• Published 24th May 2013
  • 358 Views, 3 Comments

Infinite Undifscovered Friendship - khandmlpfan

After the fight with Veros, the 'crimson god' Capell severed the last chain on the moon and disapeared without a trace, and ended up in the world of Equestria, unknown of who was there and what he would face to make it back to Aya.

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Chapter 1: Arrival


It has been a nice run for Capell, and now... he has finished his journey with Aya, Edward, and the rest of the gang. He closed his eyes and waited for the end....

A light slowly shines from behind him, slowly engulfing him in the radiant light of the Moon. He waited and yet.... he felt nothing but drowsiness wash over him, and slowly bringing him to a gentle slumber which he was sure would last forever like the sleep that the Aristos would have since Veros, the Crimson God was gone from this world.


When Capell awoke, he was not where he saw his Father and Leif with his sister Faina... three people that was important to him that he had lost... Instead of the holy feeling field from his vision he had ended up in a dark, very dense forest. He looked around and slowly stood up, the armor he had on before falling asleep slowly moving along his body, both protecting it and yet allowing him the freedom to move freely.

He easily stood and turned his head, the silver armor with the blue chain male linked skirt with gold trip moved along his body as he surveyed the area around him.

He was lost... more lost than his time within the tricky mists of the Cobasna Timberlands. Yet... these were not the friendly sites of the timberlands... if they had a pleasant time at all.

These woods were new to him and he had no idea what lurked within these dense woods, but he had a feeling he was about to find out as he heard some hurried steps begin coming towards him. Instinctively he pulled out his sword, the emblazoned sword. The blue metal of the blade shined with what little light shined in through the top of the forest's dense wood-life, casing a slight glare of light in front of him as he waited for what would emerge for him to fight.

His red hair shined a bit like his sword, his eyes fixated on where the steps of whatever it was coming closer and closer. He prepares for one powerful lunge, but stops once he sees an orange pony and laughed a bit before he put the sword away and looked around. "I got worked up over nothing. Well I guess i better find my way out of here."

He turns and looks up through the trees, into the sky. "Lets see.... damn the trees are too thick to tell the time... maybe if i just head off in one direction i can find my way out."

"Are yah lost dere?" The sudden voice made Capell turn and he saw the orange pony which had a sobra on and had a saddlebag on it's back. "Ah could show y-"

"Gah! Y-You talked!? P-Ponys where i come from can't talk!" Capell stared wide eyed at the pony for a minute before the pony showed a very angry expression towards him.

"Well of cource ah can talk! Can't yahll hear meh?" She glared daggers at him as he slowly calmed himself down.

"S-Sorry, i just haven't met talking ponies before. Kind of odd to me, then again i have done equally odd things myself."

"Anyway! Do yah want a way out of 'ere or not?" She seemed to be running on her last little bit of patience with Capell since she had met him a bit ago. With a quick nod form him, she then turned and started down a dirt path, motioning with a surprisingly flexible hoof for him to follow which he did.

He followed for a while until he just had to ask her. "So what is this place called? Not the forest i mean um the land mass you live on."

The orange pony took no time in answering him, saying in a 'matter of fact' tone of voice, "We are on Equestria, greatest place on Eques."

Capell took all of this information and nods, starting to think to himself a good while, thinking of a way to possibly get home, back to his world, and back to Aya. He deeply missed her and wanted to see her so bad that it literally hurt him not to be by her side at this very moment. Suddenly the snapping of a twig take him out of his trance and he looks to the side.

A huge shadow was forming that had caught his eyes, within the dark backgrounds of the forest it was hard to see, but he still managed to make it out enough to see if it was hostile he needed to deal with it quickly. Instinct drove him to put his hand on the sword at his hip before he actually saw what in Eques was the creature. Soon the shadow starts to grow smaller and smaller until suddenly a small black and white pony comes out from the bushes.

"Hm? Ah i see you have found your way, please follow applejack for here you must not stay." Was all it said before it started to walk back in the direction it came. Taking a minute he figured out at least two things, he should follow the orange pony, and her name was Applejack. Quickly he caught up to said pony and thought he might as well ask her name instead of blurt it out.

"Hey! You never told me your name!" Capell just blurted out as he jogged a bit to keep up with her.

Applejack turned her head and smiles a bit. "Ah didn't, didn't ah? Well ah'm Applejack. What's yahr name?"

"I am Capell. So applejack, what do you do? I mean if that's okay i ask."

Applejack seems to ponder the question for a while before smiling softly to Capell. "Ah work an an apple orchard. What do yah do?"

Now that was a tough question to answer, but he didn't want her to think he was suspicious and then told her straightly, "I am a part time fighter and also a musician." He told her with the truthful look in his eyes, not wanting to give out too much yet. After all he did just meet the mare and didn't want her to go to the authorities about it.

During their entire walk they were both silent, and finally they made it to their destination where Capell is staring, both wide eyed and mouth hanging open a bit in happiness at the site he saw.

"Welcome to da town of Ponyville!"