
Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results

Nihongo midterm exam is done · 12:01pm May 7th, 2021

Here are my results:

Vocabulary - 30/30 (30/30 points)

Grammar - 57/58 (99/100 points)

Reading - 14/15 (28/30 points)

Listening - 18/20 (36/40 points)

TOTAL = 119/123 (193/200 points)

I pat myself on the back for a job well done.


Nihongo midterm exam coming this Friday · 5:06am May 6th, 2021

Last night, we had a mock test in preparation for the real thing. There were a total of 90 points and I got a score of 87. I made 2 mistakes on grammar, 1 mistake on reading, and achieved a perfect score on both vocabulary and listening. I'm reviewing everything that I've learned and I hope that I'll do well.

Ganbatte ne!


Nihongo final exam is done · 1:28pm Jun 9th, 2021

Here are my results:

Vocabulary - 28/30 (28/30 points)

Grammar - 56/58 (96/100 points)

Reading - 12/15 (24/30 points)

Listening - 18/20 (36/40 points)

TOTAL = 114/123 (184/200 points)

Not a bad score, if I do say so myself. The passing score to proceed to the next level is 120 and above. I computed the average score (40% of midterm exam score + 60% of final exam score) and I got 187.6, which means I'm eligible to enroll in basic level 3. Yay!!! :yay:


My classes for Nihongo have resumed this week · 11:57am Jun 16th, 2020

It used to be every Saturday in a classroom for 3 hours, but because of the pandemic, classes were temporarily suspended. Now, they take place in Zoom on weekdays for 40 minutes.

I may have to put my online job journey on hold as there's going to be homework after every session. It will take a while for me to finish them using the Japanese keyboard I installed in my laptop.

Ganbatte kudasai! ✊

Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results