
Viewing 1 - 7 of 7 results

Splat · 3:05pm Dec 7th, 2016

We are sorry to report
Today at this AM hour
Such unfortunate news.
But it's our job, so thusly we announce
Earlier this morning,
An Equestrian died on Earth.

Her name was Whistle Whisp
And she was quite the trailblazer,
But also quite the alcoholic.
Some time last night she drank
And then she tried to fly,
Forgetting that in our world,
There's no magic in the air.



[Shower Thoughts] - [Thoughts] - [Shower] = [Barthes] · 3:54am Oct 8th, 2017

I've spent an hour now trying to write about Barthes.

It is five in the morning, and I have tried very hard to write about Barthes.

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Teaser for chapter 9 · 3:41pm Oct 11th, 2022

And thus another teaser, in a form of a meme.


WRFIWWY-They Call Me Baby Driver · 3:43pm March 17th

Today's lessons learned:

-When you stop somewhere, take your car keys with you, apparently kids be crimeing
-When joining a Zoom call on public renovations, put you one-eyed wonder weasel away. Anyone who wants to see it or experience you doing a single arm workout with no weight will ask.

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Here's what happened yesterday. · 7:09pm Aug 4th, 2016

I wanted to call a friend, telling them about how I've been feeling pretty shitty lately. They didn't pick up, but I needed to do something to feel a bit better. That's when I finished my hooch. Half a juice bottle, to be exact. I started to feel the buzz, but it still didn't feel like enough. That's when I decided to call whiskey for help, too. And then I had three shots of vodka. You see, I come from a judgmental family, and that made me scared shitless of people's

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Trying to make sense of what happened. · 2:25pm Aug 4th, 2016

I somehow unfollowed Silver Chord last night? If I unfollowed anyone else by accident, please tell me. I went through my text messages several times. Then I checked fimfic. I knew that I posted a couple blogs but didn't realize that a couple was actually a lot. I just checked my other social media account and I didn't even realize that I posted on there. I decided that I'm going to stop drinking. No more hooch; no more tequila; no more whiskey. I thought I was going to die

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Why Am I Doing This (Part 2) · 9:30pm Jul 12th, 2017

Well, hi! It looks like I'm back with more stuff to say about a certain thing called 'Bride of Discord'. You might want to read my last blog to understand what's been happening, and if you have, here's the next three chapters.

EBride of Discord
Discord returns and will only relieve Equestria of his havoc in exchange for a bride.
DisneyFanatic23 · 65k words  ·  1,962  59 · 30k views

Chapter Four: Shit This is Almost Creepy At Times

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Viewing 1 - 7 of 7 results