
Viewing 1 - 2 of 2 results

Scribblemuse 2: The Scribbling · 2:20pm Mar 31st, 2020

For those who don't recall or didn't see the prequel to this blog, I maintain a gallery of Derpibooru images with story idea potential. While looking through them last night, I realized I could check one off. Seems like as a good an excuse as any to showcase a few more.

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Scribblemuse · 2:00pm Dec 14th, 2019

I keep a folder of pictures that are potential story ideas on Derpibooru. I was actually able to take one of them off earlier today, since I'm nearly finished with the concept. (It's my Jinglemas entry, so I won't say anything more.) In that vein, I thought I'd show a few along with some thoughts on them:

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Viewing 1 - 2 of 2 results