• Published 11th May 2013
  • 584 Views, 6 Comments

The Wind King - Talon19912

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A swamp, bog, mire thing

Meanwhile in the city of what I would later know as Canterlot, Celes and Luna were franticly trying to figure out what went wrong with Celes’ teleportation spell, and of course track my whereabouts. “Sister, what happened? I thought you never made a mistake while teleporting,” Luna said accusingly.

“That’s just it Luna, I’ve never made a mistake like this,” Celes replied. Luna placed a hand on her sisters’ shoulder. “Celestia, everyone makes mistakes now and then,” Luna said trying to calm her visibly distraught older sister.

“That’s the problem sister, I’m can’t afford the luxury of mistakes, you know what happened the last time I made a mistake,” Celestia replied.

“We all do,” Luna said.

“And when will you stop blaming yourself for that?” Luna asked.

“Never,” Celestia replied. Luna only sighed.

Now let me tell you, Celestia is a worrywart, she worries about every little thing down to the last detail, as does her student, and I’ll introduce her later.

Gilda and I trudged through the middle of a swamp, or was it a bog, a mire? Huh, I still can’t tell you the difference, well either way it was miserable work wading through muck that came up to our waists.

“How much further until we reach this village you spoke of earlier,” I asked as I climbed over a downed tree that was laying half submerged in the muck. “Not much further, after we exit this area, hopefully without any problems, we should reach another heavily wooded area, after that it should be only a short walk to the town,” Gilda replied.

“Of course since you are traveling with me, don’t expect an overly warm welcome,” Gilda commented.

“Not to seem like an idiot, but why not,” I asked.

Gilda sighed “The last time I was there I didn’t leave a good impression on the locals,” She said.

“Well, that sucks,” I replied climbing over another tree. We kept going at a snail’s pace, apparently because there were dangerous creatures that lived below the surface of the muck, and we didn’t want to give them reason to lash out at us.


Celestia was still running herself ragged with worry over me (see, a total worrywart); looking back I couldn’t blame her. “Sister! I’ve located a locating spell sufficient enough to locate Max,” Luna called. “Really?” Celestia asked, the relief in her voice was clearly audible. “I’m pretty sure,” Luna replied. “I’ve brought all the necessary ingredients to perform the spell,” she said. “This spell should show his position on any map enchanted with this spell,” Luna explained. “Perform the spell, Luna,” Celestia said, regaining her control. “Alright,” Luna replied.

=The Swamp=

We finally reached the edge of the swamp. “This settles it, I’m adding swamps to the list of things I hate most, next to spiders, bananas, and door to door salesmen,” I complained finally climbing out of the muck.

“Quit your bellyaching, Max,” Gilda replied offering a hand, which I graciously accepted as I climbed to my feet. “But I agree, It’s going to take forever to clean the muck out of my feathers,” She said.

“Of course it didn’t help when that hydra decided we were going to be its next meal,” I replied. “Yeah, but you should’ve seen your face, absolutely priceless,” Gilda laughed.

“Well excuse me for being scared witless,” I defended.

Gilda stopped laughing “Speaking of which, hydras are scary, yeah, but you took it to a whole new level of being scared,” Gilda said.

“Well I never knew hydras existed outside of legends until now,” I explained. “Old legends don’t prepare you for the real thing, next thing you know we’ll be staring down a manticore,” I said.

A nervous look appeared on Gilda’s face. “Don’t tell me they exist as well!” I said louder than I intended to. Gilda crossed her arms “Okay, I won’t tell you,” She said with a smirk.

I huffed “Don’t get lippy with me missy,”

= A Little While Later=

Now we, or rather I was hacking my way through thick vines that were hanging down from the tree tops with my knife. The going was slow, because let’s face it a combat knife isn’t really suited for that kind of thing. I eventually cut my way onto a well-traveled path way through the forest.

“Hey Gilda I found a path,” I said.

“Really?” Gilda asked.

“Yeah, which way should we take,” I asked. Gilda stepped up beside me and looked.

“We should follow the path west from here,” She said.

“Give me a second,” I said. I knelt down on the ground and planted my knife in the soil. I looked at the compass built into the pommel we were facing north. “All right, so we take a left onto the path and it should lead us to the village?” I asked.

“It should,” Gilda replied.

“Alright then, let’s get moving,” I said as I stood up, grabbing my knife as I stood. “Oh, by the way I don’t know if I asked this earlier or not, but what is the name of this village?” I asked. Gilda thought for a moment.

“If I remember correctly it should be called Ponyville,” Gilda replied. I couldn’t help but snicker at the name. “Oh just wait until you see the residents of the town, if you aren’t laughing now you probably will when we arrive,” Gilda said.

“Alright, well let’s get going,” I say as I start down the path only pausing for Gilda to catch up.


Luna and Celestia were watching my progress on the enchanted map. “Tell me Luna, do you see where he is headed,” Celestia asked. Luna nodded “He seems to be headed towards Ponyville,” she said. “And a certain someone in Ponyville is?” Celestia asked with a faint smile appearing on her face. Luna thought for a moment, then a look of realization appeared on her face. “Your student, Twilight Sparkle,” Luna said.

“Yes, let’s have Twilight meet him and whoever is obviously guiding him at the edge of the forest, where she will meet him, and act as his guide in Ponyville until we can pick him up in person,” Celestia said.

“That plan should work, but you might need to send him a letter explaining the situation to him, signed as your human self,” Luna said.

“Yes that’s a wise idea, sister,” Celestia agreed.

Celestia picked up a nearby quill and quickly penned a letter to her student and another to Max. She sent them via spell to her student. “Now all we do is wait,” Celestia said. “Oh we might want to send a map to her,” Luna said quickly. “Right,” Celestia agrees and sends the enchanted map as well.