Over several thousand years ago, alicorns were the dominant race of Equestria and the Beyond. Six powerful queens took the responsibility of conquering and ruling over the entirety of the realm. Soon, other races were born. Then one of the queens became hungry for power and changed herself and corrupted the races. Few pure ones exist. Now she has returned. She must be destroyed. But will there be time?

Chapters (1)

My name is Franklin, don't have a last name, or at least if I do I can't remember it. Same thing with my age, the doctors say i'm in my late 50's, but they can't pinpoint it. I'm a human from earth, i think i'm from earth, I mean, I did wake up there, but that doesn't mean I couldn't be from another colony. Perhaps I should explain, you see about 20 years ago I woke up in an office building in the middle of a destroyed city. I had no memories of who I was or where I came from. I soon found that there where only about a thousand humans left on earth. no one seemed to remember what happened or who they were. As the years passed i saw more and more people give up and accept their new life, but not me. I needed answers. Who was I? Who am I? Where did i come from? What happened? Do I have a family? Are they looking for me as well? All these question, and yet no answers, but that all changed when i began the greatest journey of my life. A journey that taught me that I should stop worrying about the past and look to the future. What better place to start then the beginning.

Chapters (1)