• Published 6th Mar 2012
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The Wind In Your Mane, The Sand In Your Hooves - RainbowDashian

My February Write-Off entry. The mane six go to the beach.

  • ...

The First Day

The next day, Twilight woke up before dawn. She'd always enjoyed watching the sun rise, so, after she'd put on her bathing suit, she walked out to shore and sat as close to the waves as she could to watch the sun paint the skies. Just as the sun was peaking over the horizon, there was a voice from beside her. "Beautiful, isn't it?"

Twilight jumped. She turned her head to see the colt who worked at the surf shop! "Your friends are seeming to have fun." He continued. "Why aren't you? You didn't come out of the hotel yesterday.

"I, um, I uh, I as just, uh." Twilight stammered finally, she managed, "I've always, um, read when I've been bored, but, uh, Princess Celestia said not to -"

"Wait," He interrupted. "You know Princess Celestia?"

"Yeah," Twilight answered. "She's my teacher, so, when she told me not to -"

"Whoa. "He interrupted, much to Twilight's annoyance. "The Princess Celestia is your personal mentor?"

"Well, yes." Twilight continued. "So, when she said I couldn't -"

"That," He yet again interrupted. "I amazing. I mean, I can't believe I'm talking to possibly the only person I'll ever meet that's spoken to Princess Celestia."

"Well," Twilight continued, an indignant air in her voice. "After my friends and I defeated Discord, Celestia said we could -"

"I knew you looked familiar!" He interrupted, driving Twilight off the edge. "I saw you in the newspaper after -"

"WILL YOU LET ME FINISH?" Twilight screamed. "Oh, I'm sorry, it's just, I -"

"No," He said. "Don't be sorry, it's my fault. Continue.

"Well," Twilight continued. "Princess Celestia said we could go on vacation as a reward for beating Discord. But, she told me not to read. That's how I've always passed the time."

"I could teach you how to surf." He said.

"Surfing?" Twilight asked. "I mean, I've read books on ponies who have gone surfing, but I've never really wanted to try it myself."

"Well, why not try it now?"

"I suppose I could." Over the course of two hours, Twilight had fallen off of the board forty-seven times. Over on the volleyball court, Rainbow Dash had just won her fifth game in a row against Applejack, and they were sitting on the sand watching the two ponies in the water.

"I wonder who that colt is." Applejack said. "I've never seen him before."

"Yeah," Rainbow Dash replied. "And why is her paying so much attention to Twilight?"

"Whoa, there." Applejack said. "Calm down, Sugarcube. Just because you think he's cute doesn't mean he thinks you are."

"What?" Rainbow Dash replied. "I don't think he's cute, I just, um, I just, I think the people working at the beach should pay an equal amount of attention to everyone, that's all." Rainbow Dash's face was a bright red.

Applejack laughed. "Yeah, I believe you."

"What are you laughing at?"


"Sure. Because ponies just randomly burst out laughing willy nilly."

"Well, of course they do, Dashie!" Pinkie Pie said, suddenly appearing between them, her arms full of cupcakes and ice cream cones.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack both jumped. "Where did you come from?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"The ice cream stand, silly." The pink pony answered. "Where else do you think I got these?"

"I don't know." Rainbow Dash said.

"Exactly." Pinkie Pie replied. "There's no where else on this entire beach I could have gotten these!"

"Can I have one of those?" Applejack asked.

Pinkie Pie held out her arms. "Cupcake or Ice Cream?" She asked.

"I'll take a cupcake." Applejack replied, grabbing one out of Pinkie Pie's arms. Applejack took a bite. "Wow!" She said. "These are really good!"

"I know, right?" Pinkie Pie said, handing one to Rainbow Dash. "You wouldn't think an ice cream stand would sell cupcakes, and you certainly wouldn't think the cupcakes would be good!"

Fluttershy touched down beside them. "Oh, hello." She said. "I was just talking to Andrea, and she said that -"

"Wait." Rainbow Dash interrupted. "Who's Andrea?"

"Oh, I'm sorry." Fluttershy said. "You haven't been introduced yet." Fluttershy held out her hoof and hummed a few bars of a song. A pelican flew down and landed on her arm. "This is Andrea. Say hello, Andrea." The pelican squawked.

"Wait." Rainbow Dash said. "How did she tell you anything? She can't talk!"

"Oh," Fluttershy answered. "She used gestures. Here, like this." Fluttershy set Andrea down. Then she pointed to Andrea. After this, she raised her arms in the air and flapped them up and down. Then she flung her hoof in front of her face as fast as she could.

"What does that even mean?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Ooh!" Said Pinkie Pie, her mouth full of cupcakes. "I know! It meansh zhat Anzhrea fries rearry fast!"

"What?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Pinkie Pie swallowed. "It means that Andrea flies really fast!" She repeated.

"Yes," Said Fluttershy. "That's exactly what it means."

"So," Rainbow Dash said, turning to the pelican. "You can fly fast?" The bird nodded. "I challenge you to a race." She pointed towards the sea. "You see that buoy? We're going to race there and back." They shot off.

After about twenty, seconds, Rainbow Dash won by a small margin. Seeing the dejected look on the pelican's face, Fluttershy said "It's okay, Andrea. No one can beat Rainbow Dash. I haven't even seen a falcon go that fast!" The bird seemed to become happier.

The rest of the day passed like normal. Rainbow Dash beat Applejack by one game. Twilight fell off of her board a total of one hundred and sixty-four times, but managed to ride one wave before the sun set.