
Viewing 1 - 6 of 6 results

today is a sad day · 11:42pm Oct 4th, 2016

today my dog die and i don't know what to do?.....i just want to cry.....i want to be a alone right now.

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A sad day · 4:50pm Jul 28th, 2015

Death is ever present and you end up excepting and it falls to the back of your mind, until something brings it back to the forefront. That is exactly what happened, to me at work the other day. There was an accident out in the parking lot of my place of employment; a motorcyclist got into a collision with a bus and ended up going underneath the rear axle. He died before the paramedics got there... It's things like these that get you thinking about how fragile life really is. So that is

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I Changed my Profile Pic · 4:44pm Dec 5th, 2018

The reason behind this is that this is Union Pacific 4141 painted to honor George H W Bush and this is done out of respect for the former president of the USA though I wasn’t alive then. Plus I like the look of the locomotive


Bad news, everyone... or, at least disappointing for me... · 8:53pm Sep 22nd, 2017

As much as I hate to admit it... one of my earliest stories on this site, which was once put on hiatus, will be cancelled (which one is pointed out in the tagged story). As much as I love the source material, and as much as I'd WANT to do something with it, I'm afraid any idea I had for it is violently challenged by the canon of the show, and leaves very little room for exploration now. It may not seem that way to you, but it does for me.

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On 9/20/2018 · 7:46pm Sep 20th, 2018 dog Bodhi has now died...... now he up there with rusty who die on oct. 4, 2016.


In Britain, the British Hedgehog has been listed as 'vulnerable to extinction'. It's a sad day for all of us. · 9:27pm Jul 30th, 2020

Some unfortunate news has arisen in England, and it is something that I must share with y'all.

The British hedgehog has been classified as 'vulnerable to extinction'.

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Viewing 1 - 6 of 6 results