
Viewing 1 - 20 of 23 results

Tedious Life, Hideous Strife. · 9:17am Dec 29th, 2016

I swear I'm unable to write consistently, I used to write maybe twelve different stories at one time and never finished one, I only added more to the list. Thank god my tablet broke and I lost my data, it would have otherwise driven me further insane. I was however, disappointed in losing the beginning chapter to a Tolkien and George R. R. Martin inspired story, but it was the price I had to pay. Anyway, the reason I am writing this is to alert you to my inefficientcy at deadlines, I had

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Paper and life. (Another donut shaped rant, sorta.) (Remember, stay sharp, don't cut yourself. It hurts.) · 1:34pm Jan 16th, 2016

Not much in a mood to read. Seeing nice little things, but no forcing it.

It's like me eating too much sugary stuff today whilst writing in those motebooks, and thinking of stuff.

I couldn't eat as much real food as I desired cause I wasn't hungry enough. And ain't being any soon. :raritycry:

I won't even try. I may, but if I ain't. I ain't.

Also, those notebooks really are too small, and slightly too chocolate covered at points.

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Attack on Attack on Titan: an In-Depth Review of a Story I Hate (Part Three: Racism, Politics, and Conclusion) · 6:33pm Jun 29th, 2021

Link to Part One and Link to Part Two. Once again, This review contains full spoilers of everything Attack on Titan, including and especially the ending of the manga.

7. The Racism

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"Flashfic 150" Entry, January 2020 · 12:47am Jan 3rd, 2020

I begin this year with a new mini project. One that I wanted to participate in for more than 2 and a half years already, ever since I saw it first, but could not find the time nor the concentration for, because life was showing its ugliest side to me.

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Grammar Check Fail · 7:00pm Apr 27th, 2017

Do tell how either of those suggestions are grammatically correct for that sentence, Microsoft Word, please do. :facehoof:

I'm used to Word's grammar check occasionally being squirrelly and/or too "by the book"...but this instance seemed comically bad given the sentence it was suggesting these corrections for. :rainbowlaugh:

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Start, begin, almost, just, maybe... Removing weasel words from your novel · 11:42pm Mar 25th, 2021

While applying the final polish on The Runaway Bodyguard (new chapter Fridays), I noticed that “weasel words” had crept back into my writing. It’s not that “I started to notice that my writing is long winded,” it’s that, “I noticed that my writing is long winded,” and came to accept that, “My writing is long winded.” When a publisher first returned a manuscript for revision, the editor pointed out this tendency.

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Some small fixes in the descriptions of "Letters to Cozy Glow" and how applying them made me get better at something I'm struggling with · 10:00pm Apr 19th, 2019

So, after I checked into "Letters to Cozy Glow" yesterday while writing the next letter/chapter, my eyes fell on the short description and I discovered a small error in it. Small, as in, only one word was wrong. But it made the sentence sound very stupid and gave a wrong idea of what it says.
I went and fixed it, then read through the long description to make sure there isn't a similar error. I found one and it sounded similarly stupid and I fixed that one as well.

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Pony Fan Fiction and Positivity · 2:17pm Nov 15th, 2017

Alternate titles: “The post wherein Cloudy justifies their tastes”, “let’s talk about positivity”, or “I’m not just gonna bash on sadfic, I promise!”

(There are some words about To Perytonia at the end, hence the tag.)

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Signal Boost: Dreams and Dementations · 2:13am Oct 9th, 2020

Y’all know me, and y’all know that I write a lot, so you’d think I’d be good at doing this, but. . . .

AShadowOfCygnus has recently published a new story:

TDreams and Dementations
An anthology; otherwise exactly as advertised.
AShadowOfCygnus · 18k words  ·  18  2 · 206 views

and I highly recommend it.

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Seeking Proofreaders · 9:16pm Sep 25th, 2015


Pet Peeve #001 - On the matter of humming. · 5:51am Jul 8th, 2019

This might not be worthy of a blog. Okay, well, it might be. I just wanted everyone to know my displeasure with a certain... thing I've seen cropping up in people's writing.

Jason hummed. "Well, I guess things couldn't possibly get any worse."


"Hmm, well, I guess things couldn't possibly get any worse," Jason said.

Which one of those two sentences do you think flows better?

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ATOTS Story word count change · 9:13pm Aug 20th, 2017

Hello everybody. So if you're looking back at my story today, you may have noticed a change in the overall word count for the story.

Chapter 1: 4,645 words
Chapter 2: 5,990 words
Chapter 3: 8221 words
Chapter 4: 10,934 words
Chapter 5: 8,022 words
Chapter 6: 10,918 words
Chapter 7: 12, 235 words
Overall: 60,965 words

Chapter 1: 4,337 words
Chapter 2: 5,990 words
Chapter 3: 7,441 words
Chapter 4: 9,931 words
Chapter 5: 7,610 words

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Words of Wisdom: The Chekhov's Gun Paradox · 6:07am Apr 22nd, 2017

You have your story scripted out to it fullest and now it is time to breath life into your work. You’ve constructed your character profiles and have built your plot. Now comes the third act twist! Your audience won’t see this coming!

...Will they?

How do you foreshadow future events while still not tipping your hand and exposing the big reveal?

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The Nine Best Pieces of Writing Advice I Didn't Learn in School · 6:39am Sep 17th, 2016

The first thing you write will always be bad
I wish I had a professor or teacher just come out and say it. You can have a twelve step course to teach you how to code in C++, cook up a batch of applesauce, or calculate the optimum trajectory and force to kick someone in the groin. All of that can be repeated with very little margin of error, but that is because those skills are perceived by you and not others. They are based in hard science.

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Fixing History: Chapter 3 Chapter Title · 4:14pm Jul 12th, 2016

I'm so sad~ The story turned even darker as I typed! Yikes! This one probably will have a Gore tag if I go too far with it. I've chosen the 3rd chapter's chapter title. I've summarized the differences between Equestria and MU & FMwS (aka Searching for the Full Moon). It becomes this: Differences Between Fate and Destiny. It's so emotional and horrifying at the same time!

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Behind the Story: A Broken Crown · 6:20pm May 2nd, 2022

I’ve been meaning to make this for a while, but I haven’t gotten around to it until now. But, now I’m prepared to do this and I have pulled myself away from Little Inferno (I’m playing it for… research. For a story.) for long enough to hopefully bang this out and finally get it done, just several days late.

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Animal Abuse - There are some scumbags out there that need to be dealt with! · 10:27am Feb 17th, 2020

There is one thing in life that I have so much trouble trying to understand - why do people abuse animals?

This subject has a very serious rage spot in my brain and heart for all people that think it’s funny and entertaining to harm, injure or mindlessly abuse animals with nothing but neglect. To me, those who do this are the biggest scumbags on the planet, and they all deserve to be lined up against a wall while crowds of people toss cinder blocks at them.

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Paul's Thursday Reviews CIV · 10:13pm Feb 8th, 2018

My bout of productivity continues. It's starting to feel 'normal' at this point. Which is great, because it means I can churn out material so much faster than I was before. Which makes me wonder if I shouldn't adjust my release schedule, which is currently shared among all my stories. At the moment it's set on a weekend basis, but that puts me a month ahead of schedule. Eh, nah. I think I'll keep it as is and just release early when I feel like it. The only story that's going to be releasing

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Development as a Writer: What I've Learned · 1:03am Aug 22nd, 2016

I have compiled four points, or aspects, which I think provide the most assistance when you’re trying to improve on any activity you set your mind to. Most of this will be skewed towards writing, but I think the principles can be applied to many other things as well. I think they are all important in becoming better at whatever you put your mind to. I will give a quick overview of each, then go into details below.

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"It Feels Rapier than ever" -- Another Horrible Mistake To Avoid When Writing Romance · 11:18pm Feb 8th, 2016

Audio version by Imrix.

I’m not good at romance.

A guy once tried to choke me and then begged for sex, and that’s just the third most horrible confession I’ve gone through. A girl in my high school refused to go out with a guy unless he stabbed his own arm with three needles to show his love. One of my teachers had to go to the hospital on New Year’s because she got a champagne bottle stuck to her vagina.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 23 results