• Published 8th May 2013
  • 298 Views, 7 Comments

A Blank Flank's Heart - ShadowVoltstreaker

This is a story of my life in Applewood (Hollywood). If you don't want to hear it.. then I understand. I mean, who wants to hear a 17yr old colt blab about his life anyways? but, If you do want to hear it.. then prepare to have your breath taken

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Chapter 1

Lights shining, crowd cheering, begging for more… sadly, its time for the next act, "Thank you everypony, you've been a great audience!" I shouted into the mic and put it back in the stand. Afterwards I took a quick bow and walked off-stage, away from the applause and bright lights. As soon as I'm behind the curtains I walk down the stairs and go into the room marked with my name in big bold letters, 'Voltzs'.

As soon as I enter I'm greeted by my manager who says all the usually stuff like "Amazing work!" and "I couldn't stop laughing! I almost pissed myself!" I promptly thanked him, walked over to the fridge and grabbed a water to quench my thirst. I had a lot of fun telling jokes and my life story, "I guess that falls into the joke department though…" I thought to myself.

After I was done drinking I took a quick glance at the clock, "He should be going up now… Wasn't a good idea to drink this water, now that he's going up its all going to be coming back out one way or another." I chuckled.

"Hey didn't you have a date tonight there Voltzs?" my manager said, much to my horror.

"Oh hairy duck balls she's going to think I stood her up!" I shouted, threw the water down, took off my cape and ran out the door. My manager said something to me but I didn't hear it very clearly, I was in full on panic mode. I went down the hallway and took a left, then went out the door and took to the skies, "Ok she said to meet her at that café didn't she? Oh geez, of all the times to forget brain, you had to forget THIS one!" I shouted, not caring who heard.

My name is Voltzs, well actually that's just my stage name. My real name is Vague Blaze. I'm 17 year old Pegasus with a long dark red and dark golden mane and tail, red eyes and a dark brown coat. I'm just your normal everyday comedic pony who plays at small venues and occasionally gets the big gigs. Even so, I still have a problem with the ladies. I don't like publicity so when I'm on stage I wear sunglasses and a small cape that covers my flank so nopony knows how my eyes look. Ponies would recognize my cutie mark… but I don't have one.

Even after finding something I really wanted to do, and enjoy doing, I never got a cutie mark. My old friends told me that I should just keep looking, but what kind of sick joke is that? I finally find something I want to do, and some unknown force is telling me that it's not my calling? Well there is no way in Equestria that I will submit to something such as that. I'm happy, others are happy, so that's enough.

I landed outside the Café and ran in. The bell above the door made a soft ringing when I entered, and I would've done it again if I didn't have any self control. Looking around the café I try and find the green Pegasus that I asked out, but she was nowhere in sight.

Not like I was expecting her to be…

I sighed and lowered my head, "Great… looks like you've lost another one there Vague. Good job…" I slowly begin to turn around, open the door, and walk outside. The bell makes another soft ringing sound, but I ignore it. I lift my head and look up at the sky, "Guess I'll just head home…"

I spread my wings and take off, flying slowly. I didn't feel like flying fast, I was too depressed. "I guess I could just tell her that I was working late… it's not a lie…" I sigh, "No.. I shouldn't make excuses. I told her that I'd meet her here at 7pm, and its.." I then realized that I have no idea what time it is. "Not like it matters, I was late, and that's all."

After a few minutes of flying I finally arrive at my apartment. (I may be able to afford a larger house, but what's the point if I'm the only pony living there?) I search my saddlebag for my k—… "I can't believe I forgot it at work.." I sigh and turn around, "Is this some kind of joke? Cause if it is then I'm not laughing.. First you refuse to accept that I'm happy and give me a bucking cutie mark… then you make me forget about my saddlebag." I take a deep breath and shout, "GIVE ME A BREAK!"

I quickly put my hoof over my mouth and look around, "Idiot… do you want the landlady to kick you out?" I think to myself.

Lowering my hoof and sighing again, I take off and fly in the direction of the venue I was at.

I land outside at the backdoor and trot slowly down the hall to my door and open it.
Inside is my manager, and he's standing right behind my saddlebag, "If you would've listened before you left, then you would've known that you left this." he said with a cheeky smirk.
I chuckle and trot over to pick up my bag, "Yeah yeah, you aren't the first to tell me that." I picked up my bag and draped it across my back, after adjusting my wings I said, "Nor will you be the last."
"Oh, and also." he began, "Your date isn't until 7:30, and if you look at the clock.. it says 7:24, so you'd better get a move on there Voltzs."
I smiled, gave a 'Yes sir!' and ran back out the door, down the hall, and out the backdoor, taking to the skies once more. "there's still a chance!" I kept telling myself this over and over. It was my motivation after all.

Author's Note:

Hey there, if you took the time to read this then I'd appreciate it if you could also provide some constructive criticism. I'm trying to improve on my writing, but without someone telling me the things I've possibly been doing incorrectly then I'll never truly improve.