
Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results

Novel Idea · 5:46am Aug 11th, 2020

TL;DR In a stroke of phenomenal bad luck and the horrors of Neoliberalism Novel Idea and her family are 1) Losing their home 2) Lost/losing their employment 3) Failing to find better employment.

They have 20 days to find a new place to live and try and turn their employment situation around. In the COVID crisis. Every penny helps.

Do what you can.

Report Nyronus · 213 views · #Sad times

Who is ready to feel sad?! · 3:48am May 3rd, 2016

If you answered "me" to the blog title than Nova Quill has got your fix.

Fresh from Sunset/Starlight/Spike have no parents land:

Man, oh man does this piece fill me with emotion, 'cause damn if that isn't a pair of the saddest ponies I've ever seen plus dragon.

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Another Depressing PSA About The Capitalist Hellscape Vortex Incoming But This Time It's Relevant · 2:48am Dec 13th, 2021

So, Wattpad. Wattpad is a general fiction posting website, but it's mostly known for fanfiction. Wattpad, it turns out, has cut a deal with Viacom, to let Viacom mine the site's content for ideas for original IP, including tracking user behavior with invasive datamining to really see what's popping with those ineffable gen z'ers and millennials. They've even already moved ahead with making

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Sonata Dusk · 5:04am Oct 3rd, 2017

Her voice actor died during childbirth, the child didn't survive either.

Haha! It's very depressing. I don't know why it's personally sad to me, but it is. Feels like the character died herself.

Edit: Probably important to note we're talking about Spanish Sonata here.

Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results