• Published 17th Jun 2013
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Scaredy Belle - redhotfillypepper

Sweetie Belle suddenly develops a fear of Big Macintosh

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Chapter 1

“Hello? Is anypony here?” said Sweetie Belle.

The sky is gray, the trees are without their leaves, and Sweetie Belle is confused and alone. She is at Sweet Apple Acres so she can play with Apple Bloom, but there is nothing but an empty barn and locked up house. She just got done looking around the Apple family house. Not only was it completely abandoned, but the place showed no evidence that anypony lived there. Despite already doing it, Sweetie Belle decides to search the barn again. As she approaches the barn, which looks like it’s been abandoned. Paint is peeling off, there is wood rot, and the doors are all locked up tight with a rusty lock.

Suddenly, she remembers there is an underground cellar underneath the barn. She hopes that it holds any answers to why the Apple family left. She scrounges around trying to find the cellar door. After a moment, she finds it and to her surprise, it’s unlocked. She opens the door and goes down the stairs. As she goes down the stairs, it gets darker and darker. She eventually makes it down into the cellar, but it is so pitch black; she can’t even see her hoof in front of her own face, let alone the cellar it self. Trying her hardest, she feels against the wall trying to find a light switch, and to her satisfaction she did. She flipped on the switch and the light quickly illuminated the room. She turns around and gasped loudly.

Across the cellar walls there was graffiti painted in red paint covering every inch. Some of them said, “DEATH 2 FILLIES” and “I HATE SWEETIE BELLE”, but Sweetie Belle was too shocked to read them all. Her eyes begin to swell with tears and her voice began to tremble.

“W-Why would Applejack do this?” sobbed Sweetie Belle.

“What made ya think it was Applejack?” said a deep creepy voice.

Sweetie Belle turns around and discovers that it is Big Macintosh. She looks up at the red stallion who is glaring back at her with an evil gaze.

“Ya know it’s rude to go into other ponies privete places,” he said as he slowly approaches Sweetie Belle.

As Sweetie Belle walks backwards away from Big Macintosh, she trips and falls over backwards. She tries to scoot away, but Big Macintosh slams his hoof onto her tail. She was now stuck and she couldn’t get loose.

“Big Macintosh! Let me go!” she screeched. “I’ll do anything! I promise.”

“Promises were meant to be broken. Like your bones,” he said. He quickly lifts his hoof and slams it into Sweetie Belle’s face.

“NOOOOOOOOO!” yelled Sweetie Belle.

Her heart races and sweats drips down her forehead. She looks around and discovers that she is in her room at Carasol Boutique. It was only a bad dream.

Rarity then comes into Sweetie Belle’s room.

“Sweetie Belle, are you alright? I heard screaming,” she said.

Rarity approaches her sister with a concerned frown on her face. As Sweetie Belle continues to cry with every heartbreaking sob, Rarity gently hugs her. Sweetie’s Belle’s pain and sadness is felt by Rarity and she begins to cry too. The two white ponies hugged each other long into the night.