
Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results

Sudden Update! + EDIT UPDATE · 11:09pm Aug 22nd, 2023

I don't know what in the blue hell happened, but I suddenly had a wave of inspiration and creativity wash over me last night, to the point of writing over 4000 words in a night. I've NEVER done that before. On top of that, I've also almost finished the chapter I was working on because of it. Holy hell!

Anyway, just a quick, sudden update, that I may have some actual content on the way now!

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Prerogative Chapter 7 is Now Live! · 6:05pm Nov 14th, 2017

Sorry about the delay folks, but time slipped away from me and I had to push it back a day to make sure the chapter was up to snuff for you. Not only that, but I made a last-minute decision to split the chapter in two. So while you won't get quite the same level of revelation as you did with the original (which was 11,000+ words long), you'll get a much better experience with this one and new chapters next week and the week after!

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Prerogative Chapter 8: Intentions is Live! · 6:13pm Nov 20th, 2017

Phew. EQLA was awesome and exhausting in equal measure and it's not even completely over yet! But that doesn't mean you don't get your new chapter of Prerogative!

EHow Not To Use Your Royal Prerogative
After going to Coloratura's concert, Sunset gets both good news and bad news. Somepony stole her identity and is running around with her face. That's the good news.
Amber Spark · 67k words  ·  325  7 · 4.4k views

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Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results