• Published 6th Aug 2013
  • 2,393 Views, 44 Comments

The Hidden of the Everfree - musicman722

When an ancient hunter is released, Chrysalis must do everything in her power to protect her dying people. Even if it means death.

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Murphy's Law (& Order) (4)

Mantis' legs gave out from exhaustion when he reached his cocoon bed. His work was done, the stressful meeting with the General is over and now he can just relax.


“Oof!” Mantis sqeaked out as Junebug tackled him.

“Monty~” she said, “Wanna play some more?”

Mantis groaned, “Sorry, June, but I'm just too tired. Maybe tomorrow, okay?” It pained him, but he really didn't have the energy to move. “Besides, aren't you still hurt from earlier?” he pointed to the green cast on June.

June pouted cutely, “I'm fine. I'm a big changeling. I can take what you dish out. Rawr!” She squealed out the last word as she climbed all over Mantis' body, kicking and nipping everywhere she could reach. Mantis let the continue for a minute but when she poked her horn into the back of his head, he had enough. With all the energy he could muster, he turned over, surprising Junebug, and effectively trapping her below him. She struggled to escape but it was futile.

“Monty, you're too heavy. Gerroffame!” she shouted at she flailed her hooves against his body. Complying with her adorable orders, Mantis just shifted himself over enough to let her escape, and so she did, though she fell on her face when her tail came loose.

“Time for sleep June.” Mantis said, “It's been a rough day for both of us. We need to have our energy for tomorrow. Here's your dinner.” Mantis finished as he sent a trickle of love to his sister. It wasn't much, but when rationing depleted stores amongst a whole Hive, sacrifices had to be made.

June accepted the food happily and proceeded to cuddle up to him. Their parents would have adored the sight if they were still alive. Mantis was about to fall asleep when June's voice broke the silence.

“Monty? Are you asleep?” she asked.



Mantis chuckled, “What do you want?”

“..Sorry for making you worry this morning.” she said, almost in a whisper.

“It's my job to worry about you June.”

“I know, but if I hadn't played hide and seek in that cave, then I wouldn't be hurt and you wouldn't have worried.”

Mantis smiled. “What's done is done. Good night, June.”

“Good night, Monty.”

If only I didn't want to be found, I would have laughed like a dolphin at these new creatures. First I get enough food to nearly escape, then they practically offer themselves to me. Being able to eat a whole one gave me more than enough energy to escape the last of my watery prison and consume the creature's associate.

My invisibilty may be my greatest assest, but damn me if I didn't almost get hit a few times by those erratic bolts. I felt the stunning shock as one had grazed my body. If it weren't for my agility, I wouldn't have been able to get the drop, literally, on the creature.

Ironic. To have escaped my prison, only to almost be blasted back into it.

But that is in the past, no longer part of my hunt. Now, is much different.

More of these tasty creature's brethren have come to collect my victim's corpses, even diving into my former cage to retrieve the parts. I had to keep myself from attacking the bodysnatchers but they had the greater firepower and I was no where near strong enough to take them on...yet.

So I contented myself with watching and waiting. Once they encased the body in some strange slime, they moved back up the tunnel they came in from. I followed back at a distance, keeping away from rocks slick with moisture. I had no desire to lose any precious energy. At one point, I almost wasn't able to go further due to said rocks. Almost.

I don't know how long it took to leave, but soon I came to a tunnel that lead to the rest of the warren.

Excuse me. Hunting grounds

First thing first. Map the grounds. Then prevent all escape.

“He was just sitting there?” Twilight asked incredulously. She and the other Elements gathered at Fluttershy's insistence and listened to her worries like the good friends they were. Needless to say, they all bore the same confusion at her account.

Fluttershy nodded, “Yes. He just sat there frowning.”

“Huh, I guess that explains why I didn't wake up with some prank over my head this morning.” Rainbow Dash said as she floated above everypony's heads.

Pinkie gasped, “What!? Frowning!?” she cried as if it was a severe crime, which to Pinkie it probably was. She disappeared under the table then reappeared from the bathroom in an outrageous clown suit. “Looks like a job for The Clown Crusader!” In a polka-dotted blur, she streaked out the door and towards Fluttershy's cottage. Everypony stared at the scene for a moment before dismissing it as another Pinkie moment.

“All in all, dear.” Rarity stated as she sipped her tea, “This sounds quite distressing. What could possibly keep that ruffian peaceful? Could it be that he walked through Poison Joke and became calmer?” she offered.

“Ah doubt that, sugarcube.” Applejack said, “Why would a chaotic varmint like 'im be affected by them annoyin' plants?”

“I'm just saying it might be possible.” Rarity sipped her tea calmly.

“Applejack has a point. Plus I don't think Discord would touch Poison Joke unless he was going to dump a box of it on somepony's head.” Twilight was speaking from experience. She turned to the timid yellow mare, “Did you notice anything else?”

Fluttershy hid a bit behind her mane, “Well, he kept staring at the Everfree. Does that help?”

“Hmm. Maybe. I'll write a letter to Celestia about this. Maybe she can shed some insight to Discord's behavior. Spike! Take a letter!” The dragon assistant waddled in with a tray of tea and quickly set it down before picking up a quill and paper. Just as they sent the letter, Pinkie plodded into the room distraught. Her mane was about to straighten out and she was on the verge of tears.

“Nothing worked!” she cried out, “I tried EVERYTHING! Even his favorite jokes didn't get a giggle.” She collapsed in a sobbing heap as Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash went to console her.

As the others watched, a puff of smoke came back and materialized into a scroll. Twilight caught it in her magic and unfurled it as she read it aloud.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

Your message was quite disconcerting. Had I not double checked with my magic, I wouldn't have believed it to be true (Not that you aren't always truthful, I just wanted to see for myself). In all my time of knowing him, I've never seen him like this. I want you to research the Everfree Forest and try to possibly find what is causing his current behavior. I believe that the library in Ponyville has the books necessary, but I will send any relevant documents should you need them.

Twilight rolled the scroll back up, “Alright, I'm going to do some research. Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rainbow Dash, I want you three to monitor Discord for any developments in this behavior.”

Rainbow saluted, “On it.” she said before flying out the window towards her target. Fluttershy was still holding a sad Pinkie. “I'll take Pinkie home first.” she said before helping the pink mare out the door. Applejack followed behind with an excuse about finishing up her chores.

“Need any help, darling?” Rarity asked as she finished her tea.

Twilight was already yanking books out to make her study pile. “No, it's fine. I can do this. Not the first time I pulled a huge study session.” Only Rarity saw Spike sneaking up the stairs, probably in hope of sleep.

“Do try to not overwork yourself, dear.” she said as she left.

Twilight nodded and stared at her pile of books she collected. “Alrighty then. Let's get started.”

Author's Note:

Special Thanks to Reaper1543 and Thardoc