• Published 21st Jul 2013
  • 25,101 Views, 831 Comments

Metro: Retribution - RF and AG

Artyom's sacrifice at D6 wasn't the last chapter of his story. A Metro/FiM crossover.

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Chapter 20: Cut-throat Politics

The Emperor … he acts much like Korbut did, concealing his true desires behind a mask. To let me go so easily and then invite Shining and us to see their ‘Senate’ in work … it makes me question everything about him. His actions and motives are not what worries me though, it is the presence of the Red Line. Why are they holding the town? Who is leading them? The most important question, though, is how did they get here?

Cut-throat Politics


(Three Hours Later)

Perspective: Artyom

“Как такое возможно? Это же должно быть невозможно?” I muttered to myself under my breath as I walked right behind Shining, who was also following someone. The guard led us to the area which was marked for exclusive guests. Thus, it was safe to assume that there were multiple occasions where a diplomat, or some other being of importance, would attend a senate meeting.

Of course, I don’t think it was common for a diplomat to be followed around by a seemingly invisible escort, that if seen would scare countless unexpecting gryphons. Yeah, it was a safe assumption that this would be a first among gryphon history. I know it was a first among my own personal history … at least, the first time to be the follower. Perhaps it could even be considered ironic that I was now the follower instead of the one being followed.

Maybe I just missed the Little One.

Either way, no matter how much I tried to reason it out, there was no explanation for this, except for the one that Shining gave; “enchantments.” He explained them briefly to me, along with the ‘enchanter’ who gave us the amulets. The ones that we wore were prototypes that the Empire had been developing in collusion with the Equestrians. It was an, and I quote, “invisibility matrix that allowed light to bend around the target in a perfect manner so as to present the illusion that there is nothing there.”

The reasoning behind that was sound but at the same time, light didn’t work in a such a way and it would have adversely affected the user, at least that was what my basic knowledge in biology and science told me. When I had looked at him with a look of complete disbelief, he instead used the lamest excuse, “it’s magic.”

That was my amulet at least; the one that Shining wore was an amulet that actually revealed any beings that were trying to use the amulet I had on. Of course, only he could see me while I still remained completely invisible to everyone else. Yeah, it was like I was reading a story completely full of convenient plot items and holes. Now though… now I was living in it.

I sighed inwardly, giving up on trying to make sense of this world once more … why did I even bother to try? I should have given up long ago, when I first met the talking ponies. Life would have been so much easier on my sanity to just have gone with the flow and not give a care to what was happening. If only I had taken that path … maybe then I wouldn’t have ended up following a grey gryphon guard and a white pony prince to a seat to watch nearly a hundred gryphons shouting at eachother. Maybe I should have just stayed in bed that day, instead of following Khan to meet Miller about the Little One.

So we sat, separate from the rest of the senate, patiently waiting for Galba to finish this so we could converse on more important issues; namely the Red Line. I frowned at the thought of those bastards taking over an entire city for their own gain or the possibility of them committing atrocities. At least in the Metro we had adequate means to make the fight even, here though …

“Ah, Prince Armor! I didn’t expect you to be joining us for our senate meeting,” a new voice spoke up from in front of us. I didn’t miss this Gryphon turning the corner right in front of us, I was just surprised that he would even address Shining. Of course, based upon his looks, there was a chance he was a gryphon of some importance. His feathers were a dark grey, nearly black in colour, while the fur of the rest of his body was a brown that was teetering on the edge of being red. He wore interwoven fabrics, much like the Roman Senate would have worn, but his was pure white aside from a few badges strewn along it. “It is a rare thing for the ponies to be willing to partake in our affairs. Perhaps Galba’s showing his weakness, hmm, and reaching out for help.”

“Lucius,” Shining stated with a little bit of venom to his words. He didn’t even try to keep up the small talk, instead trying to walk around the already obnoxious-looking gryphon. It seemed the gryphon wanted to converse more, though.

“Oh, don’t be so hostile, Prince Armor. Don’t tell me you don’t have some essence of friendship in you?”

Shining just glared harder at Lucius, not wanting to make an attempt at a rebuttal or speaking in general. From this I could tell that Shining didn’t like Lucius in any way shape or form, even more so than what I originally figured when Shining did in fact spoke to him.

“Quiet, today, hmm? Well, I must be going Prince. It has been wonderful to converse with you, even if it was for such a short time. Perhaps we can discuss more pressing issues over tea?” It was as if the gryphon had a smirk glued to his beak. The smirk never left, not even when he started to walk away.

While he walked past us, Shining gave a brief look back, along with a rather nasty scowl to him. Normally I would have just asked him my questions right away, but since we were trying to be stealthy and not seen or heard by others, I kept my mouth shut. Though it seemed Shining was rather willing to keep his mouth closed as well, not bothering to even say a word about Lucius.

The guard that was leading Shining eventually turned left into a secluded hallway, before leading us up some more stairs … what a freaking joy it was. Finally he stopped before a door, raising his right claw to make as though he was ushering us into the room. Thankfully, the guard knew I was behind Shining or he might have closed the door in front of me. Shining moved to the left taking up one of the two seats in the booth, forcing me into the one on the right side of the booth. Not that I was complaining, for the seat was surprisingly comfy. I didn’t really get much time to speculate on the chair though for a deep bellow rose from the floor in front of us.

“Stand and bow before Emperor Galba Alexius!” The unseen gryphon called out.

I looked around the senate floor first, taking in what it looked like. Aside from almost all of the structural; aspects being of stone, it was a semi circle in design. There was a second balcony that seemed to mirror the one that we were currently sitting on, but aside from that there was really no second floor to the senate. The now standing gryphons sat among sections of two desks wide and about ten back; twelve sections in total made for a rather large amount of gryphons. There were carpeted pathways separating each section which led to a podium in front of all the sections, so I assumed that they must take turns on going to the front to speak.

The tables in front of each Senator was surprisingly made of wood and so was the massive concave like table that sat in front of the podium. There were three chairs there, so maybe they were advisors or something to Galba. It was tough to assume their true purpose aside from just basing it off nations from my own world.

Now I quickly glanced over to Shining to see if we needed to stand, not like it mattered to me since I couldn’t be seen. He continued to sit patiently in his seat, eyes focused forward but his head slowly leaned towards me. He paused for a second, as if he was waiting for something.

“All Hail The Emperor!” Came a loud chant from the entire Senate.

In that split second, Shining spoke up. “We’ll discuss later. Focus on this, Artyom.”

“Ладно,” I said in brief reply. he nodded his head before returning to his previous stoic position.

In those few seconds that I had paid attention to Shining, I missed seeing where the Emperor entered from. Instead, I was treated to him standing in front of a rather simple, yet large throne. If I had to guess, he most likely had a more public looking throne. Of course, this was an assumption that medieval perceptions could be used in this land. One throne for the masses and diplomats to see, the other intended more for practical uses.

In front of the Emperor sat three gryphons, all of them looked of closer stature to Galba than the rest; advisors maybe. Off to Galba’s right silently stood the same gryphon that had tried to force information out of me. It would seem that he was someone important … that just spitting in his face even more worth it. A little off to the side, yet in between the senate and Emperor, sat two more gryphons who had quill and parchment ready. Huh … note takers of some kind, I couldn’t remember the exact word for them.

“Be seated,” Galba said, his voice resounding louder and far clearer than I would have thought … the answer was probably magic though given the design of this place, he could just be using some good acoustics.. “Let it be known that despite Prince Armor sitting in attendance, the Senate will not be restricted in matters. Quintus, who is first?”

There were a few rather loud mumblings that took place after Galba announced Shining’s presence but soon settled down. The gryphon who was sitting in the middle of the three that were positioned in front of Galba looked through a list in front of him before clearing his thought. “Markis Breaker of Highmain has the floor.”

A white coloured gryphon made his way to the podium rather quickly, perhaps the issue was of actual urgency. The moment the gryphon reached the podium, he put his claws on the marble looking furniture before he began speaking in an amplified volume. “Thank you, your highness. The town of Highmain would like to bring attention to the recent proposal to construct a second marble mine. The original mine is showing signs of instability as well as running low on marble and a second one is needed to help supply the empire.”

Galba’s wings ruffled slightly before he spoke up. “Yes, I have looked at the proposal and so have my advisors. You have one week to bring about a plan for the mine, in which you will present it to us once again. Clear?”

“Yes, your highness,” the gryphon said before stepping back and bowing. He made his way back to his original seat. Galba looked down at Quintus who had been waiting for approval to move forward.

“Clara Pontis of …” Quintus’s voice drowned out as I tuned out this pointlessness. I never really dealt with politics and if what was happening was anything like politics from back home, than I had no reason to try and get involved. In fact, I remembered something that Khan had told me a while ago, regarding politics.

He said: “A representative of the people is necessary for their voices to be heard. Unfortunately, more often than not, their voices are drowned out by the bureaucratic nightmare that is backroom politics. What people see is a show, while the real deals are made in private. Deals that benefited those of power more than those who worked to keep a normal life. Of course, that was in the old world, Artyom. Here in the Metro there is no room for bureaucrats, for guns and strength are the only real players in a political game. While the system hasn’t improved, I must say that the Metro’s way is better.”

I asked him why, and he just smirked before replying. “Because now … we have the guns as well.”

My reminiscing was cut short as I felt a little nudge against my leg. I looked over to Shining who was still staring ahead, but he seemed to sense that I was looking at him. He didn’t even look at me before speaking in a hushed whisper, “I know you were not paying attention, Artyom. If I didn’t have a rather large stake in such things, I would be in your position as well.”

“What did I miss?” I asked.

“Not much. Clara brought up the idea of possible expansion in sport funding. Jalak Sharp inquired about the release of their national budget, and finally Pol Lop gave a brief report about a Gryphon and Pony colony that was settled on a newly discovered landmass to the south,” he said. It was actually a rather impressive feat that he conveyed all of that with barely moving his lips. It seemed that Shining could play the secrecy game as well.

I was about to say something when a particular topic was brought forth from a red gryphon that seemed a little bit worse for wear when compared to the others; possibly a former soldier. “Emperor, I would have addressed the growing situation in Usaaly but with the pony Prince here, I wil-”

“No, you will speak what you intended to say,” Galba said as he sat up a bit straighter in his chair.

“As you wish, your highness,” he said with a little bow. “Emperor, may I inquire as to what your plans are to deal with this ‘human’ acquisition of our town? It has been over two weeks since they invaded Usaaly by surprise, and so far there has only been a few weak hearted attempts at taking back the town. So, I restate my question, what are you plans to deal with the situation?”

“My plans, Senator, are going ahead as scheduled. The Legion will have the town back in Gryphon claws soon. So how about you sit your pretty feathers down and turn you attention away from something that isn’t of your position.”

Now, at first I thought the gryphon would turn tail and run back to his seat. Galba was making it clear that going down that path of questioning would not be healthy for the current senator. That thought was soon proven wrong as things got very interesting.

“Oh, give it up, Galba! We all know that you have no plan!” A familiar voice spoke above the mumblings. The identity of the specific gryphon was confirmed when Lucius stood up and made his way to podium, a handful of fellow senators following him up there. “Every single gryphon in this room knows that as long as you sit on the throne, Usaaly will still be in the beast’s grubby paws!”

“This is out of-” Quintus rose from his seat to quell Lucius.

“Shut up, Quintus,” Lucius said, “you are a pathetic excuse for a gryphon, allying yourself with such a feeble hen.”

“Now, Lucius, I wouldn’t be going around throwing insults that you yourself are a prime example of,” Galba retorted back, not willing to let Lucius get to him.

“Then grow some fucking balls and take charge, Galba! Of course ... we know you won’t; that seat has made you grow soft! You were indecisive when the ‘humans’ just suddenly appeared and attacked Usaaly. You sat back and watched as civilians died, refusing to act swiftly enough to save one of our most important towns! Then you had the gall to claim you had everything under control shortly before sending a pathetic excuse for a counter attack! You have blood on your claws, Galba, the blood of innocents!”

“Don’t speak of blood with me, Lucius!” Galba roared as he rose to his feet, standing up on his throne. “I have fought and bled for this country, before taking my rightful place and leading it to become one of the largest superpowers on this planet! I did everything for the people while you, Lucius, have murdered your way to get to where you are, and don’t play the innocent act.”

“We do what we must, Galba, but at least the lives I took, made this empire better! I took action when it was called for, unlike you! Our so called, ‘ruler’ who can’t even protect one town from a group of beasts. No, instead you must bring in those who you grovel before, you sun worshipper!”

A collective gasp went around, much to my surprise. I glanced over to Shining, who just had an eyebrow raised in curiosity. It would seem that even he was intrigued by why they gasped at that statement.

“You have no idea what game you are playing, Lucius. Step out of those robes that you think are too small, and you will be crushed. Mark my words, Lucius, each step you take now could very well be your last!”

“I’m not going to try and convince you that you’re weak. How about I bring in a survivor of the attacks,” Lucius said, giving a sharp whistle. From the pair of doors that were directly connected to the middle isle, limped a wounded gryphon. Some bandages were wrapped here and there, while some were darkened by blood. The coat of grey was tattered and unkempt, which would suggest that he hadn’t groomed in a while … at least that was a good assumption.

“This is Caldus, a member of the guard stationed at Usaaly. He fought the humans, killing a clawful before being forced to retreat with his squad as the beasts pushed them out of the village. The rest of his squad was wiped out while Caldus barely managed to escape,” Lucius said, bringing up a fair amount of mumbling from the rest of the senators. “Tell the senate your story, Caldus.”

“M-My contubernium was taken surprise by the beasts, coming from out of nowhere. They attacked hard and fast, killing many Legionaries as well as civilians with those small cannons of theirs! My Decanus was hit in the first wave, so it was up to me to rally the rest and lead the assault.” he said before taking a pause to let loose a small coughing fit.

This had me focus a little closer on the gryphon, as I just felt that something wasn’t right with that gryphon. The coughs just didn’t make a lot of sense and sounded fake. There was something else though … I was sure that I had seen him before.

“We managed to take down about five of them before they focused their attack on us. All we could do was to stand our ground but they overran us. We all tried to retreat but they caught the rest of the Legionaries. I was lucky that they overlooked my hiding spot … but I can’t forget how they just walked up to the gryphons they captured and just cut their throats. it was horrible!” The gryphon quickly broke down crying, and he was a decent actor at that, I was positive.

“You see, Gryphons and Gryphonesses, this brave gryphon had more guts than our leader! If I could, I would make this gryphon our leader and rid our country of this impure lineage! With a cowardly Emperor and an impure heiress, we need a new leader,” Lucius shouted, gaining a few nods from the senate.

I don’t know if the rest of assembly picked up on it, but I almost see Galba’s eye twitch at what Lucius just said. His wings ruffled a little more before he hopped down from his throne, taking his time to walk around the places of his advisors. He stopped right at the front of the advisors wooden bench, eyeing up Caldus for a second.

“What was your rank Caldus?”

“Optio, y-your highness,” he said meekly, I couldn’t see his eyes from my position but I was almost sure they were looking away from the Emperor.

“Ahh yes, and because you were an officer, I take it you knew the chain of command in Usaaly?”

“Yes, sir …”

“Can you tell me who was in charge, Caldus?” I think I saw Lucius visibly shrink a little at this question. Yeah, there was something up.

“Imperial Legate Varstag, sir,” Caldus answered without hesitation. From this answer, Lucius stopped trying to be smaller and instead seemed to make himself larger as if he thought he won something. Galba, on the other hand, turned around and went about sritching or something at a panel on the concave desk. He fiddled with it for a little bit before speaking.

“Ah, Varstag. You see, Caldus, I have known Varstag for quite some time. Such an honourable gryphon. A true being of integrity and loyalty, but his back was always bad. He fought through the pain for a long time until it was time for him to stop trying to be a field commander. A desk job here at the castle was always open for him, though no longer is,” Galba said as he stopped fiddling with the panel.

In a sudden burst of speed, the Emperor turned around, a miniature crossbow in his claw. There was no time to react as he drew the crossbow up to eye level with Caldus and pulled the trigger. The arrow shot quickly off the wooden stock and met the center of Caldus’ right eye before the gryphon could flinch. The split second after the bolt went through the gryphon’s eye and subsequently his skull and brain, the gryphon slumped over much to the panic of every single gryphon in the room.

“I guess you didn’t see that one coming, Caldus,” Galba said coolly, as he leaned towards the now dead gryphon.

“Galba are you out of your mind! Now you’re killi-”

“I’ve had enough of you, Lucius! Varstag was replaced shortly before the attack but stayed with the Legion that is monitoring the town! His replacement was killed in the fight! Don’t you fucking dare try to pull the wool over my eyes and try to fake a survivor, let alone with a representative of your house!” Galba said, pulling another bolt into the crossbow before aiming it at Lucius. “This assembly is over! Unless you all want to see Lucius take a bolt to his empty skull, get the fuck out! I’d better not see you in this building for a long time, Lucius.”

The entire senate hustled out of the massive doors, yet it wasn’t in the form of panic. Instead, it looked more like they were all just glad to get out of the building, though Lucius was in a full blown sprint. Galba, on the other hand, watched the senators leave before looking down at the body of Caldus and the blood pooling. He looked up to where we were sitting, a manic grin on his face, before turning around to one of the guards that were starting to gather. “Clean up the body, everyone else is dismissed. Quintus, go fetch our guests.”

As I watched two guards slowly pick up the dead body, it hit me where I had seen that gryphon before. On the way to the assembly we had pass numerous doors that were a mix of open and closed. One of the ones that was open, had a gryphon that looked exactly the same as Caldus except he didn’t look as tattered then. Well, I couldn’t help but smirk at what just happened.

I don’t approve of killing unarmed men, but trying to usurp your own leader by the way of falsifying evidence deserved to be handled in a harsh way. My smirk faded quickly though ... this was too harsh though. No, there were better ways of dealing with this. I wouldn’t bring it up, for it wasn’t my place to question another culture’s methods, but that didn’t mean I would accept it as the right thing.

I only stayed in my seat because Shining was still there; yet my mind wandered as I was still trying wrap my head around the sheer amount of crazy that just exuded from this entire world. So why was Shining still sitting there? Well he was beyond shock at seeing such an event happen right in front of him. His jaw was still a little slack, and threatening to fall even further to the floor if he leaned any further forward on his seat.

“If I’m not interrupting anything, I think you both know why I am here,” a somewhat familiar voice said from behind us. I turned my head to see the gryphon who was sitting in the middle seat of the concave table. His voice though, I had heard it before.

“You were on boat?” I asked, causing him to look in my general direction since he couldn’t see me.

“Indeed, but this is not the time for pleasantries,” he said as he rolled his claw. “As you can see, things have moved forward and Galba would like to see you with regards to a certain proposition.”

This seemed to snap Shining out of his stupor, as his head whipped around at a speed that made me cringe a little. His eyes narrowed for a second at Quintus, who didn’t seem to notice, before they relaxed.

“Let us go then,” he said, a little too calmly. There was a thought that came to mind all too quickly, was there a possibility that this was more common than I thought?

“What is happening?” I asked, still trailing behind Shining as we walked along an unfamiliar corridor.

“That is for Emperor Galba to inform you,” Quintus said without looking back to either of us. I couldn’t tell if he was in shock at what happened or that he had a perfectly neutral demeanour to everything. “I hope, for both of your sakes, that it isn’t as drastic as I think it is.”

Did he really have to say that? Didn’t he realize he was tempting luck and fate at the same time. Great, thanks to this foolish gryphon anything could happen and it would undoubtedly be the worst case scenario. If my assumptions were correct, at least based upon the info from Galba, then we were going to have to fight.

Not that I was complaining, mind you. There were enough reasons to kill more Red Line soldiers ... especially if they were Korbut's.

Author's Note:

Whelp. That was a long time huh? Honestly this is getting tougher for me to write... not in a "I have no clue where to take this way" but more in a "I can't find the willpower to even write." Maybe once the New Year comes, I will find renewed strength to write.

Anyway, there is one thing I want to clear up. The gryphon's have a senate much like the Roman Empire, but among those Senators, there are many that are there because their house name is influential. Lucius was one such gryphon, with him being the head of the house. You can apply to become a member of a house, and that is what Caldus was, a member. Why do I tell you all this in the authour notes? There was no place to put in such a trivial piece of info that would have no part in the story.

Anyway, I know that there has been way to much down time for Artyom, not enough action to fit a story about him. Well don't you worry, give it two chapters and you'll get your badass Ranger.

Russian Translation:
Как такое возможно? Это же должно быть невозможно? - How is this possible? Shouldn’t it be impossible?

Ладно - Alright

Time lapse icons/Page breaks
+++++ = Dream Skips (can change perspectives)
~~~~~ = Time skips (can change perspectives)
***** = Immediate Perspective Changes
##### = Immediate Flashback

Thanks to AuthorGenesis, and Andrey_159 for doing what they do best; helping me make this look better than what it originally comes out as. Thank you to all the readers, all of those who have commented, and all of those that have given advice. This will be the last update of Metro for the year most likely. So have a Happy Holiday for those that celebrate something this time of the year. If you don't? Well then have a happy break from the repetitiveness.