
Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results

The Lost Fics: Model Behavior · 10:42pm Dec 17th, 2015

This one is going to be in a slightly different format. You see, the previous fics that I blogged about, "Back to School" and "Don't Come Close", were taken from my unpublished queue on fimfic, but this story is actually from my drive/gdocs.

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My Movie Review/Extreme Rant on Zoolander · 9:57pm May 26th, 2019

Aloha, Amigos.

This is your friendly film and tv show reporter here with another report.

Now, before I get into what I think of this film, I’d like to ask you all a question:

Has anyone ever wondered what film I believe is one of the worst, if not the worst, movies in existence? One that’s so terrible, I would rate it even below just a one?

Well, look no further, because the answer to your 2-part question comes in the form of THIS COMPLETE MONSTROSITY RIGHT HERE:

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My Third List of Least Favorite Villains · 5:29pm May 24th

Following my previous two listings, I couldn’t resist making another that showcased more of my least favorite villains. There were just so many others that I wanted to share my thoughts on as of late, especially based on seeing them in some stuff I watched.

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Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results