• Published 28th May 2013
  • 1,399 Views, 53 Comments

Kimono (Tries to) Buy a Kimono - Pump It Up

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Chapter 2: I’m on a Mission!

Kimono trotted away from the Carousel Boutique, her mind set on finding some pony who had a kimono or two to sell. She asked everypony, even the background ponies. [Did Kimono break the fourth wall? Or did I?] But nopony had one. But some grey pegasus mare had a great idea.

“Why don’t you go to Griffondor?” the pony suggested.

“Griffondor?” Kimono repeated.

“Yeah! I haven’t been — no pony sends things there — but maybe they’ll have some!”

“Thank you!” Kimono said as the pegasus flew erratically away. She went to walk away, and then said, “What’s a griffon?”


“So that’s what a griffon is,” remarked Kimono as the hot air balloon she rented touched down. “Never seen them before.”

She climbed out of the basket (she didn’t feel like opening the basket door) and went to the first griffon she saw. “Where’s the nearest clothing store?”

“I’m not telling you anything, loser.” The female griffon flew off.

“Don’t mind her,” a voice said from behind Kimono. She turned to see a male griffon wearing a beret. “Gilda doesn’t like very many creatures.” He held out a claw. “My name is Samuel R. Ironclaw.”

Kimono took his claw and shook it. “Sounds violent.”

“I know, it’s dreadful, really. All griffons were violent early on.” Samuel fixed his beret. “So, I heard you are looking for a clothing store.”

“Yes. I’m looking for a kimono.”

“Well, you’ve certainly come to the right place.”

“Yesss!” Kimono pumped her hoof in the air. “Finally, someplace that has them!”

“Right this was.” The two started walking. “By the way, what is you’re name?”


Samuel stopped for a split-second, but then resumed walking. “Well Kimono, welcome to Griffondor.”

“Here is the Griffon Style Company’s store.” Samuel stopped in front of a building that would rival one of a certain party pony’s cakes. It had all sorts of colors that twisted and swirled, and it had about a couple billion sprinkle-like things on it.

“It’s very, uh, interesting.” Kimono looked the building up and down. “Reminds me of the party Pinkie Pie threw for me yesterday.”

“It has all the latest styles from all over Equestria and beyond.” As with the Carousel Boutique, a bell went off when they walked inside. A griffon came over.

“Hello, how may I help you today?” the griffon asked perkily.

“Teenager?” Kimono whispered to Samuel.

“Yep,” he whispered back.

To the female griffon, she said, “I’m looking for a kimono.”

“It just came in!” The griffon led Kimono over to a griffonequin.

“Here it is.”

Kimono stared at the garment in disbelief. It looked nothing like her kimonos!

“Modified specifically for griffons,” the salesgrififn added.

“I’ll… I’ll think about it.” Kimono tried to smile. “Thank you.”

“You’re very welcome. Come again!”

Griffon and pony exited the store.

“I’m sorry you couldn’t find what you wanted,” Samuel said sympathetically.

Kimono sighed. “It’s alright.”

“Here, let me pay for your journey back.”

“Oh, you don’t have to…”

“I insist.”



Now back in Ponyville, Kimono moped around town. No kimono for Kimono.


The mare whipped her head around. She had heard her name, but barely.


It was closer this time, and Kimono saw the source running towards her.

“Kimono! I’ve been looking all over Ponyville for you!” Rarity panted, but then stopped, laughing self-consciously. “A lady mustn’t pant.”


“So, the reason I was looking for you was because you can give me one of your kimonos, and I’ll try and replicate it.”

“You will?!” Kimono bounced with joy. “Thank you thank you thank you!”

“You’re very welcome.”

“Is that what your cutie mark stands for?”

“Hm?” Rarity glanced at her cutie mark. “No, my special talent is finding gems.”

Kimono stared at Rarity for a second, then shook her head. “Well, follow me! I’ve got tons of kimonos…”