• Published 10th Feb 2012
  • 880 Views, 7 Comments

Chaos Unbound - Riften

One spirit of choas is bad enough, but two?

  • ...

Chapter 3 (Reuploaded)

Chapter 3

(About 300 words got cut off of the end, They here now :l )

He had a hard time explaining his horns. Considering even he didn't know why they were like the way they are now. Before they were just two sets of duel nubs on the top of his head. Now they had grown longer at least two feet long each intertwining with one another to form two spiraling horns. However unlike the horns of unicorns his grew backwards. " You know the last time i saw a horn like that was quite a while back, about a year. Some freak named Discord broke out of a statue, and no joking made it rain chocolate." Those words wrung in his head. "Discord, Father..." The words escaped him in a quiet whisper. Rainbow seemed to hear them. " Huh? Father?" He twitched. "Oh, Nothing. Say is that Discord fellow still around?" She looked at him with concern. "Um, yeah kinda. But i don't think hes really in a social mood." So he's really still around!" She snorted and crouched down. " You seem awfully interested in him for some reason." She glared at him. " *Chuckle* Well of course i would. After all he is my father." With those words he began trotting forward leaving the stunned mare behind. " He. Father. What?!" She bolted toward him with her trademark speed. "Hey get back here!" She stopped in front of him. " What exactly do you mean father?" She said almost threateningly. " I mean for starters you don't even look like him, he was a draconni something. Your... well im not sure what you are with those horns, definitely not anypony I've ever seen." He sighed. " Well you did save me after all, so I guess I do owe you an explanation." She aggressive look died down a bit as she took a sat on a nearby stump. " Well you better start talking".

He spoke to her for hours. His story and life spilling out to this stranger. " And well, here I am now." She sat there stunned at the tale that was told. " That dosnt sound like the Celestia I know, she kind, forgiving, just the peak of an awesome pony!?" "Well I guess things have changed. Alot apparently." He sighed and stared at the ground. " And you.... Your one of those things Discord was. A Draconequus? But those bands on you keep you looking like a normal pony? You know all this your saying is a bit hard to believe?" He chuckled to himself. "Well would you like me to show you?" He didn't wait for an answer. He tilted his head toward the ground and released a magical aura. All eight of the bands popped at the back and fell to the ground. A split second later Millennium was enveloped in a bright light. When her vision returned she was face to face with a young Draconequus. "Well what do you think?" He spun in the air enjoying his real body for the first time in a thousand years. "Y-you look just like him but, but younger." Her words trailed off lost in amazement. But then she rared back and flared her nostrils. " So doesn't that mean your here to free him so you can wreck chaos all over Equestria?!" He snickered again. " Oh such spunk. But no I have no urge to spread chaos. Unlike the stories your princess told you not all draconequus have the natural desire for disorder. My father was deeply hurt by Celestia, and thats why he did what he did." He floated in closer. "So I ask again can you take me to his statue?" The rainbow mare backed up hesitantly. "I-I couldn't. I'm not even sure where he is anymore. After the last incident Celestia hid him away somewhere." All traces of humor left his face. " Then take me to her". She nodded in understanding. "I don't really think i could take you to her but I have a friend who probably could. But you know before we go anywhere you should really but those bands back on. Not all ponies would react to kindly to how you look right now." She grinned sheepishly. "Oh yes, of course." The bands floated up onto his limbs and clamped down, and yet again there was another flash as he floated down back to the ground. " Well, shall we go?" She nodded and began the slow quiet journey to town. It was dark now as they arrived at a library. Rainbow trotted up to the door and knocked. " HEY TWILIGHT, GET DOWN HERE I GOT SOMEPONY FOR YOU TO MEET!" A few seconds passed till the door creaked open, they were answered by a small purple dragon. " Oh hey Rainbow Dash, Twilight isn't here right now. What'da need?" " We'll ive got someone here she needs to meet." She stepped back revealing a massive ash grey stallion. " Hello." His voice shook the little dragon. "Wow, where'd you find this one Dash?" She snickered. "Well he was just sorta standing out in the middle of the Ever Free Forest." "He what!?" " Yeah LONG story." The dragon shook himself off. " Um well, Twi shouldn't be to much longer you can just wait in here." They both entered the library. "So do you have any idea where she is?" The little dragon shrugged in response. " Not sure, We got a letter from the princess this morning. Seemed pretty important, mentioned something about something breaking free in the..... wait where did you say you found him?" Rainbow shook in her seat. " The uh, Everfree Forest." Spike squinted. " Yeah, Everfree Forest." Millennium's stare intensified. " What are you implying, little dragon?" The stare cut through him like a sword. " I'm just saying man. Something big happened there. The princess seemed really worried." He rose a brow. " You said it was a letter how could you of known?" Spike scathed at the back of his head. " Well when its your job to receive letters from one pony, you kinda pick up on somethings." His glare backed down and a smile formed. " Yes im sure you do." They sat in awkward silence for a few minutes when finally the door creaked open and a familiar voice was heard. " Spiiiiike, I'm home." The purple pony froze as she walked inside. " Um hey Rainbow, what...brings you here...Who is that?" The massive stallion stood up. " Hello Twilight, My name is Millennium. And I believe im the one your princess sent you to look for." Twilight stood for a moment dumbfounded at the statement. " Y-you, what?!" He sighed in frustration. " You have no idea how old this is getting my dear." And for the second time that day the lengthy process of Millennium's story was told.