• Published 20th May 2013
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Freedom Through Harmony: Book II - Electricut

Six years have passed since the events of Book I, but some loose threads remain untied. The Order is done lurking in the background, and it will fall not upon the Elements, but the Crusaders and anyone they can find to help to stop them.

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Chapter Twenty-Seven
Wistarian Waters; Ivoire

For the first few minutes of the trip, I tried to find something productive to do on board the boat. I wasn’t the only one who was feeling anxious- Raphael stopped pacing around at about the same time I did, and Sweetie Belle was still wandering the deck by the time I sat down in the cabin, alone with my thoughts. “We’re going to be making two stops on the way to Desert Isle.” Scratch told me. “There are people who we need to meet on the way, people who might be able to help us. It will give us a chance to stretch our legs, too. First stop will be a place called Tempest Isle, and it will take us a little over an hour to get there.”

After a few minutes, Dinky entered the cabin and sat across from me. She was the one member of the party that I had barely spoken to; Scratch had a way of commanding attention, and I had spoken to Raphael a few times so far. He seemed like a cool person to me, training to join the White Wolf army one day, and doing what he could to defend Ivoire in the meantime. His methods and mannerism were different, but his goal reminded me a lot of Rainbow Dash, before he achieved it and became leader of the Wonderbolts. Aside from that, Raphael was loyal, honest to a fault, and a well-trained fighter. I didn’t blame Luna for becoming fond of him.

Dinky was another story. She had kept to herself so far, and I knew almost nothing about her, save that she was one of the dreamers the Order was trying to eliminate.

“So…” she started, interrupting my thoughts, “You said that you and your friends were exiled from Equestria?”

I nodded. “Basically. The Order had these dark creatures, different than the ones we’ve been fighting. They could change shape, and made themselves look like us. When they ran off with the Elements of Harmony- one of the most powerful sets of weapons in Equestria- they did it in a way that made it look like the Crusaders were the ones that stole them. The plan was just to stay on one of the east most islands here in Ivoire for a few weeks while our names got cleared, but now… now nowhere is safe. We’re not just scapegoats anymore, but threats marked for death.”

Dinky nodded. “I know how you feel, at least in the second part. I don’t think I can ever go home until the Order is stopped, either. It’s not safe anymore… But I believe that we will defeat them, and one day it will be safe to return.”

I nodded. I hoped that we would, but the situation still looked pretty bleak. The enemy had the Elements of Harmony, and while there was no guarantee that they would be able to use them, the enemy also had Mac’s Weapon, and we had already seen that Discord was very capable of using it. The odds were stacked against us, and the only lead we had was a group of six whose dreams might lead us to discover a weakness in the Order.

“What was Equestria like?” Dinky asked, changing the subject. “I’ve heard stories about it from my caretaker, but I’ve never left Ivoire, myself.”

“It was good. You know, once we got out from under Celestia’s thumb. Under her rule, things were rough. The royal army never did much to help the towns and cities, so they had to hire mercenaries to fight off monsters and bandits, though there weren’t many who got very far as bandits. But unlike here in Ivoire, most of the really good fighters were conscripted into the royal army, and the people left to defend the rest of us were often not as skilled as they could have been. A few great fighters slipped through the cracks, like my older brother Rainbow Dash, and his wife Applejack, Applebloom’s sister. But it was always tough holding things together.

“I think it was still good though, especially once the revolution succeeded, and Blake and Rarity were put on the throne. It was certainly a lot different being landlocked, though. I never knew that there could be this much water in one place before I came out here!”

Dinky giggled. “What about you?” I asked. “How was Ivoire before the Order started attacking?”

“It was nice!” she said. “Though I’m glad I’ve been given a chance to see more of it, even if it is for a horrible reason… You see, I am a cleric, and I was working at the church in Forestia. I grew up on that island, too, and only left a few other times. My caretaker, Golden Harvest, was very protective of me. I never knew anything about my parents, but I get the feeling that they’re the reason…”

I frowned slightly, sympathetically. “My mom was still around when I was little, but she passed away. Sickness. I never knew my real dad, and got left with an uncaring stepdad. When Rainbow Dash pulled me out of there- he’s not my biological brother, but he’s my brother nonetheless- that was when I really learned what family meant.”

Dinky nodded. “I love Golden Harvest like a mother, without a doubt, but it was never kept a secret from me that she was not my mother. For a while, it felt like something was missing from my life… But joining the clergy several years ago seemed to fill that gap. This may be a silly question to ask, but… are there churches in Equestria?”

I gave a halfhearted shrug. “There are some, but the majority of people there aren’t religious. We have our myths and fables, of course, but I wouldn’t say there’s a real unified religion back home.”

She thought for a moment. “In that case, would you like to hear about the church in Ivoire?” I nodded. I was somewhat interested anyway, and it was clearly a topic she was passionate about. “Well, most people in Ivoire believe that the world was created by one God. It is said that the land of the world was barren, but the oceans teemed with life. It is said that He created the life we know on land from the life underwater: the grass and trees from seaweed, the animals from fish. He chose a specific race of sea creatures to bring to the land and guide along the path of evolution, and from that common ancestor was born the intelligent races of Ivoire; Scrabbits, owl men, mermaids, werewolves, and humans.

“The church I belong to encompasses more than just Ivoire, and takes into account the Goddess Ashunera of Tellius, and the Goddess sometimes said to watch over Equestria. I know that, as you said, not many pay this Goddess reverence, but legends that speak of Equestria speak of this creator. Our church and its priests and clerics believe that these two Goddesses and Ivoire’s God worked together to create our world, each overseeing the creation of their own continents, and thus the Children of Equestria, Ashunera’s Beorc and Laguz, and Ivoire’s many races arose independently of one another. Some, myself included, believe that these three deities watch over us still, on our own earth. After all, Ashunera walked among her people for a short time during the Goddess’ War eight hundred years ago, and the Dragon King Kurthnaga still speaks of her beauty to his people, or so I’ve heard.”

I nodded, taking in her story. “You know, one of the few things we know about the Order… They claim to serve a Goddess who walks the earth. Scratch may be able to tell you more, but from what I’ve heard, they claim to protect her and act upon her orders and under her guidelines. Discord is clearly the one calling the shots though, and he is likely a false prophet, twisting her words for his own gain.”

She shook her head. “If they speak the truth, at least in serving the Goddess, then it is likely that pursuing them will lead us to her.” A light shone in her eyes. “And if we are led to her, then I will do my best to be a true, righteous disciple.”



I pulled the boat up to the docks at Tempest Isle. It took me some time to get used to how this vessel handled, but once we had reached the island, all was familiar. It was here that I had been trained for years, under the watchful eye of the enigmatic owl man, Persimmon. From here, it was a trip I had made countless times before.

“Here’s our first stop.” I stated, loud enough that I could be sure those in the cabin and below decks could hear me. “Feel free to get out and stretch your legs. Raphael, do you want to come with me to find Persimmon?”

The knight nodded. “He is a good man. If we can persuade him to take up arms against the Order, we will be quite a bit stronger.”

“We’ll make sure at least a few of us stay near the ship.” Sweetie Belle chimed in. “Just in case we need to make a quick escape. I don’t think anyone around here would steal anything, if we even had anything worth stealing.”

I nodded to her, thankful for her tactical thinking, and Raphael followed me as I walked off of the boat, out of the docks and into town. As we walked, I slowed my pace slightly to walk in-step with him. “So, your thoughts so far?” I asked.

“We’ve clearly made a powerful enemy…” he mused, “but, I think it was an enemy worth making. These people are attacking innocent people, on claims that they are serving a Goddess. Religious beliefs do not change the fact that if you harm the people of Ivoire, there will be retribution. Justice.”

I nodded. His loyalty and dedication were not something I had to question. “How about our party? I know we’ve brought in a lot of people recently.”

He considered this for a moment. “They all seem trustworthy enough.” he said. “Although I would think that Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo would be a bit more mature, seeing as they fought their way through a war.”

I shrugged. “Maybe that’s the reason they aren’t. They didn’t want to grow up too fast, and ended up not growing up fast enough.”

“It is a possibility. However, I’d be willing to wager that you, Octavia and Lyra would still be acting much the same way if the situation hadn’t demanded otherwise.”

“Maybe…” I admitted. He had a point. I decided to change the subject before I started feeling sorry for myself. “What about the other two from their group? Angel and Luna? Don’t think I haven’t noticed those mushy looks you give her.”

Raphael looked away bashfully. “Well, perhaps. Angel is a strong spirit, for one of such little size. He would make a good knight, with proper combat training. And Luna… I can scarcely think of words that would do her justice. Her beauty, wisdom and kindness are unlike any I have ever witnessed.”

I smiled. “You know, she hasn’t said anything about it, but… Luna was formerly the princess of Equestria, sister of the mad Queen Celestia.” He turned to face me, eyes wide. “And the Queen who succeeded her, Rarity, is the sister of Sweetie Belle.”

Raphael took several seconds to react, and when he did, he just shook his head in wonder. “Were it coming from anyone but you, Scratch, I would not believe it. Two princesses in our ranks… Why did they never speak of it?”

“I assume it’s because they don’t want to be known as princesses out here.” I told him with a shrug. “Sweetie Belle clearly doesn’t want to be put on any sort of pedestal, and Luna… Well, I think she seems happy with how you’ve been treating her as it is.”

He nodded. “Very well… I will do all I can to make sure this knowledge does not affect my behavior. I appreciate you telling me this, though.” He looked up wistfully. “It seems fitting for Luna, does it not? She has the grace and beauty of a princess…”

“Alright, lovebird, get your head together. We’re here.” We came to the front of a tavern, pleasant and clean as far as taverns go. There were a few people coming and going, but it was not very busy yet. In front of the door was a well-dressed man, monitoring who was entering and exiting, and when he saw Raphael and I approach, he regarded us warily.

“Aren’t you kids a bit young to be coming around here?” he asked.

“Yes.” I confirmed. “And we don’t intend to come in, only ask to speak to someone.”

He thought for a moment. “Who?”

“Persimmon. He’s a regular here, I’m sure you know him.”

“Yeah, I know him. Good guy, if a little weird. Who’s asking?”

“Scratch.” I stated simply.

“Fine. I’ll get someone to tell him you’re out here.” The man poked his head inside and spoke to someone for a moment, then returned to his post. Several minutes passed in which Raphael and I stood outside the tavern, listening to the piano being played expertly inside, moving from a mournful tone, to a low, fast paced one of determination and vengeance, and finally moving upwards to a hopeful, wistful tune that echoed well into the next song.

At last, a familiar figure stepped out of the tavern, wearing a black trench coat over his smooth gray feathers. Instead of spectacles, he wore a small pair of sunglasses at the edge of his beak.

“It’s been a while, both of you.” Persimmon greeted. “You look like you haven’t had a moment to rest for weeks.”

“Sure feels like it…” I mused. “It’s been around a week since I was last able to sleep soundly. There’s something happening, Persimmon. Something big.”

He considered for a moment. “Let’s step to somewhere a bit quieter. Don’t need to worry others and cause a fuss.”

I nodded, and led the way across the street and in front of a much less busy building, one that was probably already closed for the night. “Alright… there’s this group called the Order.” I said. I proceeded to explain everything that had happened so far, as well as what had happened to the Crusaders before we had started traveling together. Raphael chimed in and helped when I wasn’t sure of some parts of the story. “We’re on our way to Desert Isle now, on the advice of the deserter from the Order.”

Persimmon nodded slowly, taking it all in. “The Doctor did tell me that one day, something called Discord may try something, and that we’d have to be ready. I guess that time is now. Did he leave you with any further orders for me?”

I shook my head. “No. Coming here to speak with you was my decision.”

“Then I can at least promise you I will do my part when the battle comes to our doorstep. I won’t be coming with you though. Someone’s got to stay back to defend, while others move out to attack. I have an obligation to this place, a promise that I will not abandon them.”

I nodded. “That’s all I can ask. Just be prepared to fight, and if things look bad, get back to a more defensible position. These things have no sense of honor.”



“There will be one more stop before we make a straight shot to Desert Isle.” Scratch told us, pulling the boat carefully away from Tempest Isle. “We’ll be riding through the night either way, so feel free to sleep whenever you want.”

I nodded, and sat on one of the benches on the deck. Our second stop wasn’t very far from where we were, so I decided I would sit outside and enjoy the ocean air. After a few minutes, Sweetie Belle sat beside me, frowning slightly.

“Hey, Scoots, can I ask you something?” she asked.

“Of course.” I responded. “What’s up?”

“Well, two things. First, do my teeth seem pointier than usual to you?” she pulled up the corner of her mouth to show me.

I shook my head. “Not especially. Why?”

She shrugged. “Maybe I’m just getting paranoid. Anyway, the other thing I wanted to ask was… Do you think we’re going to be okay? Like, we’ll either defeat the Order or get things sorted out so we can go home, and help people with more experience defeat them?”

I nodded after a moment. “I believe we will, yes. We’ll have to keep ourselves sharp and stay careful, but I think we’ll make it through.”

She sighed, but smiled slightly. “Yeah… Guess we’ll just have to take it one step at a time… Man, I haven’t been feeling great lately.”

“Are you sure it’s not some kind of withdrawal? You haven’t had any alcohol for a few weeks.”

She shrugged. “I can’t be sure it isn’t withdrawals. And I sure didn’t feel sick like this when I had access to the stuff.”

“You feel sick? Will you be alright to fight if we have to again?” I asked, concerned.

“Yeah, I should be fine. It’s not so bad that I can’t get around and do what I need to do. It’s just when we have downtime that I notice it… My stomach gets kinda upset, I get headaches, and it sometimes feels like I have a fever, but my body is actually colder than normal. It’s weird…”

I put a hand on her shoulder, and shortly after pulled her into a hug. “We’ll be alright, I promise.”

She hugged back, and sat back against the railing of the boat after we separated. “What about Applebloom? She’s been… reserved, since those dreams started. And since Scratch joined up and she realized she wasn’t the only one… I feel like we’re missing some of the action here, you know?”

I nodded in agreement. “I wish I could help her. She’s more distant than she used to be, and barely talks for a few hours after waking up. I don’t know what those dreams are about, but I wish I could so I could comfort her…”

“Heads up, everyone.” Scratch called from where he stood, directing the ship. “Phantom Isle is just ahead.”