
Viewing 1 - 2 of 2 results

New Art and some props for King Sombra "A Tale of One Shadow" YouTube video by StasySolitude · 4:19am Jan 19th, 2016

Part of the amazing journey that led me here to FimFiction to start posting my stories comes from my viewing two YouTube videos back in November 2015. The first one was "A Tale of One Shadow".

If you are a King Sombra fan and haven't seen this video, OMG, see it here RIGHT NOW!

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Hello from the Shadow Pony's private archives! · 6:54am Dec 8th, 2015

Okay, so just before Thanksgiving started (or was it the week before), I discovered two YouTube videos that literally BLEW MY MIND. Mind you, I always come to the party late - these had been up for YEARS and my husband only just got me into My Little Pony at the end of Season One sometime. And while I started steadily liking it more and more - I kept getting Rarity and Fluttershy mixed up, or forgot their names entirely or what the hell their cutie marks were - for some reason it still took us

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Viewing 1 - 2 of 2 results