• Published 23rd Feb 2012
  • 725 Views, 12 Comments


///DECRYPTING DATA///: What if the Parasprite attack was only a first pass?///

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Entry One: Um...hello? Oh, yes, you're a...diary...um..I can't talk to a diary.. So, um, anyway, I am Fluttershy, and I decided to get a diary for myself, just to write down my thoughts about what is going on around our quiet little town of Ponyville. So, today Pinkie Pie and I went out to have a picnic down near the Everfree Forest, while we were there I saw the most beautiful flowers growing there. I decided that those would be the flowers I would use on Princess Celestia's welcoming banner when she comes to visit next week.


Entry Two: You won't believe what happened! I discovered a creature just outside the Everfree Forest when I went to gather those flowers I saw. It was very small, but it has huge beautiful eyes that sparkle really brightly. When I went to Sugarcube Corner to show Pinkie Pie and Twilight, I guess they must have multiplied because there were three. Twilight took one and left to show the others I guess. Pinkie didn't want one, she said she had to go get a trombone. Sometimes Pinkie says the weirdest things, but she's one of my best friends, and I love her the way she is.


Entry Three: Those creatures I found are called parasprites. They multiply and multiply and eat everything up. But they're just so...cute... We had to send them back to the Everfree Forest though, they were causing problems for everypony. I really wanted to keep just one, but that one multiplied too, and we just had to get rid of them. Luckily Pinkie Pie was able to send them back using her music, otherwise I don't know what we would have done. Now, we just have to fix the problems with Ponyville, the parasprites ate a lot of stuff in the town square. I should have Angel get some of his friends to help me.


Entry Four: Um...I uh, something terrible happened. I- I think the parasprites are evil creatures. But it's not possible, they are so cute, but- but....Rainbow found Carrot Top lying there with those- those creatures filling up her body. I..just...don't know how it could have happened....


Entry Five: I heard about Bon-Bon, I tried to comfort Lyra, but she wouldn't listen to me. I tried to tell her that her other friends were here for her, and that friendship could solve any problem. She just told me that even the power of friendship couldn't bring Bon-Bon back.


Entry Six: Nothing bad happened today, thank Celestia. I just hope this whole mess can be over with. Those parasprites are awful, just awful. But, I know they can't be all bad, I am sure I can find something good inside of those creatures, with just a little kindness.


Entry Seven: I had to go into town today and tell everypony that there was a pile of bodies outside of Ponyville. It was terrible. They were just...lying there, all...empty, and...hollow. It hurts me to even think about the awful things that happened to them. But, I still want to be hopeful that the parasprites are all bad, something must have happened to them to make them go crazy, because all they did when I found them was eat a lot of food. I vow that I will try to find a way to make these creatures friendly again.


Entry Eight: It's been about 10 days since this horrible thing started, and I have witnessed awful things. But, I think I know how I can get to the parasprites and make them friendly again. I am going to take my animal friends with me to stand up to these creatures. It worked with the Manticore, the Dragon, Discord....it just has to work. But, if it doesn't, I want all my friends to know that I love them all, and that I want them all to continue to stay alive, as long as they can, and that if I fail I want them to beat the parasprites. Friendship is a magical and wondrous thing, but I need to do this alone. I know that my friends and I could do this together, but I don't want them to sacrifice themselves if this isn't going to work. I would rather die myself, then to live to see my friends all go. So, if I don't return, goodbye diary, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Pinkie Pie. I am going to go and beat these creatures before they can harm any more helpless, innocent ponies.


