
Viewing 1 - 6 of 6 results

Some research · 11:39pm May 14th, 2016

Hello, my followers, and to who might stumble on this.

So I'm walking down the roads of writing for some months, and I started just because... I wanted to start showing the stories I've been imagining over the years. And before I didn't had so much skill, and lately according to some friends who read what I make, they say I'm "nailing It" for a guy who was not sure about start writing.

But even I, I doubt myself in this!

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Roles of Blue Apron and Shaker & Spoon in Fiction · 3:28am Mar 4th, 2018

A long time ago, I created this survey question:

Say you were to order a meal from Blue Apron, and a cocktail of Shaker & Spoon to go with it. What would be the exact meal and drink that you would order?

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"Stolen Technology" revoked. · 2:22pm May 18th, 2016

Sooo... I received a quick review I asked from a member, and a lot was said!

This means, Stolen Technology is receiving a massive change in dialogues, because the fact how I was taught in Portugal don't correspond with the english way.

Not to mention other details, and every chapter is gonna receive a close look after the lesson I took.

So, if you are interested, leave a comment and I'll let you know the details.



Stolen Technology FINISHED! · 6:19am Sep 18th, 2016

What an activity to write stories. And big ones.

I'm planning the next one already since before I finished this one.
If you enjoyed the fic, drop a like, I really appreciate It.

Leave a comment. Saying what was good or bad. Criticize It, means a lot for me.
Or if you have any questions, feel free to ask!

Thank you so much for the support.


I would love your opinion. · 5:21pm Sep 5th, 2016

Hello to my current followers and whoever might stumble in this entry.

Needless to say, I'm back.
And I recall one time I wrote in some chapter in Stolen Technology that I was losing the enthusiasm but I would keep going. :fluttershysad:

I take It AAAALL back! The flow is back and full force, constantly writing new chapters for the biggest story I've written so far. :pinkiecrazy:

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hey, I'm back, kind of... · 6:44pm Jun 30th, 2016

Sorry my absence in this last month or more, to those who are reading my stuff and the lack of updates.

I've been working on my exam project "non-stop" and barely have time for myself and/or energy left to do whatever I want besides surf the internet and play a game once in a while.

I'm thinking in going back to writing, because simply enough... I started something, might as well finish It then see what else I could write next.

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Viewing 1 - 6 of 6 results