
Viewing 1 - 8 of 8 results

So after all that dark... · 10:04pm Jun 1st, 2015

...I figure you all need some fluff?

Another 500 word story I wrote for the Fluttercord prompt tag . My prompt word was Curse:

“…and then the princess kissed the monster, and the curse was broken and he turned into a handsome prince! And they lived happily ever after, The End. Now, time for bed…”

“Aw, do we have to?” whined Scootaloo.

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Report Captain Wuzz · 346 views · #blurb

This isn't long enough to be a story. · 12:15am Aug 5th, 2015

But I thought it was a cute idea and wanted to get it down:

Discord snuggled up next to his mate in bed.

That had been a rather lovely expression of physical love, and now they were both trying to catch their breath and basking in the afterglow.

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Report Captain Wuzz · 504 views · #blurb #fluttercord

Review Blurbs · 7:43pm Jan 2nd, 2019

So, random thought for today, but have you ever considered how differently review-blurbs are treated for books than they are for any other medium?

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Crossover fic. · 3:47am May 16th, 2017

'Far as I'm concerned, nobody reads these, but I feel like writing this, so here goes.

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Story fears · 4:26am Dec 11th, 2018

I recently promised Meta Sketch fans that they would get a mature treat. I followed through on that promise, but I ran into a road block. The story wasn't long enough to be posted normally. So, I wrote a random story in a seperate chapter just so I could post it. I got in trouble, and was threatened with a ban if I tried to post it again without changing it to fit the rules. I did change it, but I turned it into something more fun. I changed it to a short story collection, where I'd post little

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What to be expecting · 7:46am May 13th, 2016

In regards to Linguistic Walls, since there seems to be a high demand for both a sequel and a higher quality product I'm going to give the audience what they want in one neat little package. Here's a little looksey.

Bridging Words - [2nd Person] [Human] [Sad] [Slice of Life]

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Writing 101: Writing Descriptions · 7:27am Nov 20th, 2015

Fanfic can be very different from and very similar to published fiction. One major similarity is the importance of titles and descriptions. There is a lot of equivalency between a back-of-the-book blurb and a fanfiction’s summary.

Your title and description are what hook your readers. They are (in most circumstances) what convinces your audience to devote time to your story. They require brevity and a dash of wit, while still being informative.

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Story Titles, Cover Art, and Descriptions 101 · 8:14am Jul 5th, 2020

Imagine this: You wrote a story that you deem great. You may have even shown it to a few folks for beta-reading and might have it edited, so the fact the story ain’t bad is most likely not just your subjective perception. Then you publish the story. Nothing happens. No comments, a modicum of votes, and a few views. Maybe it’s just bad luck. Or maybe the story’s boring and fails to maintain the audience’s attention—however, if you had a bunch of good beta-readers helping with the story, this

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Viewing 1 - 8 of 8 results