
Viewing 1 - 14 of 14 results

Dear Everypony · 6:32pm Nov 13th, 2016

I am moving... in the physical sense of changing where my house is. Not far, but it's kept me busy this week and probably will continue to do so for the next few days. The nice thing about this is I'll be WAY closer to my work and will be spending less time driving and more time doing what I want, which includes writing.

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How I get my Military fix · 2:59pm Sep 12th, 2020

(If it starts automatically at 20min something I didn't do that on purpose xd)


...A day of Tartarus, and no zombies yet... · 11:16am Apr 6th, 2020

I ain’t got much stuff to do at all, and social distancing is a total jab in the butt for me, and most of my friends. Not to mention that I would’ve been modeling somewhere by now. Hopefully this whole thing blows over soon, if not immediately. Until then, I’ll be expecting zombies or a decrease in numbers...
Either way, maybe, I’ll come up with another fic or two.

I’m up for requests in exchange for details, so don’t hesitate to ask, yeah?

Stay Strong, and Stay Safe!


In the Absence of Twilight Sparkle - News! · 9:00pm May 10th, 2019

I'd like to start by making apologies for going dark on this story for so long. I never intended to abandon it, and I allowed the silence to snowball until you all probably thought I was gonna quietly cancel it.

I'm not going to quietly cancel it.

Because it's not cancelled. It's going on hiatus.

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WDTP (Or I'm throwing stuff at you people.) · 5:59pm Oct 12th, 2015

With all the changes and the demonstrated limited understanding we've seen from some users of how fan fiction works when related to an ongoing show... (ie something written two years ago is not going to respect all the details of the latest episode) I have decided to present you with a simple way of expressing a nice time-code to shut them miscreants up.

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Still Alive · 5:14pm Jul 27th, 2021

Hey Guys!

Just wanted to let you all know I'm still alive! XD

Still writing, and still preparing chapters, planning, and writing new stories. I have a lot cooking, but my time is limited lately. Hopefully I'll get some more time soon, but I wanted to make sure you did not think I've forgotten my stories or chapters.

Anyway guys, I see you soon.

Sorry for the wait!


I'm on a roll. · 1:59pm Nov 16th, 2015

...Or maybe I'm just running myself into the ground.
(have you guys even see that drawing I did a month or two ago...?)
Anyway, I finished a second chapter. So to "celebrate", here's free access to a snippet of what I have in store for the world this fic takes place in.


Improvements! · 6:04pm Mar 20th, 2016

So, for those of you who may have worried, no, I'm not dead, I have just been extremely busy with being a full time grad student and working 20 hours a week. Writing and self-editing new chapters and stories takes a lot of time. Time that I do not usually have. However, this is spring break for me, and while I have plenty of other work to catch up on I do have enough time, this week at least, to make some progress on my stories here. I am currently making some major edits to An End to

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Chapter 5 finito · 2:43am Nov 5th, 2017

Guessed it wasn't going to take two full weeks but here's 8000ish words I guess.

Next chapter will have some Applejack since I need to use her and Rarity cause Rarity actually is fun to write sometimes.

Funny how I feel like I haven't actually written any words and then I look at the word count and worry I'm going too slow with things. Well it works and at some point it will have an ending.

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BLITZ - The Musical Update! · 4:34pm Aug 2nd, 2016

BLITZ has now been retrofitted with only the most fitting musical numbers, from some of the best soundtracks out there. If you want to, you can now read BLITZ, and listen to the music that comes with each chapter!

And just for kicks, here's the Secret Weapons Over Normandy Main Theme, composed by Michael Giacchino!

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Intermission Time! · 1:59am Jan 7th, 2019

And so, Sonic X: Friendship is Universal has reached the end of the New World Saga after the two-part episode.

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Offline · 3:16am Nov 5th, 2016

Alright, school and life are really starting to catch up with me right now, so I'm hardly going to have any free time, due to this, I will hardly be online, if at all. After school, I have to prepare for college, thus, once again, hardly any time to myself, and of what time I do have, I need to be more productive with it, and spend time with family. Then, I have to prepare to get a job, so there's that. Thank you for taking the time to read this, I bid you a good day, and I appreciate your

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schrodinger's completion · 5:36pm Jan 23rd, 2023

with the chapter posted today TTE is technically finished... but also it's sort of not. the epilogue will come when it's ready, i just can't make any promises on the timeline this time since school is kicking my ass and will continue to do so for the next 3.5 months. c12 took a lot out of me w +15k words and last-minute "hey lets do art lol", so please bear with me and that pesky "incomplete" tag in the meantime. and since i couldn't say in the a/n this time, thanks so so so SO much for

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MLP Among Us · 9:35pm Nov 18th, 2020

Viewing 1 - 14 of 14 results