being removed by Celestia as she floated the pieces off.

“Blitz I want you to go with them, perhaps through them you will find yourself again. You can take your other armor if you wish, I know how you soldier types get attached to it.” She floated it all over to another guard who took it away.

“But princess..” Blitz never was one to argue and before trying he was cut off.

“Ah ah, no arguments against your princess. I believe this will help you more than a guards life will.” She closes her eyes nodding. “Don’t worry about this, you’re still a guard, you just have leave. Matter of fact…” She signals him to kneel and leans down placing her horn on each of his shoulders. “Arise Sir Rainbow Blitz. I knight you, placing Ponyville under your loyal protection alongside the Elements of Harmony.

Blitz understood being a knight was simply a title in this world, but he also understood that he would indeed be required to protect the town if the need arise to which he happily took the responsibility. “Thank you princess. I won’t disappoint you, promise.”

It was going to be different, maybe a little hard at first. But, if the princess believes it would help him he was willing to try. He couldn’t help and stop to look back at the castle while he was walking before Dash nudged him. “You alright? Come on, I wanna hear what I’m like as a dude.” She smiled as Fluttershy stood beside her, Blitz did his best to answer her questions as they walked to his new home.

Author's Note:

So yeah, I know I'm not a great dedicated writer and what not but I'll try to keep this story going and hopefully finish it. Please forgive any errors you might come across I'm not the best! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and there will be more to come. Hopefully becoming longer and much more enjoyable reads.