• Published 3rd May 2013
  • 8,217 Views, 1,222 Comments

The Word is Fear - BronyWriter

Aternate ending to Broken Blossom, the threequel to the serial killer Rarity story The Secret Life of Rarity

  • ...

See What You've Done

The economy was decapitated, the citizens were fleeing the town, and three more ponies were dead. Overall, it was hard not to view Dodge Junction as a successful mission.

Blossom grinned to herself and leaned back on a beat up bed in the shady motel room in Vanhoover she had purchased for herself with the money she had looted off of her three latest victims. She leafed through a newspaper, looking to see what the local politicians were saying about everything that had happened. To her delight, they were keeping relatively quiet about the whole thing. No public speeches had been made, no rallying cry throughout the city to band together to defeat her. Cut off the head...

Blossom glanced out the window as Celestia's sun set in the horizon. It would be time soon. Time for another round of wonderfully merciless slaughter.

Blossom stretched her forelegs and used her magic to tie a pair of fake pegasus wings to her side. The string tying the wings to her was thin enough that it was well hidden under her fur. Yes they wouldn't hold up to any real scrutiny, but a quick glance would make it seem like she was a pegasus.

She placed a large straw hat on her head and slipped on a stolen tropical looking shirt. She walked over to a mirror to check the disguise and smiled. She was the spitting image of a tacky pegasus tourist.

Content that her disguise would fool the average pony, Blossom slipped her saddlebag over her shoulder and walked out of her motel room. She began trotting in the direction of the city proper. She had done some scouting earlier that day to look for any small shop that stayed open late. A little cafe owned by a couple that she could make quick work of. Then it was back to the motel to kill the owner before heading off to Hoofington.

Overall, it was a pretty solid plan.

During her earlier outing, Blossom had come across the perfect place. It was perfect. Good food, friendly owners, and everypony minded their own business. Best of all, it was open until nine that night. Given the fact that the city would be bare thanks to the fear of her knife, it was almost definite that she would not be disturbed until she had finished her work.

Blossom smiled as she reached the corner cafe. The neon 'open' sign was still illuminated and a perusal through the window revealed that the place was empty. The only ponies there were the two owners who were wiping down tables. She walked over to the door and pushed her way inside. The quiet chime of a small bell over the door went through the cafe, and the two ponies looked up from their work. "Good evening," Blossom greeted with a friendly grin.

The two ponies froze when she entered, but Blossom observed that their eyes flickered over to her sides. When they saw her wings, they visibly relaxed and returned her grin. It was common knowledge that she couldn't change races.

"Good evening to yourself," greeted the stallion. "What can we get for you?"

Blossom trotted up to the counter and examined a small menu. "Just a small iced tea would be fine."

"Coming right up," said the mare.

Blossom sat down at the bar and watched as the mare waddled behind the bar. The poor dear was quite overweight. All the better for me, Blossom snickered to herself. Means she can't run as fast.

The stallion joined his wife behind the bar just as the mare put the iced tea in front of her customer. Blossom thanked her and slid three bits over to her. She smiled and took a sip. "It's good."

"Why thank you, dear," said the mare. "We do our best here."

"So, what are you up to this late at night?" the stallion asked. "Er... if you don't mind me asking."

Blossom shrugged. "I felt a little restless, I guess. I couldn't get to sleep as well as I liked. I was walking around the city earlier today and saw this place so I thought I'd give it a try."

"You're not worried about The New Nightmare?" the stallion questioned.

His wife frowned at him and nudged his side. "It's not polite to talk about that."

Blossom chuckled. "No, it's okay. I'm not worried about her."

"Well that's good." The stallion sighed. " I sure do hope that the princesses catch her before she comes this way. It's a shame what happened at Dodge Junction."

Blossom bowed her head and flattened her ears. "Yeah. I had some family there. They weren't killed, thank Celestia."

The mare smiled at Blossom. "That's good. Were they among those that left the town?"

Blossom shook her head. "No, they figured that if The New Nightmare had already hit Dodge Junction that it was one of the safer places in Equestria. They have enough bits saved up that they can afford to stay for a little while. Besides, I heard that Princess Celestia was helping out those who were staying."

Blossom drained her cup and the mare refilled it. Blossom reached into her bag to pull out some more bits, but the mare waved them away. "No charge."

"So, are you from around here?" the stallion asked. "I don't recognize you."

"No, I'm from Baltimare. I had heard rumors that The New Nightmare might hit there next since she has family there so I decided a short vacation here would be in order."

The mare's eyes trailed to the countertop and she shook her head. "It's horrible, that. I'm very proud of this city. I've lived here all my life and I know it's a good one. No offense to you, but it's a shame that you only came here to get away from badness."

"Such is life," Blossom muttered.

"Unfortunately so," the stallion agreed. "But let's not talk about that. Are you headed back there sometime later this week?"

"No, I'm going to Hoofington to see some family for my birthday once we know where she's hit next. If it's Baltimare I'll head home after that."

"It's a darned shame that honest ponies like you have to plan your lives around what that terrible mare is doing." The stallion sighed. "I don't know what I'm going to do once she hits Vanhoover."

The corners of Blossom's mouth turned up slightly and she unhooked her saddlebag. "Well that's easy. You're going to die."

The atmosphere was sucked out of the room as the couple stood frozen behind the counter. Their eyes were wide and their jaws were slightly open, allowing Blossom to reach into her saddlebag. "Goodbye."

Before either of them could react, Blossom leaped onto the counter and slammed her knife directly into the skull of the stallion. He was dead before he hit the ground. Blossom jumped down on top of his body as the mare screamed beside her. She pulled the knife out of the stallion's body and swung it at the mare. A deep, jagged gash appeared on the mare's right foreleg, and she fell to the ground with another scream.

Blossom sighed contentedly and pushed her hat off of her head. "I think you've figured it out by now."

"Please," moaned the mare as she tried to back away. "Y-you don't have to do this!"

Blossom shrugged and advanced towards the mare. "Well maybe not from where you're standing, but if you were inside my mind for even ten minutes you'd realize that yeah, I really do!"

The mare pushed away from Blossom, but stopped when she backed into a booth. "Please! My foal--"

Blossom cut her off with a snort. "Oh, I'm sure Celestia will take good care of your child. I mean, is she just going to let it starve?"

"N-no! You don't understand--"

"Don't care."

With one burst of her magic, Blossom dragged the knife across the mare's throat.

* * * *

Blossom skipped happily down the street, whistling a happy tune to herself. The kills had gone about as well as could be expected. Neither of them had put up much of a fight, and she was out of there almost as quickly as she had entered. She had even left her fake pegasus wings on one of the tables just so Celestia would know that she could disguise herself as another race should she choose to do so.

She reached her motel room within ten minutes, and entered the office of the owner. She rang a small bell on the counter and the owner came out of the back room. "You checkin' out?"

Blossom reached into her saddlebag. "Yep.

* * * *

The next morning saw Blossom sitting in a train to Hoofington disguised as a green pony with a teal mane. She was leaning back in her seat with a small smile on her face and her eyes closed. She did not fall asleep as the hushed whispers of her fellow passengers were far more interesting. It seemed that her actions had made the morning papers again. She hoped that they would report her fake pegasus wings. Such fear that would cause.

She cracked open one eye and saw a salespony walking around with stacks of newspapers. She leaned her head up and motioned him over. After hoofing him a bit, she levitated the paper over to her and settled down to read the front page.


Joyous Blossom, Equestria's latest serial killer, has struck once more. This time her target was the city of Vanhoover. The first victim was discovered at 11:50 PM in a local hotel, and sources indicate that the unfortunate victim was the owner. The pony in question had his ears, teeth, wings, and cutie marks removed. They were all found behind the office safe not long after the body was discovered.

That was the least tragic thing to happen last night. The owners of a local cafe were also found brutally murdered early this morning. A pair of fake pegasus wings and a straw hat indicate that The New Nightmare disguised herself as a pegasus pony, then killed the owners, and by extension the mare's unborn child. Princess Celestia went--

Blossom let out an audible gasp and dropped the paper.

Unborn child.

The mare was pregnant.

Blossom began blinking rapidly and hyperventilating. "Oh no," she whimpered. "N-no. I d-didn't know." Blossom began hyperventilating and she put a hoof over her mouth. "I..." Blossom blinked back the tears that were streaking down her face.


Blossom's glaze flickered up and she saw Rarity sitting in the seat across from her, glaring daggers at her. "Even I never stooped so low as to kill a pregnant mare. Such vulgar behavior is not worthy of my family line."

"I didn't know." A sob escaped Blossom's lips. "I just thought that--"

Rarity held up a hoof to silence Blossom. "If you're going to keep doing this, you really had better think about why. To kill an unborn foal..." Rarity scoffed and shook her head. "Were I still alive, I would disown you."

Blossom's sobs became louder and more pronounced, and she collapsed onto the floor. "I'm sorry!" she wailed.

As she lay on the ground sobbing like a foal, she heard a few ponies whispering above her. "Ma'am? Are you okay?"

"She was fine a minute ago," another voice muttered. "It wasn't until she... she..."


"She read the paper today. That's when she started, I think."

"Oh dear." Blossom felt somepony place a hoof on her back. "Miss? Miss, can you hear me?"

"You're pathetic, do you know that?" Rarity growled. "First you murder an unborn foal, then you cry like one in public. I expected better from you."

"Miss, I need you to calm down."

"Somepony get her some water."

Blossom felt a pair of forelegs wrap around her middle, and the pony lifted her back onto the seat. She leaned back against the backrest and continued sobbing. She heard somepony sit on the seat next to her. "Shh, it's okay," soothed the voice of a mare. The mare pulled Blossom in a hug and began stroking her mane. "Were they family of yours?"

"Yeah," Blossom whispered. She opened her eyes and saw a group of six ponies standing around her with sympathetic looks on their faces. Her aunt was still sitting on the seat across from her, the glare still present. Blossom flinched back and squeezed her eyes shut again.

"I'm so sorry," the mare said quietly.

"Th-they were my aunt and uncle." Blossom opened her eyes a crack and saw a pony coming up to her with a paper cup in his magical glow. She took it in her own and began sipping from it.

"Maybe we should have her talk to the guard when we get to Hoofington," one of the ponies around her mused. "Maybe she knows something."

Blossom's eyes snapped open and she fixed the stallion with a fiery glare. "No! I'm not talking to any stinking guards!"

The stallion frowned. "But maybe you--"

"I said no!" Blossom snarled. "It's entirely their fault that this happened! If they had just put down that animal when they had the chance, none of this would have happened! They wouldn't be dead!"

"Well, if you talk to them then maybe they can catch her."


The mare who was hugging Blossom pulled her forelegs away and backed up. "Okay, shh." She ran her hoof down Blossom's mane. "If you want I can ask the conductor to see if we can't get you a private car, okay? Would you like that?"

Blossom wiped her eyes and nodded. "I just want to be alone."

The mare nodded and the crowd around Blossom dispersed. A minute later one of the workers came up and led Blossom to a private car. He quickly left once he had made the bed, allowing Blossom to collapse onto the bed.

"What have I done?" she whimpered.

"I'll say this, at least you had enough presence of mind to lie. Celestia knows I thought you were going to drop your disguise right then and there."

"I should have," Blossom moaned. "Then this could be over!"

Rarity snorted and trotted over to the bed. "Is that really how you want to die? Yes, I can see it now: "Equestria's New Nightmare Caught Sobbing Like a Newborn Foal on a Train." Quite the legacy you'd leave there."

"I don't care about my legacy," Blossom muttered.

Rarity rolled her eyes. "Oh don't lie to me. If you really didn't then you wouldn't be theatrical in the least or you'd throw yourself from the train right now."

"Maybe I should."

"Yes, maybe you should." Rarity poked Blossom's side. "I don't think I've ever seen anything more pathetic than you are right now."

Blossom shot up and pushed Rarity back. "How did you like it when you killed foals?!" she snarled. "Don't think that I don't know that you did!"

"Never unborn foals," Rarity retorted. "Even I never stooped to that level."

"I didn't know!" Blossom wailed. "How was I supposed to know?!"

Rarity scoffed. "What, you've never seen what a pregnant mare looks like? Given how far along she was I think it would have been obvious."

Blossom glowered at her aunt. "Look, we both know I'm an evil mare, okay?" Blossom leaned in closer to Rarity and lowered her voice to a whisper. "Am I really less evil if I kill an unborn foal?"

Rarity shrugged. "If that's how you want to justify it to yourself I suppose I won't stop you." Rarity sat down on the bed and leaned back against the wall. "If you're going to go that far then maybe you want to think of only killing mothers." Rarity's mouth twisted into a smirk. "After all, you killed your own, didn't you?"

"But she's safe from me now," Blossom muttered. "Neither of us can hurt her. That was the whole idea." Blossom lowered herself to her haunches and leaned her head against the bed.

"You protected your mother by killing her." Rarity grinned and leaned her head next to Blossom's ear. "You're not done doing that, are you?"

Blossom closed her eyes and let out an almost inaudible sigh. "No. I guess not."

Author's Note:

Blossom's kill count: 28