
Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results

Sitting on the Grass in Fim Town. · 10:37pm Jun 2nd, 2017

Another week in lovely Fim town, where the grass is neon green and the girls are...
eating said grass...
I don't remember the song going quite like that.

There is no story coming up today as some have gussed, but more can come further ahead.

Those people who read this are still really awesome~. There are only a few of you but you are the reason I write this~.

Have an especially great weekened~.


WTFIWWY-Total Eclipse of Uranus · 5:45pm April 21st

Surprisingly this week there are no Florida man stories.

The life lessons we learned this week:

-When using a picture on a news broadcast, maybe do a quick last second double check. I'm not sure how the standards and practices are for Mexican networks, but if they're anything like how they are in the U. S., someone is getting fired super hard.

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New Story Starting Next Week! · 6:51pm Jan 29th, 2019

Hello everyone, I know it's been a while with no story things this month. But now that I'm trying to get more frequent with posts, there's going to be more. To start, here is the announcement for at least one new story. I'll just leave the cover at here and leave the rest up to your imagination:

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Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results