
Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results

I'm going to Whinny City this April · 7:22pm Mar 15th, 2019

Hi guys.

It's been a long-ass time. Again. I'm pretty terrible at keeping my promises, I've noticed. Sorry about that.

I was just wondering if any of ya are gonna be going to Whinny City Ponycon in Chicagoland this year (it's not really in Chicago, it's in, like, Aurora, so you know, western suburbs represent I guess), cause guess who's gonna shoot for going to not one but TWO pony conventions this year?

That's right. This dude.

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A Poem So Real · 4:29pm Mar 2nd, 2017

I think I'm awake... I just had a weird dream that was similar to the poem I wrote. There was a blood moon, millions of stars, one brighter star that looked more like the sun and lies.... So many lies!! I was nearly hit by a car and my boyfriend was there to hold me in the mud that I jumped in. It went from day to night. From there, everything got weirder. I started speaking in other worldly tongues and had a serious breakdown on the ground. My boyfriend kept repeatedly saying he loved me and

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Taco Time? Nah, it's Teaser Time! · 8:08am Apr 15th, 2020

EThe Old Collector
Some things are saved, others are not. But not all that is kept, is left to be taught.
TheMajorTechie · 1.1k words  ·  17  4 · 505 views

What? It's a story that I already published? You betcha. There's something about that story that'll find its way into my next one. In fact, I'm pulling pieces of multiple past stories in. You'll just need to find 'em. :raritywink:

Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results