• Published 3rd Jun 2013
  • 5,737 Views, 298 Comments

Spellbound Apples - Silentpegasus

Hex Swirl, a traveling magician has an unfortunte accident in the Everfree forest. He wakes up in care of Applejack who takes a liking to the stallion. What secret is he keeping from the ponies and what will happen when a pony from his past returns?

  • ...

Chapter 11: Resolution

Chapter 11


The orange farmer opened her eyes to see a large forest thicket. The mare gulped as the crystal shattered in her hooves. The mare gulped and started to look around. The mare saw a pair of wagon tracks and followed them to a nearby cave. The sky turned dark and rain started to hit the mare’s coat and drench her hat. The orange farmer then saw the tracks leading to a familiar cart. As she approached the cart entrance she was stopped by a shadowy figure.

“Hex? Is that you?” She asked as her mind raced. The figure stood still and cocked it’s head at the orange mare.

“You have caused Hex much heartache Applejack.” The shadow figure said.

“How do you know my name?”

“We’ve met before.” A bolt of lightning flashed in the sky. In that instant the shadow vanished revealing the floating blue crystal from before. The shadow then formed a body and glared at the mare.

“You’re that crystal?” The shadow nodded. “Look ah’m here to-”

“Apologize for falsely accusing him?” The shadowy figure said in a condescending tone.

“How’d you know that?” The shadowy figure then stepped forward. As the sky was lit up again by the lightning, the shadows around the figure seemed to vanish. Applejack then saw a stunning light blue Unicorn mare with a long grey mane and light red eyes.

“Call it mother’s intuition.” The orange mare looked at her in shock.

“Hex told me that you were-”

“Dead? He wasn’t lying.” She said in a flat tone.


“A parent’s love for their child transcends the realms of life and death.” Smokey said in a low tone. “I soul trapped myself inside a crystal I had on me at the time. I can’t maintain my form like this for long.” She said as her image flickered.

“Look, ah know that ah bucked up.” She said as tears formed in her eyes. “Ah bucked up big time. All ah want is to at least apologize.” The blue mare cocked an eyebrow. Her eyes focused on the farmer and let out a sigh.

“You have my blessings. So long as you don’t tell him about me.”

“Why?” The farmer said in a confused tone.

“The only way the spell works is that he remains oblivious to my presence within the gem.” She said with a sigh. “It’s a price worth paying.” She said as her image started to fade. “Be good to him Applejack, or Smokey the Mystical will haunt you.” She said as her image vanished and the crystal disappeared. Applejack gulped and gathered her courage.

The orange mare slowly made her way up to the cart and tried to be strong. The mare raised a hoof and lightly pounded on the door. No response came from the other side. The mare tried again. Not a sound.

“Hex?” The mare called out. “Look, ah’m sorry. Ah shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions.” She said as tears flowed. “Ah know that ah don’t deserve somepony like you. Ah should have let you explain.” The mare set her most prized possession, her brown leather Stetson on the wooden boards of the cart. “Ah hope you find somepony that loves you as much as I do.” The mare said as she hung her head and walked away in shame. The mare’s tears mixed with the rain as her heart broke.

The door to the carriage opened. The battered stallion looked out with his one good eye and saw the brown hat laying in front of him. The stallion picked it up and held it in his hooves as the tears flowed. The crippled stallion charged out the door with the hat clenched in his teeth. Hex stumbled and he fell face first in the mud.

Hex ignored the pain in his ribs as he pressed towards the mare. He could make out her silhouette as the lightning flashed in the sky. The stallion called out to her, but the rain muffled his cries. He fought through the pain and charged after the mare.

Applejack hear a voice in the darkness. She turned around, but saw nothing but darkness. She let more tears roll down her cheeks. As she turned a bolt of lightning rocketed through the sky. Out of her peripheral vision she saw the out line of a struggling stallion. Another bolt cracked through the sky and the farmer saw a mud covered blue Unicorn.

The farmer galloped towards the stallion and felt her heart fill with hope. As she got closer she noticed his mangled state and gasped. As the stallion tripped Applejack caught him and wrapped him in a hug.

“Applejack,” He said as he tightly held her. “I’ve already found her.” The mare cried into his muddy chest. As she did, the farmer felt a familiar piece of apparel rest on top of her head. The rain had stopped pouring down her face as her leather hat sheltered her. Hex could see the tear marks. He slowly brushed the mud off her face and smiled. The mare closed her eyes and pressed her lips against his.

The familiar taste of apples over whelmed the stallion’s senses. He could feel the rain beating down on them. The stallion’s horn glowed and he teleported the two aback inside his carriage. Once they were in the light of the carriage, Applejack broke the kiss and gasped at the stallion’s appearance.

A cotton patch was over his left eye and his midsection was covered in bandages. His right foreleg had a large bandage wrapped around it.

“Oh my stars! What happened to ya?” She asked as she looked at the stallion.

“Note to self, never piss of Big Mac.” The farmer’s expression grew cross. “Easy AJ, he was just being a good brother. Granted I think he may have gone a bit overboard, but he did what he thought was right.”

“You didn’t do anything wrong though.” She said as she put a hoof to his cheek.

“I honestly have no idea what happened. I swear to Celestia that I thought it was you.” He said with tears in his eyes. Applejack then told him what Spike had told her. “I see, buck me for training her on illusion spells. Wait, how did you find me anyway?”

“Trixie gave this tracking gem that was locked on to your magical signature. Whatever that means.” Hex’s good pupil shrank and he gasped.

“Does Trixie know that it was Twilight’s fault?”

“Ah’m guessing that she overheard. Why?” Hex started to panic. “What’s wrong?”

“AJ, we need to get to Ponyville now!” He said as he ran down the hallway of his cart. Applejack gave chase and tried to keep up. Even in his hobbled state Hex could still move fairly swiftly.

“Why what’s wrong?” She asked.

“Let’s just say that what Mac did to me won’t be half as bad as to what Trixie will do to Twilight.”

“No offense, but ah’m still angry with her.” Applejack said in a flat tone.

“You have a right to be,” He said as he looked back at the mare. “but if we don’t hurry then there won't be anything left to be angry at!"

“Say what now?” She asked as she rounded a corner.

“Remember my ex mare friend I told you about?” The orange mare nodded. “When Trixie found out that she cheated on me she went nuts. She broke all four of Firefly’s legs and snapped her horn in half.” Applejack cringed at the story.

“Is she okay?”

“Yeah, I checked on her a few months ago and she’s fine.” He said with a sigh. “But, a Unicorn’s horn is the most sensitive part on their body.”

“How sensitive?” Applejack asked.

“Ripping my horn off would be the same as ripping my,” He said as he motioned to what was between his legs. "'magic wand' off." The orange mare gulped. The two ponies then ran into a room that the orange farmer had never seen. There was a center console and a large cylinder in the center. The console had several tomes and off marking across the surface.

“What in the hay is that thing?” She asked.

“This carriage can teleport to anywhere in the world.” He said with a smile. “The only draw back it uses an immense amount of magical energy and I won’t be able to use it again for a while. So I’ll be stuck in Ponyville for a bit longer.”

“Ah think ah can live with that.” The mare said as she gave him a peck on the cheek. The cylinder lit up like a light house and started to make an odd noise.

“Hang on!” He yelled as the cart started to shake. The two saw a brilliant flash of light and vanished off the face of the world.

Back in Ponyville, the group of friends had gathered outside the library and let out a sigh. Rarity knocked on the door and waited for a response. The door slowly opened to reveal a the disheveled Twilight. The lavender mare’s mane was unkept and sticking out in all directions. The whites of her eyes were bloodshot and tear trails were present on her face.

“Hello Twilight.” Rarity said trying to sound strong. “Can we come in?” The lavender mare just gave a small nod and left the door open for the group of friends. The ponies made their way inside and sat down. The lavender mare kept her head held low.

“How are you feeling?” Pinkie asked. Twilight just kept silent.

“Look, Twi. We just want to let you know that we’re here for you.” Fluttershy said as she put a hoof on her friends shoulder.

“Yeah, you can talk to us.” Dash said. The mare refused to say anything. “Look, we know that Hex had no right to kiss you and-”

“What?” Twilight suddenly perked up. “Didn’t Spike find you?”

“Yeah but-”

“Twilight Sparkle!” The group heard a familiar shout. Before any of them could react a magical grip wrapped around the mare and pulled her out the library. The door shattered from the mare’s body colliding with the mare’s body. As Twilight picked herself up she saw a familiar azure mare glaring at her with dark red eyes.

“T-Trixie?” She said with a gulp. The show mare then launched a volley of spells at the scholar. Twilight barely managed to dodge them and panted. Her mental state was a wreck and couldn’t call upon most of her magic. The group of friends then surrounded the librarian.

“Trixie we know you’re upset, but it was Hex’s fault!” Dash yelled.

“Don’t be so certain of that Rainbow Dash.” Trixie’s horn flared and projected the conversation the dragon and the farmer shared. By the end the group all looked at the scholar who hung her head in shame. “You ruined the only thing that made my brother happy. It’s pay back time.” The mare’s horn glowed again and moved the group of ponies out of the way.

Twilight could feel the world around her beginning to warp and shift. She could feel her senses starting to become distorted. She watched as the ground opened up and a large fifty foot snake came out from the crack. The mare shut her eyes and calmed herself. Her mind flashed back to a lesson she had with the blue stallion.

“Hey Hex, how do you break free from an illusion?” The mare asked.

“Break one?” The stallion said as he rubbed his chin. “I guess the best way to do it would to stop the flow of your magic.” The lavender mare looked at him in confusion. “The way illusion’s work is that a pony mixes their own magic into your system and distorts your senses.”

“I know that.”

“So the only way to break the illusion is to stop the flow of your magic and the illusion would shatter.” He said with a smile.

Twilight took a deep breath and focused. She could feel the magic coursing through her. She bit her lip hard enough to draw blood and stood perfectly still. As the snake lunged at the mare she opened her eyes and the snake shattered like a pane of glass. Trixie coked and eyebrow and grunted.

“Impressive. I wouldn’t expect anything less from Celestia’s pupil.” The azure mare said as she closed her eyes. “However, there is magic that some can only achieve through pain.” As he opened her eyes. The lavender mare saw that her pupil had shifted. “Let me show you the true power behind these eyes.” As she glared at the mare a small pool of blood trickled out the side of her right eye.

Twilight felt the world creep away from her and the sky turned dark blue. The mare then felt several chains wrap around her body and pull her to the ground. She looked ahead to see several undead ponies rise up from the ground.

“Snap out of it Twilight!” She yelled at herself. “It’s just a mind trick. Nothing more.” The mare said as she shook her head. The scholar looked to see the zombie ponies drawing closer. The mare focused her magic and her eyes glowed with magic. She let loose a massive salvo of magical energy that shattered the illusion.

Trixie gasped as the salvo slammed into her body and flung her back into a nearby tree. The ponies all heard an audible cracking noise. As the mare caught her breath she was blinded by a flash of light. The group looked in shock to see the stallion’s carriage appear right before them. The door flung open to reveal the dark unicorn stallion and orange farmer.

“Trixie!” The stallion yelled as he hobbled his way over to his sister. He tried to help her up but found that she wasn’t moving. Not even breathing. “No! Celestia no!” He put his ear to her chest. Nothing. The group rushed over to his side and gasped. Storm put a hoof to her throat and hung his head.

“I-I’m sorry Hex. She’s dead.” The words hit the group hard. The blue stallion collapsed over his sisters body and cursed loudly. Twilight stood frozen in shock as new tears formed in her eyes. She looked down at her shaking hooves and wailed in agony.

“Twilight Sparkle!” The ponies all looked to the right and saw flash of white light. The light cleared to reveal Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Captain Shining Armor. Hex hurried over to the white Alicorn carrying his sister's body.

“P-please Princess, do something!” He yelled as he put Trixie's motionless form in front of the Alicorns. Celestia hung her head in shame as a tear formed in her eye. “Anything! She’s all I have left!”

“I’m sorry my little pony, but there are somethings even I cannot do.” Hex fell to the ground in agony. The moon Princess tried to hold back tears but couldn’t. Celestia then focused on the shivering lavender mare.

“Princess I-” She was cut off as a pair of shackled formed around her hooves and a magical ring was placed on her horn. Her older brother then stepped forward.

“T-Twilight Sparkle.” He said in a shaky tone. “I am placing you under arrest for the murder of Trixie Lulamoon.” He said as he fought back the tears. Twilight looked at the group of ponies who refused to make eye contact.

“Big broth-” The stallion turned away from her.

“Don’t call me that.” He yelled in an icy tone. “You’re not my little sister anymore.” The words cut deep within the mare. She started crying out in agony.

When she opened her eyes again she saw her friend all looking down at her in worry. The mare immediately shot upwards and checked her hooves. No chains. She looked forward to see a familiar cart and Hex holding Trixie in a magical grip and a blindfold over her eyes. The show mare was very much alive and was kicking and screaming to be let go.

“Hey you’re up!” Dash said with a smile.

“What happened?” Twilight said as she shook her head.

“Trixie pulled you out of the tree house and then you fell on the ground screaming.” Storm said. “Then Hex’s cart appeared out of nowhere and stopped Trixie from doing whatever it was to you."

I was in the illusion then? She thought with a gulp. A hoof was offered to her. Twilight took it and slowly stood up. She looked at the hoof and saw that it was light orange. Her eyes shrank as she looked up to see another orange hoof rocketing towards her. The clenched hoof hit the mare’s cheek and flung her back a good two feet.

“Applejack!” Dash yelled.

“Ah’m good.” She said as she let out a sigh. Twilight slowly got to her hooves and looked at the mare who turned around and trotted over to the blue stallion. Rarity walked over to Twilight and helped her up.

“Are you alright dear?”

“No.” Twilight said as she hung her head in shame. Hex then trotted over to the lavender mare and let out a sigh.

“How’s your head?”


“That’s to be expected.” He said as he hung his head. “Sorry about all this.”

“She got what she deserved!” Trixie spat out.

“Oh just shut it Trixie!” Dash yelled. The group then started yelling at one another. Hex rubbed his temples and groaned.

“Enough!” The stallion bellowed as the group felt a large amount of magic come from him. The group gulped and shut their mouthes. “The next one of you that talks out of turn is getting sent back to foalhood. Got it?” The group all nodded. “Now I suggest that we all go into the library and talk about this like mature adults. Any objections?” The group only nodded. “Good.”

The stallion led them towards the library and trotted inside with his sister still in his magical grasp. The group all sat down and waited for somepony to break the silence. Twilight looked at the farmer who glared back.

“I’m sorry.” She said as she hung her head in shame. “I never wanted any of this to happen.”

“You should have thought-”

“Trixie!” Hex yelled as he glared at his sister. Trixie closed her mouth and let out a sigh. Applejack then stood up.

“Why’d ya do it Twi?” The farmer aksed in a low tone.

“I don’t know.” She said as she started to cry again. “I just...I never had feeling like that before.” She said as she hung her head. Rarity put a hoof on her shoulder. She then looked at the farmer with tears in her eyes. “I’m so sorry Applejack. I never wanted to hurt you or Hex.” The farmer closed her eyes and let out a sigh. Dash then stood up and glared at the blue Unicorn.

“That still didn’t give Trixie the right to-”

“Dash! Calm-” Storm interjected.

“No! I won’t calm down!” She bellowed. “She didn’t have the right to-” She was cut off as Hex launched a spell at the mare. Once the light vanished they saw a cyan Pegasus filly staring at them in confusion. “What the?” She yelled in a high pitched voice. Trixie couldn’t hold back the laughter. The azure mare was soon met with the same fate as the cyan Pegasus. The group looked in shock at the azure filly.

“If you two going to act like fillies, then you should at least look the part.” Hex said in a flat tone. The ponies all gulped. “Look, what Trixie did was extremely out of line I get that and I'll see to her punishment later.” He said as he looked at his sister. Rarity then stood up.

“May I make a suggestion?” The fashionista asked. “Today has been a trying day for all of us, that goes without saying.” The mare said in a flat tone. “I suggest that we retire for the evening so that we can all talk about this tomorrow with cool heads.” The ponies rolled the idea around in their heads.

“Sounds good to me.” Storm said.

“Deal.” Hex said with a nod. “I need to smooth things over with Mac anyway.” Hex said with a groan.

“Yeah, what happened to you?” Pinkie asked.

“Word to the wise. Never piss of Mac.” Hex said as he levitated the small filly on to his back.

“Wait!” The cyan filly yelled. “What about this?” She asked as she gestured to her small body.

“It should wear off by tomorrow.” Hex said with a sigh. “See ya later.” Applejack nodded at the ponies and ran after the stallion. Hex was about to hitch himself up when the orange mare glared at him.

“Oh no you don’t! Yer in no shape to be lugging that thing.” The mare protested.

“AJ I can-” He was cut off as the blue filly tugged his mane.

“Don’t be stupid!” The filly said in a high pitched tone. He looked between the two girls and groaned.

“Fine.” He said as he hung his head and got into the carriage. As the cart started moving the filly pouted.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie demands to be a mare again!” She whined.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie need to learn how to calm down.” Hex said in a flat tone.

“But Twilight-”

“Made a mistake and she’s paying for it." He said ina flat tone. "I still can’t believe that you used ‘that’ on her. You know what that spell will do to you.”

“They told me about the Hydra incident buster.” The filly said as she poked at his side.

“That’s completely different! I had no choice, the Hydra was going to destroy the town.”

“Both of you shut up or so help me I will turn this cart around!” The farmer yelled as she neared the farm. Hex got to his hooves and walked out and trotted up next to the mare. “What are you doing?”

“Might as well face your brother with some dignity.” He said as he panted. The two ponies then saw the red stallion waiting by the entrance with a piece of hay in his mouth. He trotted up to the two. Applejack unhitched herself and stood between her brother and the Unicorn.

“AJ I-”

“No, you listen here mister!” She said as she jabbed her hoof in the middle of his chest. “Hex here is innocent. It was a big misunderstanding.”

“Ah know.”

“Another thing is.....Wait, what do ya mean ya know?”

“Ah found Spike knocked out in the East field. When he came to, he told me the whole thing.” He then shifted his gaze to the battered Unicorn. “Hex, ah’m mighty sorry for what ah did.”

“It’s fine Mac. If anypony did that to Trix then I’d do the same thing.” Hex said with a small chuckle. “However, you better get ready for some serious payback.” He said with a smirk. “You won’t know when, or where.” He said in a flat tone. The stallion gulped and looked at his sister who had a wicked grin on her face. “Wait, you said that you found Spike knocked out?”

“Eeyup.” He said as a familiar purple dragon came up to him.

“Hey guys. Is everything okay?” He asked.

“Spike you are without a doubt a life saver.” Hex said as he hoof bumped him. “I can’t thank you enough.”

“Eh, no biggie." He said with a shrug. "Still can’t believe Trixie knocked me out though.” He said as he rubbed his head. Hex smirked as his horn glowed. The azure filly was then appeared before them. Spike rolled over in laughter.

“Stop laughing at Trixie this instant!” The filly yelled.

“Serves you right.”

“Spike, ah think that ya should head on home and check on Twilight.” Mac said as he looked at his sister.

“Good idea. See ya later.” The dragon said as he ran off down the dirt road. The group then continued to make their way back to the farm house. Applebloom burst out in laughter as she saw Trixie.

“Oh mah stars! That’s the silliest thing ah’ve ever seen!”

“Stop laughing or the great and powerful Trixie will make you regret it.” The filly said in a threatening tone.

“Awe, you sound so cute when you try to be intimidating.” Hex said as he ruffled the filly’s mane. Mac looked at the two and sighed.

“Ah probably shouldn’t ask, but what happened?”

“Dash and Trixie kept shooting their mouths off, so this is their punishment.” Hex said with a chuckle.

“Rainbow Dash too? Oh wait till Scootaloo hears about this!” Applebloom yelled. The elderly green mare then trotted over to the blue stallion.

“Glad to have ya back ma boy.” She said with a friendly nod.

“Good to be back Granny Smith.” The group smiled and sat down to eat dinner. After the meal Applebloom lead Trixie up to her room and broke out the spare bed. As Hex opened the door to the spare room he felt something wrap around him and drag him into the room across the hall. Before he could yell he was silenced by a hoof over his mouth.

“Shhh.” A familiar accented voice said. “Keep yer mouth shut or they’ll hear ya.”

“Applejack?” He said as his eyes adjusted to the darkness. “What do you-” He was cut off as the rope around him tightened and found himself the bed. Hex struggled in his restraints. As he looked up he saw the mare let her hair down from the ponytail style he knew. Her golden mane draped over her face.

“Like wha ya see?” She asked in a soft tone.

“Very much. Mind letting me go?” The mare put a hoof to her chin and thought for a moment.

“Hmm......Nah. Some other mare might try to take ya when yer sleeping.” She said as she crawled on top of him. Hex gulped and felt a blush rise to his cheeks. “This way ah can keep you here all night long.” The farmer said as she licked her lips. Applejack then saw a faint magical light coming from the stallion’s horn. “How sensitive is that horn of yours?”

“Very sensitive. It’s-” He was cut off as the mare lightly flicked her tongue against the tip of the horn. Hex felt a wave of pleasure rocket through his body. The farmer then licked the length of the bone and moved her tongue in the grooves. “Oh Applejack.” He could barely say. His horn grew brighter as the mare lightly sucked on the tip. A small amount of magical energy came out from the horn and lightly zapped the mare’s body. “You okay AJ?”

“Wow and ah though zap apples had a shock to em.” She said with a grin.

“Sorry, I’ve never...done this before.” He said with a bright blush on his cheeks. The mare lightly kissed him and smiled.

“Me neither.” The mare said as she laid on top of her stallion. “Ah love ya Hex.”

“I love you too AJ.” He said as he pressed his lips against hers.

“C’mon show off. Let me show ya how we Apples buck.” The mare said before reaching over and turning off the light.