• Published 8th Jul 2013
  • 7,168 Views, 363 Comments

The Rainbow Pigment - Jetstream S

After a stunt goes haywire in her very first Wonderbolt air show, Rainbow Dash will learn the true reason for her being the only "rainbow maned" pegasus around.

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Rainboom Aftermath

Third Interlude

Rainboom Aftermath

The shock wave created by Rainbow Dash's fast ascent from a stationary hover bowled both the experienced stunt flyers backwards.

Soarin was hit first, simply as he'd approached Dash before being forced back from the heat.

Spitfire had been smarter and stayed back from the flames - though she had openly admired the speed and courage Dash showed in stopping the mistimed Rainboom. Plus the fire effect did look cool.

As such, Spitfire had an extra split-second to react.

The wave pushed both Wonderbolts towards the stands and further apart. Spitfire concentrated over the uncontrolled tumbling, remembering the Dizzitron coaching she had put every single Cadet through. Now was the time to put her own teachings into action.

Spitfire flared her wings and began to slow her own spin sufficiently to regain control. Once basic control of the aerial somersaults had been achieved, Spitfire could focus on the rhythm of the air molecules and 'ride the wave' up and over the stands.

The worst part over, the perfect finish would be for the Wonderbolt pair to meet up in the exact epicentre of the sonic boom. With that in mind, Spitfire - ever the consummate professional in stunt work - flipped back over and spiralled into position; only to find that Soarin' wasn't there to meet her.

In fact, he'd tumbled into the upper tier of stands, having not pulled off a recovery in time to prevent a collision.

Shaking her head slightly, Spitfire angled her flight towards Soarin' - her hoof giving a subtle signal to the watching, non-performing section of her team that she could handle this. Though, she did send them after Dash. Saving hundreds of lives in one day is a lot to deal with for anypony - let alone a new recruit.

Upon reaching Soarin', Spitfire could see that he was still dazed. Not that she could really blame him - dealing with an unexpected sonic shockwave could disorient even the best flyers. Thank Celestia that I'd put the Dizzitron through its paces every time we have a seasonal recruitment drive. As well as test it the day before the final exams.

Helping Soarin' from his prone position, Spitfire muttered:

"A few more sessions on the Dizzitron wouldn't go amiss."

A slurred, automated 'Yes Ma'am' was issued by the stunned stallion. What happened to Rainbow Dash? And why didn't she feel the heat from the fire?

Soarin's musing was interrupted by a glimpse of three teammates leaving the Cloudeseum from the performer's archway carrying saddlebags of emergency supplies. As indicated by the bright red cross on the nearest. His eyes drifted from them to catch Spitfire's gaze.

Spitfire knew what he was silently asking.

"They're going after Dash." After a brief pause, Spitfire added, "Go on, you featherhead, join them." Spitfire watched Soarin go after the leaving group and sighed as she turned to the task of clearing the fans from the stadium. Why did I ever think having those two love birds on the same display team was a good idea?


Pinkie Pie bounced along, happy as always, greeting other ponies as she went.

"Afternoon Daisy - how's the garden coming? Roseluck, good to see you're feeling better after that last scare you had."

She continued on, wondering what fun things her friends had planned. All except Rainbow Dash, Pinkie already knew her plans - first performance with the Wonderbolts today. Oooo I should plan a Congratulations on a First Superiffic Stuntacular Flight for Dashie!

As Pinkie planned out the party, her bouncing stopped and her whole body shook. My Pinkie Sense is telling me of a Doozy!

The trembling suddenly eased off.

"That's odd... doozy's are very rare. Wonder what this one is for?" Pinkie started looking for the cause of the doozy - even though it wasn't often that the trigger for her Pinkie Sense was so easily revealed.

Her entire torso underwent an even greater Doozy-signal as she looked northwest. Hmmm, that means the doozy's going to occur in that direction. The shaking subsided as a bright flash followed by vertical prismatic spirals appeared in the sky. Pinkie paused, staring at the display. That's so pretty.....

Her thoughts were interrupted by her Pinkie Sense leaving completely - though not before another full body quake. That was it! That was the Doozy! And what a delightful Doozy it was.

She continued bouncing, needing to get work on Dash's Surprise Superiffic, Stuntacular First Wonderflight Party. Not that Pinkie Pie thought party planning was work.

Her plans were interrupted by a Sense Combo - one that she'd never had before. First her nose felt warm, followed by a twitchy tail and ended with a pinchy knee.

Hmmm, what could that one mean? I know twitchy tail means something falling and pinchy knee means something scary is about to happen, but I have no clue what a warm nose means....

"I'll have to ask Twilight what she thinks." Pinkie Pie changed direction mid-bounce and headed for the library.


Applejack was standing by her market stall in Ponyville's central square - actually it was her apple cart, Sweet Apple Acres didn't have the bits to spare to get a proper stall set-up - when her attention was drawn skyward.

"What the hay...?"

In the north-western part of the sky was a vertical column - no a twister - of multi-coloured light.

"If ah didn't know any better, ah'd have said that was a Rainboom..." Applejack resolved to speak with Twilight at the end of the market day to see if she knew what that sight was.


Rarity was serving customers in her Boutique, when a few newcomers entered.

"Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where every garment is chic, unique and magnifique." Rarity issued her standard patter, adding, "please look around, I'll be with you shortly."

As they followed Rarity's suggestion to browse, they talked among themselves. Rarity knew it was unladylike to eavesdrop, but she could not help overhearing some of their conversation.

It seemed there had been quite a to-do at the Cloudeseum earlier that afternoon. During the premier performance of the Wonderbolts' newest member, a stunt resulted in that member catching fire. The new Wonderbolt then proceeded to fly up and out - leaving the other two performers to smooth things out. Although, the captain - Spitfire, was it? - had to do most of the work since the other member had been knocked out by the stunt's shockwave.

Rarity only knew of one new recruit in the Wonderbolts' ranks: Rainbow Dash.

Oh my. I simply cannot believe that Rainbow would just leave and let her colleagues do the work. She wouldn't leave an injured pony either - no matter what her condition was. Her eyes widened as the gossip sank in. Rainbow Dash had caught fire - and was now on her own.

This calls for extreme measures... and Twilight, of course.


A group of startled birds gathered on Fluttershy's windowsill. Their anxious chirping interrupted a quiet teatime.

"Oh my goodness! Whatever could have occurred to scare you so?" Fluttershy exclaimed in her usual soft tone, as she opened the window to let them in. The birds took the invite and fluttered in, all of them telling their stories at once, confusing the poor pegasus.

"So a loud noise disturbed your nap and an unusual lightshow destroyed a mountaintop?!?"

The birds, now more comfortably settled inside the cottage home, were able to clarify and confirm the story.

Which only served to worry Fluttershy further. She sped round the room, packing a saddlebag full of various supplies and serving more birdseed to her unexpected guests.

"I really must do something... perhaps Twilight knows about it? What if she doesn't?" Fluttershy left the cottage, flying fast as she could towards Twilight's library, calling back over her shoulder to her bunny companion.

"Be good and play nice with the others Angel."

The last thing she saw before going out of sight, was Angel Bunny giving her a cheeky salute.


Twilight was reading up on the recent diplomatic treaties and proposals that concerned Equestria and its neighbouring, as well as distant lands, when Spike called to her.

"Twilight - you've gotta see this!"

Looking up from her studies, Twilight eyed her assistant warily, before getting up and moving towards the window the young dragon was staring out of.

"What is more important than gaining knowledge of the current diplomatic situation of Equestria and -…", her words were cut off as Twilight caught sight of a prismatic column twisting upwards and dissipating in the upper atmosphere.

"What is that...?"

Spike shrugged, "I thought you'd know."

Twilight didn't, but she knew how to find out;

"Spike, collect up every book we have on Atmospheric and Astronomical Phenomenon."

Spike got to work, and Twilight started her investigations. She got so wrapped up in this side-quest that she nearly missed the knock on the library door. Spike, however didn't.

Four of their friends stood there, with varying expressions on their faces. From Pinkie Pie's cheerful 'I've got a great puzzle for Twilight' look, through Applejack's open curiosity and Rarity's concern, to Fluttershy's look of timid horror.

Pinkie Pie didn't need any more invitation than the open door to bounce in and start speaking. The others were more polite and waited for permission to enter. Spike gestured them in.

"Twilight! Twilight! My Pinkie Sense told me of a doozy and then I had a combo that I'd never had before. Warm nose, twitchy tail and then a pinchy knee." Pinkie's words tumbled over themselves faster and faster, only for AJ to place a calming hoof over her mouth.

"Simmer down, sugarcube. Twilight's not going to be able to keep up with your fast-talking."

"I quite agree. How any pony can speak so fast and expect another to have a civilized and clear reply, I have no idea."

"Ummm, there's a bigger problem than Pinkie's speed of speech...... I mean, something damaged a mountain and startled my feathered friends..... *meep*" Fluttershy hid behind her mane as her voice petered out.

Twilight Sparkle eventually got her guests settled and had each of them tell their stories one by one. This took some time, and afterwards Twilight tapped the side of her head with a hoof in deep contemplation.

"I can't help but wonder if all those events are connected..." Twilight speculated, "but what would link an unusual lightshow, Pinkie's odd Sense, tales of a firey Rainbow Dash and the damaged mountain?" She started pacing

"The occurrences are too close together to be simply coincidence, although some of the stories are bound to be hyperbole." Twilight threw a reassuring glance over at the group, "Not that I doubt your words in any way, I am sure you all reported what you heard and saw accurately. This will need close study and detailed investigations."

Twilight beamed, "If we all pitch together, we can find the answer."


Soarin and the rest of the Wonderbolts caught up to the scout sent after Rainbow Dash.

"See anything, Eagle Eye?"

"I did, but you're not going to believe it." The scout replied, none could keep up with Rainbow in speed, but with endurance flying, and a lot of luck meant that Eagle Eye could catch up. A simple gesture indicated the mountain below.

Soarin and the support team flew down to take a closer look. The scout circled overhead trying to spot the downed pegasus.

Eagle Eye was right..... I don't believe it. Soarin' gasped as he took in the mountain face - in particular, the tunnel that now ran through it. While inspecting the tunnel, a loud call from Eagle Eye caught their attention.

"Far side and hurry - looks like we have company."

The group sped round the mountain, and spotted Eagle Eye diving towards the base. They followed Eagle down to spot what he meant by company. A group of bears - that were converging towards a rocky spot. Thankfully they weren't Ursas.

The Wonderbolts formed up and prepared a false attack run on the bears. With the team's agility honed from the stunt performances, they could fool the bears into thinking their numbers were greater.

Some time later, the bears - discouraged by the fast flyers that refused to be swatted – vacated the area. Eagle Eye glared after them, making sure that they didn't come back as the equipped section came towards the rocks he was hovering protectively over.

Nestled between the rocks, was the unconscious and injured form of Rainbow Dash. Her coat’s color had returned to its normal cyan, her multicolour mane was no longer made of fire and she was no longer radiating extreme heat.

As the medic packs were brought out, a gentle warmth grew around them. Eagle Eye was the first to react,

"Princess Celestia! This is an unexpected honour."

The rest of the Wonderbolts paused in their tasks to turn and bow to the Solar sovereign. Soarin' did the same - though his gaze kept sliding towards Dash as he genuflected to their main sponsor, even if that fact was generally unknown to the public.

"Rise, my little ponies. I am only here to help." Celestia replied, walking towards the fallen Dash. Golden light surrounded them all, easing any aches their wings had gained from the flight out - as well as healing any bruises and cuts gained from facing the bear troupe.

Soarin' felt his head clear - flying out after that crash was not a good idea - though he had not noticed any discomfort from his exertions. The aura faded, Rainbow Dash didn't appear to be healed, but it was hard to tell considering the dust and dirt of her landing location.

"You needn't worry about Rainbow Dash. She will be taken to Canterlot, where she can recover from her ordeal." Celestia was now alongside Rainbow, and golden light wrapped around them both as the Princess teleported them both away. Though if what I suspect is true, Rainbow will have an even greater ordeal ahead.

Part of Soarin wanted to go to Canterlot, but his more logical side told him to report to Spitfire. After all, Princess Celestia said Dash would recover there. I can always visit later.

None of the Wonderbolts had any reason to doubt their Princess - though it was a highly irregular occurrence - so the medical kits were repacked and they took flight back to Wonderbolts Academy. The Academy also served as a base of operations as well as a training ground.

While the others stored their equipment, Soarin' flew straight to Spitfire's office. His knock on the door was swiftly answered with a curt 'Enter'.

Soarin' entered the room to find Spitfire staring at a pile of paperwork. Injury reports always create a mess.....

"Update on the condition of Rainbow Dash, ma'am."

"Please tell me it’s good news. The PR department have been on my back about the situation since I returned." Spitfire fixed her piercing gaze on Soarin'.

"Well, I..... you'll have to be the judge of that yourself." Soarin' fidgeted under her scrutiny.

Spitfire sighed, "Let's hear it. What's the damage?"

Soarin' summarised the search, the tunnel in the mountain and the fight with the bears.

"As to Dash's status and location, Princess Celestia showed up and took her to Canterlot to recover."

"Princess Celestia just showed up?!?" Spitfire was incredulous.

"Yes, ma'am, and teleported herself and Dash away."

"Thank you for your report. Tomorrow go to Canterlot to see Dash, dismissed."

Soarin left with a salute.

Spitfire rubbed her head with her hooves. Explaining this to PR is going to be a massive headache....


The afternoon turned to evening; Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy had to take their leave - younger sisters and cute critters needed their caretakers.

The sun set and even Pinkie's eagerness to find out what her Pinkie combo meant couldn't compete with the time.

Twilight continued working into the night, not willing to give up just yet.


Like Twilight, Spitfire was working late on the draft report for their Public Relations Department to refine and issue.

Unlike Twilight, Spitfire wasn't going to obsess over the details and was more than willing to let others do the worrying for her. As such she was happy with her draft and re-read it before placing it into the PR's in-tray.

'At approximately 15:15 on October 6, an experimental stunt was premiered.

This stunt had a minor technical hitch: the anti-inflammatory coating actually caught fire, resulting in a shock to the performers. It did, however, perform a protective function instead, meaning the performer in question is not harmed from the heat and flames.

Further information will be made available in due course.'


Twilight rubbed her eyes as words started to blur, she still wasn't anywhere close to a solution. Her book-littered desk was lit by silver moonbeams, and the lateness of the hour began to sink into Twilight's mind. Still not going to give up.

A quiet knock on the door drifted to her ears. Twilight glanced over at Spike - sleeping away on top of a pile of books and answered the door cautiously. Who could be calling at this time?

A gray mailmare with mismatched eyes greeted her.

"Delivery for Princess Twilight Sparkle. Royal Express from Canterlot."

A hoof extended a white book and a clipboard towards her.

"Oooo." Twilight's eyes lit up at the sight of the book, almost missing the next request.

"Would you mind signing for it?"

Twilight took the offered quill, signed and wrapped the book in her magic. This is one I haven't seen before! Wonder what this one's about.

Twilight closed the door, examining the book for a clue as to what was contained within. No title, no author's mark, just a six-coloured circle on a background of white.

Curious, Twilight opened to the first page - to see no known written language. Celestia must want me to translate this to further my studies. Glee filled Twilight Sparkle as she set to her new task.

Author's Note:

Ah, lemme guess. You guys thought we had forgotten about the rest of Rainbow's friends... NOPE. Another bout of applause for LunaSilverscale for being a badass in writing skill. Her influence is taking this story to FAR better heights than I could ever do alone. You rule!

Hope you guys have enjoyed the ride so far, because things are gonna start getting REAL in a few more chapters...