• Published 8th Jun 2013
  • 2,166 Views, 28 Comments

Sins of the Father - Robobrony

Midnight Star is now a permanant resident of Ponyville, but for some reason, starts having blackouts.

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Chapter 10: Change of Plans

Chapter 10: Change of Plans

Two guards of the crystal empire were going about their rounds which had been extended a little further than before into the cold bitterness of the harsh wintery north. The magic of the empire kept the area nice and warm around the city while beyond the outskirts, it was icy and cold. “BRRR, remind me again why the range of our rounds had been increased to this cold area.” One of the crystal guards complained.

“Because we’ve received reports of a pony matching the description of Sombra’s son heading this way, we need to be on guard and ready in case he does show up here.” The other guard informed.

“That lousy Sombra, he got what he deserved for what he did to us, I can’t wait for his son to show up so I can teach him a lesson. It will be just like kicking Sombra’s sorry flank all over again.” The first guard said.

The second guard responded. “I hear that, but our orders are to take him into custody and present him to prince Shining Armor if he shows up.”

“No reason we can’t ruff him up a bit and say he tried to resist.”

The two talked as they went through their patrols of what they would like to do to the innocent Midnight Star if they should find him, it was the next best thing to getting after Sombra for them. As they continued, something caught the first guard’s eye. “Say, what is that over there?”

“Where?” The second guard looked to where the first was pointing. They saw a patch of ground that was not covered in snow, but from what they could see, it was also grey and looked like no life could grow there. They quickly rushed over and looked at the spot of ground and saw a red curved sharp object that seemed to be letting off a dark red glow. “What in the name of Celestia is that? It can’t be…”

“I think it is, it sure looks like it.” The first guard responded. “What should we do?”

“We must inform the prince and princess immediately.”

“But can we really just leave it here, we should take it with us.”

“Are you mad, look at it, it looks like it still has magic in it, there’s no telling what would happen if we try to move it ourselves.”

“Don’t be such a baby, here, watch.” The first guard then approached the horn and put his hoof too it, but as soon as he touched it, a black crystal started enveloping his forleg. “AAAHHHH!” the guard quckly backed up with the black crystal formation quickly growing more over his body. “GET IT OFF ME, HELP!”

The other guard became panicked, he didn’t know what to do. “OH NO, I TOLD YOU NOT TO TOUCH IT! WHAT DO I DO?” Before he could come up with an answer, his friends body was completely encased in crystal now with a look of fear frozen on his face. He fell over to the ground with a clinking sound. “NO, SURE SHOT! What do I do, what do I do?” He then quickly turned around and headed back to the palace to inform the prince of the incident.


Midnight Star was in the middle of a training session with his dad learning how to produce a shield for protection. “Good my son, you are holding the shield well, but it still needs a bit of work, I can sense it is still a bit weak. That will improve in time. You may rest now.”

Midnight released the spell and the shield fell. “Thanks dad, I can’t wait to be strong like you. I really appreciate you teaching me like this.”

“Like I said, I refuse to let my son be a weakling, don’t take my praise the wrong way. I am merely……” Sombra cut himself off.

Midnight looked to his father’s silhouette. “Dad, what is it? Is something wrong?”

“My horn, it’s magic has been disturbed. Those accursed crystal ponies must have found it. This will put a damper on my plans. CURSES, IF THOSE PONIES HAVE MY HORN, THEN HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET AT IT!” The purple mist in his eyes intensified as he shouted.

Midnight looked to his father with worry. “Dad, calm down, we can still get your horn back, it will just be a bit more difficult than anticipated. Look, can you teach me to be…..I don’t know, more….stealthy?”

Sombra looked to his son. “Hmm, are you suggesting a sneak attack?”

“No, I am suggesting that if you can show me how to be sneaky and quiet, I can sneak in there, get your horn and sneak out.”

It wasn’t clear, but it seemed as if Sombra was smiling at his son. “HM HM HM, it seems I underestimate you again my son, that is actually a good idea. Very well, we will have to forgo your defensive training and opt for stealthy spells so you can go forward with your plan. For now, it is late, I suggest you sleep now, you have worked hard with your magic.”

“Of course father, thank you.” Midnight then climbed in his tent and laid down for a good night’s sleep.

Morning came and Midnight crawled out of his tent, stretched, and went to his bag to get breakfast. They had already passed through Hoofington where Midnight was able to use the last of his bits to stock up on food for the rest of the trip to the frozen north, he was just a few days away now from the crystal Empire. Once he finished with his breakfast, his father’s eyes appeared in his shadow again and looked up at him. “Son, since we don’t have a lot of time for you to go through the training for you to learn the spells you’ll need, I may have to resort to other methods in order for you to be prepared.”

Midnight looked down into his father’s eyes. “What do you mean dad?”

“I may just have to give you the knowledge on how to use an invisibility spell instead of you doing it the hard way.”

“WHAT, you mean you could have just given me the knowledge on how to cast these spells from the very beginning, why didn’t you do that before?!” Midnight practically shouted at his father in frustration.

“Because learning the spells the hard way gives you a better understanding of how they work, thus allowing you to be more proficient in their uses. Simply being given the knowledge of how they work will not make you able to wield them as effectively. Given the circumstances, I will transfer my knowledge of the spells into your mind. You will be efficient enough with them for what we need them for.”

“I guess that makes sense.” Midnight wasn’t too sure about what his father said, but he knew his father was right, there was no way he’d be able to master an invisibility spell before they reached the crystal empire. “All right then, let’s do this.” Sombra’s eyes disappeared from Midnight’s shadow. Midnight soon closed his eyes without realizing it. His eyes opened and found himself in a dark void with his father standing before him. “Dad, what’s going on?”

“In order for the transfer of knowledge to happen, we must be in the same scape. Now come forward and tip your horn towards me.”

Midnight was a little hesitant, but did as he was told. He took a few steps forward towards his dad and stopped short. He lowered his head with his horn pointing to his dad. Sombra came closer as well. He touched the tip of his horn to his son and a surge of red magical energy flowed from Sombra’s horn to Midnight’s. Midnight felt a strange energy entering his head as this went on. It felt weird as knowledge began to pour into him, not just how to make himself invisible, but how to put ponies to sleep with a spell, or how to create illusions to fool other guards, as well as spells to disguise himself. Once the transfer of knowledge was complete, Midnight pulled his horn away and looked at his dad. “Whoa, what was all that, I thought you were just going to give me an invisibility spell?”

Sombra’s expression was neutral. “Invisibility may not be enough, I want you to be fully prepared and ready for anything you may encounter for this to work. I felt it necessary to give you the knowledge you now have. I trust you will not let me down.”

“Don’t worry, I want you out of my body just as bad as you want your own body back, so thanks for the new spells.” Midnight then found himself returning to the outside world, in control of his body again. He packed up his things and continued on his trek to the frozen north. He could tell he was getting close as it was snowing a little around him, and it was getting colder. “Why didn’t I think to get a coat or something?”


Luna and the group had just woken up and were in the middle of breakfast. They were all still concerned for Midnight Star as they ate. “Um….Luna, do you know how far away we are from Midnight Star….if you don’t mind me asking.” Fluttershy asked.

Luna turned to the yellow Pegasus and answered with a smile. “I do Fluttershy, we are merely a few miles behind him, we will be able to get to him when he finds his father’s horn and be there for you all to use the elements of harmony.”

“That’s good ta hear, I’ll be glad when this whole mess is over and we can all go back home, I sure do miss ma family, but were doin this fer a friend.” Applejack commented.

“Say Luna, do you think tonight we could talk with Midnight Star like we did last time?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Please Luna, I am still a little worried about him.” Twilight begged.

Luna smiled again as she answered. “I do not see why not, very well, tonight, we shall meet with Midnight in his dreams again.” The group was happy to hear this. They all packed their things and got ready to continue on their travel.


Night fell again and Midnight was getting ready for another night’s sleep. Before he did, he had to gaze at the stars again for a while. The moon was crescent tonight, surrounded by its sparkling bretheren. No clouds were out tonight in the sky above. “Another beautiful night Luna, thank you.” He said quietly to himself.

“I still don’t get why you waste your time gazing at a bunch of lights in the sky, it’s ridiculous.” Sombra commented from Midnight’s shadow that was being cast by his campfire.

“Excuse me for finding beauty in the night like YOU used to show me when I was young.” Midnight Star then turned for his tent and laid down for the night. Midnight Star soon found himself in peaceful slumber and was now floating in a space he recognized. “What, wait, this looks familiar.” Sure enough, the moon appeared before him, followed by a familiar voice.

“Thank you for your kind words towards my night Midnight Star.”

“Princess Luna, is that you?” He asked with a smile.

Luna, Spike, and the girls all appeared before him with smiles on their faces. Luna was the first to voice her greetings. “Hello Midnight Star, it is good to see you again.”

Midnight walked up to the group and greeted them as well. “Hey girls, and Spike, it’s great to see you again. What are you all doing here?”

Twilight was the first to answer. “We just wanted to check up on you and make sure you’re doing ok.”

Pinkie chimed in. “Yeah, we really miss you ya know. It’s so boring without you around.”

“I miss you all too, I just wish I could finally be done with all this. But I just gotta try and get my dad back.” His expression grew somber at his last words.

“We understand sugar cube, and like we said, we’ll always have yer back.” Applejack said as she put a hoof on his shoulder.

This got Star to smile again. “Thanks you guys, I appreciate it. There is something I need to tell you though.”

“What is it dear?” Rarity asked.

“My dad thinks that the crystal Ponies somehow found his horn, if that’s true, then this is going to be more difficult than I thought.” Midnight informed them.

“How does he know they found it?” Asked Rainbow.

“Earlier this morning, my dad said that he sensed the magic in his horn was disturbed, one of the crystal ponies must have stumbled onto it, which means that they will most likely lock it up in the palace somewhere.”

Luna was concerned about this. “I see, perhaps I can send word to my sister and have her pass a message along to Shining Armor and have him just toss it back to the snowy outskirts.”

Midnight disagreed. “That might not be a good idea, my dad may find it suspicious. I already have a plan in mind to get the horn, it is risky, but it will be worth it if it means getting my father back. My dad gave me the knowledge to use certain spells that will allow me to sneak into the palace and find the horn, I’ll sneak in, take it, and sneak back out. Then he can do what he needs to rebuild his body. That is when you six can come in and use the elements of harmony on him and free him from the darkness that has consumed him.”

“That is a most brilliant plan. You are a smart one Midnight.” Luna agreed. “Just be careful not to get caught by the guards.”

“I will, don’t worry. Thank you all for your support in this, it means so much to me.” Midnight smiled big to his friends. The group chatted for a while in the dream scape until it was finally time to wake up. Midnight was a little sad that he had to say goodbye to his friends again, but it was unavoidable. Morning greeted Star as he woke up and got out of his tent, ready for another day of traveling.


The days went on as Midnight Star traveled and trained under his father to increase his magical abilities. His magic reserves grew considerably from the training his father gave him. Soon, he found himself in the frozen, snow covered north of Equestria. He gazed at the crystal empire before him, ready for his mission to retrieve his father’s horn. “This is it son, go in there and get me my horn, I want my body back.”

“Don’t worry dad, I know the drill. I will get your horn.” Midnight figured to start with an invisibility spell to sneak in and get into the inner recesses of the castle. He focused his magic and became invisible, no pony could see him now. He quickly but quietly made his way through the town to the castle. “So far, so good.” He stayed by a door to the castle and waited for a guard to enter or exit the door so it would not look like the door opened on its own. He didn’t have to wait long, a guard exited the castle and Midnight quickly made his way in before the door closed.

There was a large stair case before him, leading to the second floor of the castle, and two hallways to the sides. He ducked to the side away from the door. “All right dad, which way from here.” He whispered to his father.

“Hmmm, my horn is somewhere below the castle in the lower chambers, you need to find stairs going down.” Sombra informed Midnight.

Midnight opted to try the disguise spell in the castle. He dropped his magic concealment and used a spell to make himself look like one of the crystal guards. “Maybe like this, I can get some information.” He made his way and took the left hallway. Along the way, he came across a guard heading in the opposite direction from him. He grew nervous at the approaching guard, thinking his cover would be blown.

“Easy son, just stay calm, don’t draw attention to yourself.” Sombra informed his son from the shadow. Star just gave a light nod.

Midnight and the guard continued on their way, the guard passed by Midnight, giving him a nod, Midnight returned the nod and continued his walk down the hall. Star then gave a sigh of relief once the guard was gone. “WHEW, that was close.”

“Hey there.”

Midnight Star stood straight up and went wide eyed at the voice. He turned and faced a pony he never wanted to run into during this intrusion. “Uh,…g-good day your majesty.” Prince Shining Armor had come up behind him with his wife, princess cadence. Midnight quickly gave a salute to the two.

Shining Armor chuckled at the guard imposter’s nervousness. “Easy there soldier, why so tense?” He asked with a smile.

Sombra was glaring at the prince and princess from Midnight’s shadow, thankfully, Midnight was the only one who could see his father’s eyes and hear his father’s voice. “Sorry your majesty, just a little jumpy I guess.”

Cadence then stepped forward to greet the guard. “Say, I don’t think I’ve seen you before, are you new or something?”

Midnight grew more nervous but did his best to hide it. “Y-yes….princess, just started today. Guess it’s just…..um….first day jitters.”

Cadence then chuckled. “I see, well welcome aboard good sir, we’re glad to have you with us. I’m sure you’ll do fine, just try to relax a little.”

Midnight had to end this quick. He could practically feel his father’s anger toward the royal couple building. “Yes princess, thank you, please excuse me, I believe I am running late for my shift.”

“All right then, maybe later you and I can hang out some time, show you how to relax and not let the stress of the job get to you, I used to be a guard too you know.” Shinning offered.

“Sir, I would like that sir. Thank you, please excuse me.” Midnight gave a final salute before heading off and away from the prince and princess. “Ok, THAT….was way too close.”

“Accursed ponies, how dare they rule my kingdom, I will personally see to their suffering once I get my body back.” Sombra complained from Midnight’s shadow.

Midnight continued on his way and found a staircase leading down. “Dad, is it down there?” He asked quietly.

“Yes, I can feel it, we are so close now. Keep going, soon I will have my body and get my revenge on these wretched crystal ponies.”

Midnight followed his father’s directions and went down the stairs. They led to a long corridor far below the castle. Midnight followed the corridor and came upon a large pair of doors with two guards in front of it. “All right son, this is it, my horn is just behind those doors. Use a sleep spell on those guards and get in there.”

Midnight cautiously approached the guards. They took notice of him and the one on the left spoke. “Halt, I don’t think you’re supposed to be down here soldier, this area is off limits.”

Midnight then quickly dropped his disguise and quickly cast a sleep spell on the guards before they could react. The guards fell to the ground unconscious, allowing Midnight access to the room. Before Midnight tried to open the door, his father spoke. “Wait son, before you open it, let me take control, there are most likely magical security precautions on the doors. I’ll need to be in control to disable them.”

Midnight was hesitant but figured his dad was right. “All right, but be quick.” Midnight then let his father take control.

Sombra used his magic to scan the door and, sure enough, there were a few magical security locks in place. “Hah, child’s play, this will be easy.” Sombra scoffed. His horn lit up as he cast a few spells to disable the locks and allowed him access to the room. The doors swung open and Sombra stepped in. “There it is, my horn, at long last, soon I will have my body and reclaim what is rightfully mine.” He said with an evil smirk. In the middle of the small round room was a stand with Sombra’s horn sitting in plain sight. Sombra slowly approached the stand to retrieve his horn.

“Remember dad, we grab it, take it outside, and you remake your body there.” Midnight said from the shadow.

“Of course my son.” Sombra responded slowly. He came up and levitated the horn off the pedestal. “But whoever said anything about remaking my body?” He asked.

“Daaaad, what do you mean by that?” Midnight asked wearily. Sombra didn’t respond. He moved the horn closer to his current horn. “Dad, what are you doing?”

“I cannot simply rebuild a body, I must remake my body from another, with my horn, I can take full control of yours and take back my form.” As the two horns moved closer to each other, three strands of electrical like energy flowed between them as they were mere inches away from eachother.

“DAD NO, YOU CAN’T!” Midnight screamed from the shadow.

Before he could do anything to take control back, the two horns merged. Sombra laughed loudly and evily. “HA HA HA HA HA HA, AAAH HA HAH HA HA!” A black flame surrounded his body, it soon morphed and grew. Sombra had his form back with his grey coat, his black flowing mane and tail, his silver armor, and his red cape. “HA HA HA HA HA, GOODBY MY SON, YOU HAVE BEEN A GREAT HELP!”

Inside the mind, Midnight Star began falling into the black abyss as he watched his father slowly fade from his vision. “DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDD!” Midnight Star was gone, and Sobra was back.


Author's Note:

I want to give thanks to shadowrider89 who gave me the idea that the crystal ponies should find Sombra's horn first before Midnight could get to it. Hope you like the cliffhanger.