• Published 26th Apr 2013
  • 874 Views, 10 Comments

Clipped wings. - SkyStorm

After an accident crusading, scootaloo is left with a broken wing. After a test, the doctor discovers she has a disoder that makes her wing feathers fail to grow. She is offered hope in the form of an experimental surgery. Will she fly?

  • ...

A drop of hope, in a sea of doubt.

"Wha-What do you mean I have a broken wing?!" Scootaloo yelled at the nurse, "I can't have a broken wing, I need to get my Cutie mark. I need to-" Scootaloo's rant was interrupted by the entrance of Rainbow Dash. She just stared at scoot's. She knew how she felt about hospitals, she didn't like them, partially because of the smell, and because they usually ask Scoot's about her parents.
"Relax squirt, you know you need to be here. I mean you did break your wing," Rainbow said gesturing to the little filly's wings. She covered them with her gown, but fumbled and hit them. She let out a loud groan of pain, trying to hide it because of rainbow presence.
"Yeah, and If you don't rest them, it will just get worse," The nurse said, trying to calm her down. Scootaloo didn't know where to look, she knew that what they said was true. She sighed, and slouched back into the bed. A doctor, peaked his head around the door frame to be greeted by Rainbow Dash's flank. He blushed, then knocked on the door.
"Ex-Excuse me. I have the X-rays, oh and a message from the senior doctors." The doctor said as the three mares turn to look and him. The nurse made her way towards him, and took the file and pictures,
"Thank you Doctor Repulse" She said, walking towards the light-box mounted on the wall. The doctor then trotted off back down the corridor.
"Right, lets have a look at how much damage you've done 'eh scoots?" Rainbow Dash said with a smile. The nurse first placed the file on the table and then clipped the photo's into the light box. She switched in on, bathing them both in a florescent white light that Scootaloo had to blink away from.

They both examined the photo's, and both of them could clearly see the break.
"I'm not doctor, but that looks pretty bad." Rainbow said, pointing to a gap between two wing bones on one of the photo's. The nurse nodded in agreement,
"Right, let me check your file miss Scootaloo." The nurse said, flicking open the folder. "Ahem." The nurse said, glaring at Rainbow."
"What?" Rainbow replied, puzzled but what she said. "This is a confidential file. It's only for official eyes only." The nurse stated. With that, Rainbow took a few steps back.

After a few minutes of the nurse reading the file, Rainbow walked over to Scoot's who was siting silently. "What wrong with you kid, normally I can't get you to be quite." She said, sitting down on the bed. Scootaloo looked up from staring into the bed sheets,
"I-I Broke my wing..." She stammered. "Now I'll never fly...." She sighed. Rainbow just laughed,
"Since when did breaking you wing make you unable to fly? I broke my wings remember?" She said, nudging her lightly on the shoulder. Scootaloo seemed lost in her memories for a couple of seconds before jerking up, " Oh yeah!" She exclaimed, startling the nurse. "Oh, sorry..." She murmured. The nurse just kept on reading.
"So you do remember. See? Breaking your wings isn't the end of the world, it's just another challenge." Rainbow said, expanding her wings. "Look...here." She pointed to her wings. She brushed aside a few feather and reveled a small scar.
"That, is where I broke my wing." Rainbow said proudly. Scootaloo seemed relived.

"Oh...oh dear..." The nurse said to herself. This caught the attention of the two.
"What's up?" Rainbow said, retracting her wings and jumping down onto the floor and making her way towards the nurse. The nurse turned and looked at her.
"Can we discuss this outside? The nurse said, picking up the file. Rainbow turned and looked at Scoot's, then back to the nurse,
"Yeah, ok." Rainbow knew it was bad news.
"WAIT. DON'T LEAVE ME RAINBOW!" Scootaloo yelled as the two made their way towards the door, trying to pull herself up. Rainbow stopped just at the door,
"Kid, I would never leave you. I'll be right outside. Stay in bed, you don't want to make the break any worse." Rainbow stated. Scootaloo dropped onto the bed, her words had gotten to her. She nodded, "Ok, Rainbow." she smiled.

Rainbow and the nurse then walked out the door and the nurse closed it behind them, "So, what's wrong Nurse Treasure?" Rainbow asked. Nurse Treasure stood silently for what felt like minuets.
"It's about her wings...." She said, doubtfully.
"Wha-what about them?" Rainbow asked nervously. The nurse floated the file over to her. "I thought this was confidently?" She said, slightly annoyed.
"Just read the top box..." The nurse replied, staring at the ground. Rainbow took the floating file, opened it and began reading the text. She couldn't understand most of the medical jargon, but one phrase did keep appearing 'Nequit volare'.
"What does this mean?" She asked, still trying to understand the file.
"It means...' She paused to take a deep breath, and looked up to Rainbow. 'It mean she won't be able to fly..." Nurse Treasure said, wincing at the words. Rainbow Dropped the file, she didn't know how to react. She was going to teach her so much, she was going to be such a good flier. Rainbow just stared into the ground.
"So...So...She'll never....fly?" Rainbow uttered, trying to chock back her emotions.
"That maybe so...But since Scootaloo is the first flightless peg-" The nurse's speech was interrupted by Rainbow,
"SHE'S NOT FLIGHTLESS!" She yelled, attracting the attention of all the medical staff and patients on the corridor.
'Miss Rainbow, calm down I'm trying to tell you that we can help her." The nurse reasoned. Rainbow blushed a bright, crimson red at her outburst.
"You c-can help her?" She inquired.
"Yes, we have an experimental operation, where we take bone marrow from a able-bodied Pegasi and place it into her bones. Hoping that her body will take to it, and allow her to grow fully functional wings." Nurse Treasure explained.
"Well, what are you waiting for?" Rainbow exclaimed.
"We're waiting for a Pegasi." She replied.

"Well, I think you found your Pegasus." placing her hoof across her chest. "I'll donate." She announced enthusiastically.
"Thank you, I bet that means the world to her, but there is still one problem." The nurse began,
"Since this is an experimental operation, we don't know it will work. If it does, she will a fully functional set of wings. And If not...We will have to remove her wings..." She finished. Rainbow's enthusiasm seemed to disappear,
'L-lose her wings?' She muttered. The nurse couldn't speak, she just nodded. Rainbow Dash looked at Scootaloo's room door. She was lost in thought, imagining Scootaloo without wings, the mocking laughter she would receive, the shame she would feel. Rainbow tightly closed her eyes. "I'll have a talk with Scoot's. I'll tell her." And with that, she left the nurse and walked back into Scootaloo's room.

She slowly creaked open the door, Scootaloo was lying there on the bed staring out of the window. She was watching the birds and insect's fly by.
"Hey squirt." Rainbow called. Scootaloo snapped out of her day-dream and focused on Rainbow.
"I...heard what you yelled...thank you....thank you for defending me Rainbow..." Scootaloo uttered, fighting back a tear in her eye.
"Listen kid, I have something to tell you. I know it's going to be difficult to understand, but trust me." Rainbow explain.
'You see kid, you have a problem with both of your wings-" She was interrupted by Scootaloo loudly announcing that she had only broken one wing.
"it's not about the break, it's about your bones." Rainbow indicated, pointing to them. She walked over to her, and sat beside her,
"You have a disa- a problem with your wings where your body can't make normal flying feathers..." Rainbow's words hit Scootaloo hard. She buried her head underneath her bed sheet, and began sobbing softly. Rainbow had to chock back her own emotions to tell her about the operation. "Sc-scoot's. There is a way to fix it." She stammered. Scootaloo didn't come out from beneath the sheet,
"T-t-there is?" She sobbed, being muffled by the sheet.
'Yeah, it involves you getting a transplant for another Pegasus. And guess who volunteered?" She stated. The sobbing stopped, and Scootaloo poked her head out from the sheets. Her face was damp with tears, her mane was all over,
"W-Who?" Scoot's questioned. Rainbow smiled,
"Your looking at her..." She extended out her hoof towards Scootaloo, gesturing for a hug. Scootaloo was smiling ear-to-ear, she dove into Rainbow hoof wrapping hers around her.
"T-thank you Rainbow..." She whispered into her chest, letting out a single tear onto her blue fur.
"I said I'd never leave you kid. And Rainbow Dash doesn't break a promise."

Author's Note:

Yes, I know she is planned to be flightless. I know this, but just because I know this doesn't mean I have to accept it.

I hope you enjoyed reading this, It will probably have one more chapter.