• Published 9th May 2013
  • 896 Views, 13 Comments

Delirium - ngrey651

Twilight Sparkle is given an ancient journal by Princess Luna, a Changeling journal detailing an age long past, of grand cities and amazing technology, of an incredible Changeling culture...and of one singer's walk along the fine line of insanit

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“We should never ask of anything “Is it Real”…for everything is real.” C.S Lewis

A soft wind blew gently through her hair, the sunlight casting a firm shadow on the porch she stood before, her light purple fur rippling slightly in the breeze. Twilight Sparkle slowly pushed the front door to her home open, glancing about in the enormous circular room that was her main entrance hall, her most precious books lining the walls in shelf upon shelf. The horn atop her head glittered a faint pinkish hue as her deep indigo eyes focused in on book after book that magically hovered before her face.

Again and again she passed over book after book. None of them were what she needed: a tome that told of the Changeling race, the strange shapeshifters that plagued her homeland of Equestria in secret, beings shrouded in mystery and deceit. The army of the Changeling race had attempted to invade her continent’s capital. They had almost gotten her and her dearest friends killed. Her brother had almost MARRIED one, and her dear childhood babysitter had been kidnapped by their heartless queen. Why? To feed upon the positive emotions of the people of Equestria, to fool all into blindly following the foul Queen Chrysalis and undermine the country from within.

And yet…despite how much she knew about them, she didn’t really know anything. She knew they fed on emotions like love. She knew they could change shape. She knew they could fly like Pegasi ponies could, knew they could perform magic like she could, knew of how strange and insectoid their forms were, but when it came to how they came to be, where they came from, what they even did when they weren’t trying to sneak into pony villages to take the place of unsuspecting fillies and foals. What were their likes, what were their dislikes? How did they reproduce, where did they live? HOW exactly did they feed on emotions anyhow? Were all changelings like Chrysalis? Were there even such things as “good” Changelings? Of course there had to be! After all, she knew that some Changelings did sire children with ponies and produced hybrids. She had friends who were of Changeling blood. If they only thought of ponies as food sources, they wouldn’t waste time courting ponies, right? It was ridiculous to think them all evil.

She had to know more, she determined. She’d find a book on them and get to the truth.

But unfortunately, there was no such book about the Changelings in her library. She groaned, placing the last of her texts back into its proper shelf, walking slowly over the immense wooden floors of the town library which doubled as her humble abode, plopping down before a desk and holding her head in her hooves, her dark purple hair draping down over her muzzle as she groaned slightly. “I sure hope Spike has alerted the princesses.” She insisted quietly to herself, thinking back to her draconic assistant, praying he’d delivered the letter already and would be back soon with the groceries and one of the princesses in hand.

Luckily for Twilight Sparkle, her patience was soon rewarded as the door opened up, a light purple dragon’s cheery green eyes glittering brightly as he walked inside with a large brown bag of foodstuffs, a pony with fur dark as midnight walking in, her hair like a flowing river that reflected the midnight sky, stars twinkling amongst each lock as she smiled warmly at her older sister’s prized pupil. “Twilight.” She said. “I had heard you wished for a tome on the Changeling race?”

“Princess Luna!” Twilight proclaimed, hopping up and bowing her head, trotting over to her as Spike put the groceries away. “How good to see you, your majesty! But…what exactly are you doing in TOWN, I thought-” She began.

“I was at my temple in the Everfree forest. There had recently been a small earthquake, and it made a cave previously buried within the confines of my training grounds open up. I had been been preparing for a future encounter with Changelings. Queen Chrysalis’s has been aggressive on the borders of the Griffon Kingdom, and the one you know as “Gilda” personally requested my sister and I’s assistance.” Luna explained, holding a regal and dark-blue-clad horsehoed hoof to her chest, bowing her head, her voice alluring and lovely as the moon on a soft summer night. “I felt saddened, though.”

“Why?” Twilight asked as Princess Luna took out a large tome she had in a satchel slung around her body, giving it to Twilight as she sighed.

“There had been…deserters left to die. In fact, many. By the time we got to them, most had died. There are a few currently being cared for in our medical wards, but they’re rather nervous about speaking to us and we’re unsure of how to treat them. But the good news is that they were able to roughly translate a few pages of the book I have here.” Princess Luna admitted to Twilight as she opened it up, looking over the pages.

“Why only a few, if you don’t mind me asking?” Twilight inquired, raising an eyebrow up.

“It is very ancient Changeling. The language evolved significantly over time. My sister hoped that her brightest pupil could take what HAS been translated and use it to translate the rest…” Luna admitted with a nod of her head. “It appears to be a journal of some kind of a Changeling singer from over 50,000 years ago.”

“50,000…and you say this was in a cave in the Everfree?”

“Oh yes. It had been buried in a box that was almost utterly rusted shut. I’m just glad it maintained its composition.”

“I’ll try to translate it.” Twilight insisted to the princess with a firm nod. “This book is positively ANCIENT, and…OOOOH, who knows what secrets it holds?” She whispered giddly, clutching the book to her chest, her tone excited and slightly hushed, speaking almost conspiratorially as she brought it over to one of the many bookshelves, her horn glowing more brightly as tomes about language ciphers and codes floated down to the ground below, Twilight scanning over the text in the journal.

“The author of this tome is…unusual.” Princess Luna admitted as Twilight poured over the pages. “And we have learned where he LIVED from the other Changelings who speak of an old city where a dozen races called home until the day the “Sky split open”. They said it had been the closest their race had ever come to a truly sedentary lifestyle until the act forced most of them to wander aimlessly and divide up into clans.”

“I’ll get to the truth, your majesty.” Twilight promised as she looked over the book, eyes narrowing intently. “I’ll find out everything I can about this book and the Changeling people. Those who can’t learn from the past, after all…”

“Are you SURE about this, Twi?” Spike wanted to know, nervously speaking up as Twilight glanced over in the little dragon’s direction. “I mean…they’re kinda the bad guys. They’re Changelings.”

“They’re PEOPLE. We just don’t understand them.”

“You can’t tell me you aren’t afraid of them!”

“Of course I’m…nervous…about them.” Twilight admitted. “But Chrysalis’s army CAN’T be all there is to the species. I mean…just listen to this.” She said quietly. “This first page begins so simply but so elegantly…”


“The song is bursting from me today. It needs to be heard. On this, the last day of my old life…”


The sky was a shade of perfect blue, soft white clouds ambling overhead at the enormous amusement park as people sat in row upon row of finely-carved white marble seats, all of them looking on in interest at the brightly-clothed people on the stage before them. The sunlight cast soft rays down upon Collective, capital of New Hope, the proud seat of power for this bright new world. Not so much a melting pot so much as a mixed salad, a variety of species had settled within Collective, coming from across the country of New Hope to a faintly hilly region far beyond pearly mountains, to a place with gushing streams and thick, beautiful forests, where natural gardens lined almost every street.

Indeed, the land’s natural beauty had an appeal to it that somehow drew people from all walks of life. The old, the young, the rich, the poor, all were one in their admiration of the city on the hill and how it seemed to draw the best and brightest to it.

Collective. “Your best chance for a bright dawn”. Though the “Helios” Entertainment Amusement Park didn’t seem to draw the best and brightest of ACTORS if these handful of remarkably silly people on the stage were of any indication. All of them were Avians in a Medieval-themed play of some kind, a young Sparrow and a young Robin looking deep into each other’s eyes as they held taloned hands, eyes of deep brown looking into eyes of deep brown.

“My love. I am not a poor page, but the son of the king of Honoria.” The sparrow insisted, the robin turning away and looking pained. “What ails thee?”

“Oh, shucks, my beloved! It is my father. He would never permit our love.”

“Of this you are CORRECT!” An annoyingly-loud-mouthed kokkaburra bird with wild greyish/white hair snapped as he slowly emerged from a false panel on the stage, scepter held in hand as he wagged it threateningly at the sparrow, unaware his daughter was carefully reaching down with the one hand he couldn’t see…reaching to pull out a pin from her dress. “The Prince of Honoria shall ne’er marry my daughter. I’d rather DIE!”

“You got it, pops.” The daughter grunted, fake-stabbing the guy in the throat as he clawed at it, rasping and coughing and falling down “dead” to the stage, the sparrow and robin holding hands as a dog-like creature with stubby teeth chuckled at this along with his friends from the audience, the faint remnants of what appeared to be some kind of liquid dribbling down from his chin from a now-empty vial he had in his enormous paw.

“And now…” The sparrow proclaimed.

“We can live…” The robin cried.

Happily ever after!” The two finished up, embracing each other as the stage below them lowered them and the “body” down, smoke rising up to obscure their exit as it magically formed into the words “The End”, people rolling their eyes as they slumped in their seats, several Equine citizens grumbling.

“That was NOTHING like the performances we see on the dailies.” One pony groaned as he looked over to the dark-furred, almost scaled pony next to him, a changeling with a thick body and slightly stubby teeth who had a large forehead and hooves, the Changeling nodded enthusiastically.

“I know, that is so true!” The changeling grumbled, tapping at his head as his face shifted slightly, his muzzle now perfectly resembling the robin’s. “You got it, pops”! So cheap. Did they forget their talent as well as their set designer?” He muttered out before his face popped back to normal, sighing as he patted his own cheek. “One of these days I’m gonna learn how to last longer than thirty seconds, I swear…”

“If the rest of you “Keobjil” types can’t do it, you won’t be able to either, Taro. Personally, I just want New Wave to come out and play already.” Somebody next to the first pony admitted, the first pony’s bright green eyes widening as he whipped his head to look over at the gryphon that was sitting next to them, the avian thoughtfully rubbing his bearded chin.

“You really want them over a recreation of your species most well-known love story?”

“The Honorian Saga’s usually a lovely tale, but these MORONS could not act wet in a thunderstorm.” The gryphon muttered. “No, no, New Wave is what I suspect everyone is here for. And Mr. Shimmer is whom I’M here for.”

“I know, right?” The green-eyed pony laughed happily as others looked over in their direction. “He’s so cheery and nice and he’s got the sweetest little smile…”

“And that VOICE. Hoo. I always hear such passion in it.” A female unicorn in the crowd nearby agreed, eagerly nodding her cherry-covered head as her fellow unicorn friend near her nodded in agreement.

“They’ve got the best production quality of all the bands.” A draconic being admitted sheepishly, nodding his scaly, large-crested head. “Even more than D-Force. But…well…there is that rumor…”

“Oh, yeah. This is IT for him, isn’t it?” The changeling sighed. “…no doubt he and his friends are getting ready for what’s sure to be a very deep, painful final performance.”

“Yes, No doubt they’re preparing themselves musically and getting ready as best they can…”

Meanwhile, backstage, things were absolutely hectic in the dressing rooms as an enormous group of Changelings milled about, anxiously chittering and chattering amongst themselves.

“Ohhhhh, I’m so nervous!”
“My hose has a run!”
“Is my bra on too tight?”
“Stand still or I can’t get the scarf on just right!”
“Oh, geez, look at this vest, the bottom is all frayed!”

“Y’know, I don’t even drink, but I think I’m going to NEED a drink.” One of them muttered softly, holding his head in his hands, dark blue hair flopping down over his brow as he clenched his deep blue eyes tightly shut, sweat slightly matted on the inky-black, almost scaly fur he had. His body shuddered nervously as his green, almost rounded wings fluttered behind him in the dark grey marble chair he was sitting in, the Changeling slowly opening his eyes as he looked at his reflection in the mirror, his thick locks slightly matted with sweat.

“Just be sure to remember you enter in the SECOND song, Shimmer. Then you can have a drink after the show, I promise.” A short-haired, kindly-looking and somewhat overweight Changeling insisted, waving a hoof in the air, a golden bangle through one of the several holes it naturally had in its legs, another through its slightly chewed left ear. “You guys are on in five minutes! Get it together. Don’t be nervous. You’re gonna KILL it, all of you.”

“He’s right.” Shimmer said, standing up dramatically, holding his hooves out as he whirled around, smiling broadly as he faced down the fellow members of his band, all of them clasping each other tightly and holding their heads to each other in a circular group hug wearing different vests, bras and belts of vibrant colorations to match the many shades of wings each had. “We can do this. We got Keobjil, Ilgagsu AND Nabang united, all the Changeling clans under one roof. And why?”

“Because that’s how we get the people to rock!” Their lead drummer proclaimed, the thick-formed “Keobjil” Changeling proclaiming, a brightly-winged and ornate-looking female Changeling eagerly nodding her head up and down as she cheerily clapped her hooves together over the bright pink bra she wore.

“And what’s our motto?” She insisted in her slightly buzzy, high-pitched voice.

“New Wave IS New Hope!”

“We ARE this city. Let’s remind them why our race got to where we are.” Shimmer proudly proclaimed. “LET’S GO!

And with that, they all raced out of the changing room, heading for a secret doorway that would lead them out to the stage, the announcer greeting the people in the crowd, gesturing towards the entrance they’d come out from. “And so, please give a warm round of applause for your personal favorites and mine…NEW WAVE!

…the train carried its passengers swiftly along, a gleaming silver bullet high above an emerald city past fancy signs broadcasting excellent restaurants and exotic nightclubs, apartment complex after apartment complex rolling by the window that Shimmer the Changeling stood at. A pair of headphones were placed upon his slightly spiky ears as he clutched them tightly to his head, lip-synching to the words pumping out as he slightly bounced his body along to the rhythm of the music. All of the others in the train had occasionally glanced over in his direction, an assembled litany of different “anthros” as they were known, animals who were more people than mindless beasts.

They were pretty sure they’d seen this pony somewhere before, but…they weren’t quite sure where. It could have been that some of them thought all Changelings looked alike, but no, that would be a very shallow, superficial thing to think! Nah, it was just…this Changeling had some kind of quality about him. Everything about him just seemed so…huggable. Like this young adult was lost in his own little world of rainbows and lollipops, an aura of cheeriness washing off of him in thick waves.

Do you wanna know what it means to really be in love?
Light the candle, hold it high, underneath this starry sky,
Eternal bonds are crafted in a moment’s notice,
As you take off for the far-off shine in the corner of your eye!

At last it came to a halt, and he hopped off, heading down the steps of the train station to the local grocery, cheerily waving to the butcher behind the counter as he placed a few dozen juicy-looking vegetables and fruit into his hand-woven grocery bag, adding a few cans of pet food as he strode over to the butcher. “Can I get a few pounds of fresh fish?” He inquired.

“No chicken?” Vallian wished to know, the thick-skinned serpentine inquired, his slit eyes looking Shimmer over.

“Ahhh, no.” Shimmer insisted to the butcher, waving a hoof in the air and blushing deeply. “I signed an autograph of a young chick who went up to me after my show, Vallian. I have his face stuck in my mind.”

“It’s not the SAME, Shimmer, they can’t even form a consonant. They all died LITERALLY looking up at the sky when it rained. I thought that was just an urban legend.” The ophidian snorted, resting his head on his beefy arms as he leaned over the counter.

“Nope.” Shimmer insisted again. “Tonight I’m going to have some homemade fishsticks and you’re not gonna convince me of getting anything else. I don’t suppose you’ve got dog meat? There’s these drunk little pups that were getting higher than a skyscraper during the show. I’d actually get back at them if I wasn’t too passive-aggressive for my own good.” Shimmer said with a wave of his hoof, bursting into laughter along with Vallian as he headed for the checkout aisle.

“You kidder. You really had me going until you got to that “passive-aggressive” remark. But y’know, if you ever DO get in the mood for dog…” Vallian said suggestively, Shimmer halting in place and whipping around before Val broke into the biggest s—t-eating grin of his life, snickering.

“Heh. Maybe YOU’RE the one who should be leaving his career to break into acting.” Shimmer chuckled as he trotted off.

It’s fleeting, just a passing glimpse, only a tiny taste,
The faintest hint of something even better!
You may think you don’t need love to keep you going
‘til the sweet hereafter puts you in your place!

“He should be giving this a try. I’ve never seen anybody act like this before!” The director had insisted to his manager, Carapace, the thick-bodied Changeling looking from his dear friend’s face to the dark-skinned gryphon across the table from where he was sitting at. There was a large white television screen with a larger still stereo system to Carapace’s left and Director Sirocco’s right as the gryphon enthusiastically nodded his tattooed head up and down.

Indeed, Shimmer was doing surprisingly well in the scene that was playing, curling up on a bed, weeping mournfully, blankets tightly bound up in his hoof as a supporting actor, a young-looking female gryphon, gently patted his back. “I can’t do it! I just can’t take it, Mina!”

“Out of all the people who tried out for this role, I never expected an oppa to be the one to sell this performance, but he brings a realism and honesty to it I’ve didn’t see in any of the others. I’m telling you, this is the best deal he’ll ever get!” Sirocco insisted firmly. “My fellow producers want her in the drama series I’m greenlighting.”

“He can act AND sing. Let him do both!” Carapace insisted, shaking his head back and forth as Shimmer held his hooves in his lap, nervously chewing on his lip as Carapace’s dark brown eyes glared back into Sirroco’s golden/amber ones.

“His schedule would mismatch.”

“Shimmer went through dozens of lessons in his free time away from school to become a pop star, not an actor!”

Oppa or not, the producers all praised his acting.”

“What about HIS feelings, huh?!”

Shimmer slowly looked up, glancing from Sirocco to Carapace. “…I…um…”

It was a very special performance for Shimmer on that bright morning. A very special performance. Every single show brought something unique to it, something that was different and made it stand out in Shimmer’s mind, but this one? This one had a…somber miasma that rose off of him as he sang on the stage with his band, one hoof held high as he belted out the lyrics to New Wave’s most famous tune.

Watching from nearby, the grey-furred pony held up a hoof before him, Shimmer “fitting” on it neatly like a doll, sweeping about to the music as the pony giggled a bit, green eyes aglitter with delight. He’d been to every single one of Shimmer’s shows and had always gotten closer and closer with each one to the stage itself. Now he was in the front row…in fact, he was fairly sure he’d gotten glob of Shimmer’s sweat on him, which even now was trickling down his hand.

I’ll never wash it again.” Hyacinth insisted to himself…before a can flew through the air, past his hoof to land near the stage, near his darling Shimmer. “Wh-what?”

“TAKE IT OFF!” One of the diamond dogs in the crowd proclaimed, Hyacinth the Pony growling darkly, eyes turning steely as the obviously drugged-up idiots giggled, one of them downing a vial of brightly-glowing moonflower juice, made to stimulate endorphins and provide a “natural” high. More often than not, it made you loopy, loosened your inhibitions. How had they snuck it into the amusement park, he wondered to himself as the song winded down and the band all bowed their heads, one of the lankier band members taking the microphone.

“Thank you all very much. It’s been a great concert, but we’ve only got one song left.” The female Changeling guitarist admitted.

“And before we do sing it, I’ve got news for everyone.” Shimmer added, rubbing his hoof against the dark green and jewel-studded vest he now wore. “Um…see…” He murmured out, a visible bluish blush coming to his dark cheeks as he scanned the crowd, all eyes on him and the stage. “…I, Tulamoon Shimmer, have had a wonderful time as a member of New Wave, and I’ve met some truly amazing people. I’ll always treasure my stint with this band, they’ve become my real family.” He admitted, wrapping his arms around the changelings to his right and left.

“Leggo, ya dirty little sasaeng!”

Shimmer stopped, everybody glancing over to the far right end of the audience. A grey pony was currently throttling one of the diamond dogs that had been being disruptive earlier…or rather, TRYING to, he was so weak he could barely hold onto the thick-bodied mutt as it glared angrily at him. “Gerroff you stinking-I’m gonna turn you into GLUE!” It hissed out, one of its friends, a slim brown-furred diamond dog yanking him back, Hyacinth the Pony being forced to let the leader go as he slammed his fist into the pony’s face.

THA-BAM! Again, again, again, again, the crowd gasping in disgust as red blood freely flowed from the poor pony’s broken nose as he glared back at the dog.

“I don’t like your face, uggo.”

“Then don’t LOOK at it.” Hyacinth snorted out.

“I’d rather change it. Ha-ha!” The diamond dog snorted, holding his bulky fist up before a chunk of chair shot through the air and whacked the dog on the head, making him yell and reel back…

Carapace ducking behind a trash can, pumping the air with his fist.“Yesssss!”

“WHO THREW THAT?!” The diamond dog growled, his buddies fur all bristling furiously. “Come over here and try telling me to leave to my face!”

“I think somebody’s got the right idea.” The gryphon whom had been eager to see the show earlier insisted to his friends, grabbing hold of his slightly-emptied soda jug, launching it through the air where it shattered across the diamond dog’s chest, other snacks and drinks flying as well at the diamond dogs as they picked up trash and began chucking it right back in a frenzy of thrown garbage.

“Dogs go home! Dogs go home! Dogs go home!”

“These old dogs need to be taught some new tricks!”

“We’ll see how brave you overgrown turkeys are when you’ve got your head split-”

STOP IT!” Shimmer roared out, everybody stopping in place, all looking in his direction, surprised at the sudden, pleading yell…and at the quiet desperation in the Changeling’s voice. “I…just wanted to have a good time with all of you.” He mumbled out. “Everybody has the right to hear this. This city belongs to us all. Nobody should be unwelcome.”

“…if I wanted touchy-feely nonsense, I’d watch a daily of afterschool specials.” The leader of the diamond dog gang muttered, about to throw a half-full canteen only for Hyacinth to grab his arm, a dark, deep glare brimming from behind his now-blackened eye, slowly panting in pain.

“…let’s just go, Brock.” One of his friends said, the dogs all slowly walking off as Hyacinth turned to look back at the stage, Shimmer smiling warmly in appreciation at the pony.

“Thank you.” He told the grey-furred pony with a deep bow, slowly rising back up as he cleared his throat. “And thank you, all of you, for your years of support. It…it breaks my heart to-to say this…” He began to choke up, struggling to get the words out. “…but as of today th-this…this is my last show.”

Immediately, everyone in the crowd gaped, blinking in surprise, cameras of all kinds flashing brightly as people glanced about, scratching their heads or tilting them to the side in confusion and surprise.

“The heck?!

“I’m so happy for my time here, and…and I hope you’ll all support me as I do my best as a rookie actor.” Shimmer murmured quietly. “This will be my last song. So…I hope you all will listen.”

“…Shimmer…will this TRULY bring you happiness?” Carapace murmured as he stood far off to the side, making his way back stage as others in the crowd looked at each other.

“Wow. Moving on up, huh?”

“I guess maybe he thinks he can do more as an actor than a pop music singer?”

“Hey, he’s never been about the money, you know that.”

“I’m not so sure I like this.”

“Let’s give it a try, huh?”

Shimmer looked about at the many audience members, seeing their differing reactions, and he felt a deep mournfulness rising up from his body like bile threatening to propel itself from his mouth, but though some tears faintly dripped out the edge of his deep blue eyes, he refocused on the task at hand, clutching the microphone in one hoof, the other held up as he softly crooned.

I was yours…though she was his…
The night we met out on that bridge…
And you knew then what I’ve learned now…
The love you give comes…back somehooooow…

Your gentle warmth was all I’d see…
And no one else has meant so much to me…
I looked once…then turned away…
When I looked again it was…much too laaaate…

The summer wind…blowing through your dreeessss,
That is how I’ll remember you best!
A ginger touch and a stoooolen kiss!
This is how I remeeeeeeember you best!

… “The metamorphosis is not supposed to be easy.” Shimmer insisted to himself, shaking his head back and forth, closing the door to his very cluttered apartment, putting the fish food on the counter by an enormous fishtank he had. “It’s not supposed to be something I’ll just “move on” from. But I can do this. I can DO this.” He mumbled, taking out chunks of flakes from the bag of fish food he’d gotten from the grocery store, sprinkling it into the tank as tiny little guppies of some kind of rainbow-tinted variety happily gobbled away the orange flakes that fluttered down to the bottom of the tank.

“I’m sorry lil’ guys, forgot to feed you yesterday. I can get so scatterbrained sometimes.” Shimmer apologized to his “Little Buddies”. He admitted tenderly. “You guys have so little to worry over. Sometimes I wish-I-wish-I was a fish.” He sang out before hopping onto the nearby bed with its plushy lime green comforter, head deeply embedded in the light blue pillow he had. He slowly but surely turned his head, looking across the room at the enormous poster he’d put up on the wall of “New Wave”, hesitating staring before giving out a soft sigh, shaking his head back and forth as he stood up. “Oh, guys…” He mumbled, bringing it down.

Goodbye to Shimmer the pop star. Hello to the new Shimmer, he thought to himself, putting the poster along with his other “New Wave” memorabilia in the corner of the room, most of which he’d already packed before he’d left for work. Looking down at the belt pouch he had around his waist, he opened it up, pulling out several fan letters he’d gotten in the mail and from cheery adulators after his final performance, going through them one at a time as he plopped back onto his bed. He momentarily glanced up at the wall of photographs of his old band members before looking back down at his mail.

Some of the letters were simple enough. “Please sing for us forever.” “I love you, man.” “I’d go gay for you.” “Please don’t let it end like this.”

“…c’mon, guys.” Shimmer sighed, putting the letters away. “…please don’t be like that. If I could just sing forever I would, but…I want to try something different, something new. And I know I just be a pop star forever anyway, I mean, once I hit forty I’d get sent off with a kiss and a “Daesang” award anyhow.” He tried to insist out loud, attempting to rationalize his decision. “Not that I didn’t enjoy getting a Bonsang during my second year with the group, I…I just need to do new things. Branch out. Be more than “Shimmer the Pop Star”.” He murmured, looking at the last letter, a light pink one with a big heart scribbled on the front. He opened it up, blinking in surprise as he read it aloud. “I’ve got a link to your room. Shimmer, I’m always watching you”. Wh-whaaat?”

He put the letter away, something “poofing” into existence over by his bedstand on top of a metallic frame where there were two separate piles of scrolls, one in a pile labeled “Read”, the other “Unread”. Trotting past some books that were lying around on the floor, Shimmer the Changeling picked up the latest letter on top of the “Unread” pile, looking it over.

Ah. His mother was writing. She’d just seen his last show. “I remember when all you talked about was wanting to sing. I know this is a big chance for you, I’m sure, but I’d been looking forward to your latest single. Are you so sure about this metamorphosis?”

“Oh, mom, don’t you get this industry?” Shimmer sighed. “Pop stars these days are becoming more and more flash-in-the-pan than ever. I was surprised my first album didn’t become passé by nightfall.” He chuckled, another letter suddenly popping onto the pile with a burning “poof”. No matter how many times he saw it, he always loved that cute little “poof” sound effect that the Dragon Delivery System magically sent to every household in the city. Grinning a bit he opened up the newest letter, looking it over.

He paled.

The word “Traitor” had been scribbled over and over on the page, and it had been gripped so tightly Shimmer could see the crease marks where the author had held onto it, furiously writing in letter after letter, each one dripping with malignant intent.




“…what…?” Shimmer murmured, thinking back to the first note…

. “I’ve got a link to your room. Shimmer, I’m always watching you.”



