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Bunny Problems

Soon Fluttershy, and her companions, arrived at her cottage. As the door swung open, she found herself greeted by the happy faces of her critters friends.

"Oh, hello everyone! I have a new friend here. Please help make..." She glanced at the Pokémon. "…him feel welcomed, okay?" She said in a low tone voice. The animals all nodded.

This made the mare smile. "Steve, please set him here." She gestured next to the couch. The bear complied, but stared daggers at the fish when Fluttershy wasn't looking. She smiled and trotted over to the tub. "You are a cutie, aren't you?" She said with a low but loving voice.

The Pokémon just stared at her. She continued to smile. "Now, let's check to see if you have any booboos." The mare said as she moved around the tub to check for injuries. "You have no injuries…how strange."

The mare smiled, "I'm happy that nothing is wrong." Her smile quickly faded, to a look of sadness and guilt. "Oh, I'm so sorry. You’re probably starving." Magikarp still had the same expression as before. "You are! I'll get you something to eat right away." Fluttershy said as she made her way to the kitchen.

She was stopped by a white bunny. He was tapping his paw with a sour look on his furry face. "Oh, Angel bunny, I'm sorry but I need to take care of our guest first. You don't mind do you?" Fluttershy asked with worry in her voice.

Angel just rolled his eyes.

"Oh, you’re such a little sweetheart." She said as she brought Angel in for a hug, then set him down and headed to the pantry in search of fish food.

She searched the whole pantry, from top to bottom, but couldn't find anything her new little friend might like to eat. "Oh dear," she said, trotting over to the tub. "I'm so sorry, but I’ll have to run to the market to pick up so food. Please don't be angry?" She said in a loving but worried voice.

"Ma, Ma, Magikarp. " The Pokémon replied.

"I'll be right back soon, I promise." She turned to the white bunny. "Angel, your in charge while I´m gone." The bunny saluted in response, and Fluttershy went out to the store.

Shortly after she left, Angel´s stomach began to rumble. He quickly hopped into to kitchen and retrieved a bowl of diced carrots, before returning to plop himself near the tub. Angel licked his lips and prepared to dig in. He opened his mouth and threw a diced carrot in the air to land in his mouth. To his surprise, it never landed. He looked around, but didn´t see the piece of vegetable anywhere.

He just shrugged it off, and tried it again, only to get the same results. Angel got irritated. He narrowed his eyes and picked up a diced carrot, slowly bringing it towards himself.

Suddenly, something wet clamped down on his paw. He looked down to see the fish pokémon sucking on his paw. Angel quickly slapped the Pokémon away. This retaliation only made magikarp uneasy.

Magikarp began to flail about the room, knocking over bowls, books, candles, toys, and other items around the house. Angel quickly began to chase after the pokémon , but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t stop magikarp’s rampage. It was more than 10 minutes before Angel finally managed to get the pesky fish back into his bowl.

Angel sighed, knowing that it was finally over. His long ears began to twitch as the sound of hoofsteps entered his ears. He turned to see a shocked Fluttershy.


Author's Note:

Special thanks to my new editor Lunar_Twilight.
Also let me know if the story every goes out of character.
Leave ideas down below.
Have a wonderful day.