
Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 results

what even is a blog · 10:38pm Oct 26th, 2016

Good evening. Or morning. Or day. Or night. Sorry, I'm not a walking international clock app. My name is Superwaj 56 (don't ask) and I like to read horse romance on the internet. Someday I may even contribute to the horse romance hoard with some horse romance of my own, although every time I open OpenOffice (heheheheh) I either find myself dead dry of inspiration or finding myself writing something completely awful. So for now, I content myself with reading other people's "fics", with the

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shocks is kil · 4:06pm Dec 28th, 2016

its tru

i is ded

rest in pepperoni

nobody cares


my internet is down

so no horse words for meh

probably be back sometime this month

either that or i whore myself out

or get a patreon

same thing really

so byby for now bbys

also fuck mobile


So apparently dual credit classes get Fridays off. · 2:45pm Sep 4th, 2015

Which is awesome, because now I get a good hour to chill at home before I have to go back to school. Thank god I live within walking distance.

Now pardon me as I meander about and mentally prepare myself for school.


That's the last TBC story I'm writing · 4:49am Feb 5th, 2016

I wrote Gaben & Filthy Frank vs. The Conversion Bureau, those are the last ones I want to write. I'm going to go back to writing pure bullshit dank stories that are dank, I just had to write a TBC parody that has never been done before. I kinda like writing stories that no one has done before and I had to check that off my list.


Had an awesome day · 4:24am Dec 4th, 2016

It started out bright and early with a scholarship interview at a college. After that I danced for two hours and for once remembered the choreography??? Anyway after that I showered, took a painful shit that ripped up my ass, then went to a Christmas party with the best family in the world! We played bingo and a bunch of other crazy games with some crazy people.:heart: There were these kids who were very effective condom commercials, but at the same time they were very sweet and

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Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 results