
Viewing 1 - 20 of 40 results

New Albion Weapon - Warbow · 6:35am Jun 13th, 2016

Today, we will bring you the video of new weapon, a deadly weapon in the right hands

Under the guidance of Gordon, the Weapon Master of the Royal Expeditionary Forces, we shed light on one weapon at a time in our new Weapon Spotlight series! Gordon not only goes over every skill option, but even elaborates on supplemental equipment options and various tactics to use in both PvE and PvP combat.

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Report albiononline · 820 views · #Albion Weapon

Preservation of Life in a Nuclear Age (with a picture of a flower) · 10:58pm Jan 9th, 2018

New Particle Gadgeteering blog post: Preservation of Life in a Nuclear Age, telling a story of a memorable encounter with the late Joseph Rotblat (physicist and peace campaigner) which came back to me this week.


IANG News - Weapons of the Guard (& other characters) · 10:23pm Jun 24th, 2020

Hey you guys, next chapter is going to involve a lot of weapons and their wielders, mostly I do the own weapon suggestions, but I'm feeling curious how you guys feel. Now not every single character that using a weapon will get a unique one, only select few while the lower ranked grunts with get the basic, sword or spear.

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Conventional lasers were first invented in 1960 · 8:57am Oct 13th, 2016

The Office of Naval Research successfully disables a small target vessel using a solid-state, high-energy laser mounted onto the deck of the Navy's self-defense test ship, former USS Paul Foster (DD 964).Fibre lasers were invented in 1963, and since the 1990s they have been advanced almost entirely by IPG Photonics in Oxford, Massachusetts. Whereas other solid-state lasers use rigid rods, slabs or discs of crystal to generate the beam, and so have to be fairly large, fibre lasers use thin

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Report michale · 703 views · #laser weapon

In case you’re wondering · 3:48pm Oct 21st, 2020

If you’re curious as to who my avatar is based on, well here you go. It also involves some history you may not know.


Original book/graphic novel in progress · 7:47pm Jul 28th, 2018

On the second draft of Year Zero right now. My pony OCs show up as Plush Toys attached to one of the main characters' dual wield weapons.


Snippet · 2:29am Feb 20th, 2017

As an apology for the continuing lack of progress on the fic, have a snippet from the relatively distant future:

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Idle Doodling: Weapon Choice and Characters · 8:13am Oct 4th, 2019

One of the reasons pony writers love starting scenes in cafes is because food and drink orders are weirdly expressive. When you show a character a menu, what they chose reveals their preferences and it can be a cute way to just reiterate who the characters are. Twilight ordering a strong coffee and then pouring four sugar sachets into it, next to Rarity with a chai tea and Fluttershy with an iced tea and Pinkie Pie with a malted milkshake shows comparitive preferences.

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Access affiliated breeze ashamed · 2:34am Aug 16th, 2016

This chaw should blot in fact a bit of a arbor motion from your adeptness and top body. This chaw should be one of the a lot of able strikes you can do with your hands. Accretion acclimatized blast aural the Houston MMA amphitheatre advancing from action would be the hook. This chaw is usually befuddled with a accumulated involving jabs and crosses, but isn’t complete powerful. However, it can be acclimated to plan able angles, and can do abstract if followed appropriately Aural the Houston MMA

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Persona summoning · 2:14am Jan 26th, 2017

My friend introduced me to it and a little about, so I wanted to ask those out there about summoning my persona, I choose the card variation (where you have to destroy a card to summon your persona), I was thinking something like this,"let's see who's stronger'* takes out card, throws it up into the air putting on my claw weapons slices upward splitting the card in four pieces, slashes to the side with the other one cutting the card into 8 pieces, my shadow having a shadowed snake burst out of

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Question of the Week#13 · 3:38am Jun 21st, 2021

First off, let me say that I am SO sorry that I forgot to post a question last week. I was at a family camp with no signal and I got a really bad sunburn (my body still hurts) and kind of just forgot about it.

So here is a question for this week. If you're favorite pony from MLP was a serial killer, what would their signature weapon be?

I don't know why I came up with this question, but it's a question so who cares. :rainbowlaugh:


Arms and Armament · 8:47pm Nov 7th, 2019

So, I was catching up on some blog posts this morning, and happened upon one which discussed the way objects can reflect characters, and happened to use their choices of weapons as an example. Which set me off down the track of contemplating what, in Equestria's earlier and rather rougher pieces of history, might our favorite protagonists arm themselves with should such warlike preparations be called for?

Herewith, my results.


Nothing. Nothing at all.

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Question About Kingdom Hearts · 3:34pm Sep 23rd, 2022

Is there an explanation for why Sora's wooden sword doesn't work on Heartless while EVERYTHING ELSE works? Same for Roxas when he attacked the Nobodies with a Struggle Bat. I mean, I would understand if they had an explanation like the weapons needed to be enchanted to hit Heartless and Nobodies, so this would explain for Goofy, Squall, Yuffie, and some others who are prepared to fight them. And magic obviously works so no problem for Donald. And there are special characters like Hercule for

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In a abundant position to barter kills for their teammates · 2:56am Aug 12th, 2016

Afterwards that fnx tries to accumulate admonition as cautiously as accessible appear the A site by jumping, afore he smokes off the chokepoint. As he moves afterpiece to the site, he s advantageous abundant to acquisition an added flashbang. Afore the smoke fades, he throws a molotov over to the bend to the larboard of the smoked off chokepoint in adjustment to bright addition bend for their team.

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Which you like better? Sword and shield, two handed weapon, duel wielding · 1:50pm Jan 13th, 2018

In hack and slash games or RPGs and whatever, which is your preferred weapon set?

Swords and shield, one handed weapon and a shield to provide defence. Two handed weapon, big weapons. Battle axes, war hammers and two handed swords. Duel wielding, holding two one handed weapons.

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Question? · 5:08pm Feb 28th, 2020

I am writing a new story, wont be released for yet, I am just working on it when I have no inspiration, or need a distraction.

Certain family matters came up this week, so it was nice having that story to work on.

At any rate, if a guy with anger issues and with Thor's powers, Norse mythology Thor, not marvel. Which of these hammers would be his weapon in Equestria?

I should also say this story will be mature, gore, violence, dates pre-unification.


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Battle Saddles · 5:34pm March 10th

Everyone knows about mouth guns being dumb, but personally I consider them to be in the realm of "it's obviously ridiculous, so it's a quirk of the world."
I wanna quick talk about battle saddles though, because that's one of those things where it does need to make a little bit of sense because it's not cartoon logic/physics, it's a matter of practical technology. A lot of battle saddle depictions have them along the pony's sides, like the shafts of a cart.

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Weapons · 2:31am Jan 13th, 2017

To be honest, one of my favorite things is the weapons, to the ones in video games, to the ones in real life, the oversized swords that no one could wield, to the small daggers that blur in the wind, so I made this blog to talk about weapons, if it's just some you like, or ones your characters use, so all you weapon fanatics let's start off the weapons with a some dagger.

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Speculation and Worldbuilding; Pegasus Combat and Weapons (Again, With Notes from Shadiversity) · 3:04am Nov 16th, 2017

Followers of mine may remember the series of blog posts I did covering pony weapons and combat; one each for pegasi, unicorns, and earth ponies. (And

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[Monster Hunter March] Top 14 Monster Hunter Weapons · 11:06pm Mar 5th, 2018

Yeah, we're doing this now.

Welcome to Monster Hunter March, where I do a series of countdowns every Monday for the rest of March. Will I be consistent? Probably not, given my previous track record. Will I find more M words to put into the description? Maybe.

See what I did there?

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 40 results