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A Really Awkward Morning

Sweetie Belle was lying in bed one morning, fast asleep. She opened her eyes slowly as the sun shined on her face. She stretched and yawned loudly. “Ah,” she said to herself, “that was a pretty good night’s sleep.” She got out of bed and headed down to the kitchen, where she thought Rarity was already up cooking breakfast. “Morning, Rarity,” she said as she walked into the kitchen.

“Morning, Sweetie Belle,” an unfamiliar voice replied. Sweetie Belle jolted wide awake to find that it was actually a stallion in the kitchen. He had a white coat and a blue messed-up mane with a light blue stripe through it.

“Who are you?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Oh, I don’t think we ever met,” the stallion replied. “I’m Shining Armor, Twilight’s brother. How do you want your eggs?”

Sweetie Belle just stood there for a moment, still puzzled. “Would you mind telling me why you’re in my house and why you’re cooking eggs? And for that matter, would you mind telling me why you’re in Ponyville in the first place? I thought you lived in the Crystal Empire.”

“Oh, Rarity called me over last night. She wanted me to... fix a problem she had with her... plumbing. Yeah, plumbing. Now, do you even want eggs or are you going to keep asking me all these questions?”

“Uh, I guess I’ll have my eggs scrambled.” Sweetie Belle then went over to the table and took her seat. “So why did Rarity call you to fix her plumbing? She called Rainbow Dash to do the same thing just last week.”

Shining Armor turned around, levitating a plate of eggs in front of him. A look of awkward satisfaction came over his face. “I guess Rarity just needed a stallion’s touch for this job.” He then walked over and set the eggs in front of Sweetie Belle, who just looked at the eggs for a while. “Is there a problem?”

Sweetie Belle turned to Shining Armor. “Yeah. What were you really doing with Rarity, because there are several gaps in your story. First off, why would Rarity call somepony in the middle of the night to fix her plumbing?”

“She needed a shower.”

“Second, I got a hot shower last night, so there were no problems with the plumbing at all. Third, there are several plumbers here in Ponyville, so she wouldn’t have to call somepony from the Crystal Empire. Fourth-”

“Good morning, Shining Armor,” Rarity interrupted, trotting in, her mane about as messed up as Shining Armor’s was. “Oh, good morning Sweetie Belle. I see you’ve already met Shining Armor. Did he cook eggs for you? That’s so nice of him.” She then trotted over and gave Shining Armor a kiss on the cheek. “Sleep well, my prince?”

Sweetie Belle looked back over at Shining Armor, her look skeptical as ever. “Something you want to explain, ‘my prince’?”

“Why are you asking all these questions?” Shining Armor exploded. “How does it affect you?”

“She’s my big sister!”

“And that means you don’t have to have any part in my personal life,” Rarity added. “Now, would you mind introducing me to the colt trying to sneak out of the front door?”

Sweetie Belle looked over in horror as she noticed Pipsqueak, who failed at sneaking out the front door. “Pipsqueak!” Sweetie Belle shouted, “I told you to sneak out the window!”

“You know you live on the second story, right?” Pipsqueak retorted. “That’s at least a 20-foot drop. I kind of need my legs not broken.”

“Well then...” Sweetie Belle was unable to say anything or defend herself against Rarity or Shining Armor.

“Well, now,” Rarity said. “It would seem I’m not the only one here guilty of craving an ‘enjoyable’ night, then.”

“You know there were several times when I could see you easily and you know how impressionable a filly like me is. It’s not like I was ever taught it was a bad thing, and obviously you weren’t, either.”

All four ponies just stood there in silence for the longest time before Shining Armor broke the silence. “How about this,” he said, walking in between Rarity and Sweetie Belle. “I’ll cook breakfast for everypony and we can settle this argument afterwards.” He then looked over to find Pipsqueak making a break for the door. “Not so fast, little one,” he said as he grabbed Pipsqueak’s tail with his magic. “You’re going to stay here too, and you’re going to eat what I cook for you. Then we’ll all have a proper discussion. Everypony understand?”

Rarity and Sweetie Belle looked at each other for a moment, both sending each other powerful glares. “Fine,” Sweetie Belle said, never breaking her gaze with Rarity. “As long as I don’t have to sit next to her.”

“I can live with that,” Rarity said in reply, also never breaking her gaze.

“Good,” Shining Armor said. He then turned to Pipsqueak, who was still hanging upside down next to Shining Armor, being held by the tail in Shining Armor’s energy field. “And you, little one?”

“Y-yes sir,” Pipsqueak replied quickly, nodding his head violently.

Shining Armor then moved Pipsqueak to the table and seated him next to Sweetie Belle. “Now,” Shining Armor said, “how does everypony want their eggs?”

Later, all four ponies were eating their eggs in an almost painful silence. Sweetie Belle and Rarity not even looking at each other, Pipsqueak about as nervous as a worm in an apple on cider making day, and Shining Armor on guard in case anypony started arguing again. (And by ‘anypony’, of course that only means Sweetie Belle and Rarity.) Finally, it was Rarity who broke the silence. “So,” she said to Sweetie Belle, who barely looked over, “how was Pipsqueak?”

“You’re asking about it now?” Sweetie Belle shouted. “How dare you!”

“Oh, and you asking Shining Armor all those questions was perfectly excusable.”

“Only because I had no idea what happened! He kept trying to tell me he was helping with your plumbing!”

“What? But that’s exactly why I called him over!”

“Huh?” Sweetie Belle was completely puzzled, now. “What do you mean? What about Rainbow Dash and-”

“Rainbow Dash tried to help last week, but the same problem came up, so I had to ask Shining Armor to help this time.”

“But why call him over from the Crystal Empire?”

“Because he was already in Ponyville visiting Twilight.”

“Wait... so you two didn’t...”

“Actually, we did. I found myself short on bits to pay him, so that was the next best thing. And Pipsqueak? Is there some weird story behind that, too?”

“Yeah, we were studying together and I suggested we try something that I saw you do once.”

Everypony just sat there in silence as everything that was just said sank in. “Well, then,” Shining Armor finally said, trying to look and sound cheerful, “this was a nice little get-together, but I’m afraid I have to be going. Pipsqueak, I’m sure, also needs to leave, and I’ll leave you two to... something.” He then got up and walked out the front door. “Goodbye, everypony.”

Author's Note:

I made this all in one day, in case that impresses anypony. (And I'm sure it doesn't.) Hope you liked it. Keep your eye on this story, though. I'm going to post a "bonus" later on. (Not a clop chapter describing the previous night, but something that regards another of my stories.)