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A Satire about Freedom & Responsibility · 8:30pm Oct 16th, 2021

[ satire ]

The Government says that says that I must obey its traffic-laws. If I choose to risk my life by driving recklessly, that is my choice. ¡Free Dumb! I refuse to get a driver's license and never obey traffic-laws. If I die, it is my choice. I have an example from last Tuesday:

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¡Antivaccers push the 💀 deathtoll ☠️ over 700 Thousand in the USA 🇺🇸 ! · 10:46pm Oct 2nd, 2021

The 💀 deaths ☠️ of these idiots does not bother me because they do it to themselves by refusing to wear masks 😷 and get 💉 vaccinated, but the hundreds of thousand these morons murder by overwhelming the hospitals 🏥:

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¡I got a both booster against SARS-CoV-2 and a an Influenza-Vaccination today! · 3:02am Oct 1st, 2021


I shall get the MultiVariant vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 on ZamenhofDay (Thursday 12,022 -12-15 HE). · 3:31pm Dec 11th, 2022

The local clinic was supposed to get its MultiVariant vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 in mid October, but because of a SNAFU, it did not get the vaccines until mid November. I had an appointment for vaccination on Tuesday the 12,022-11-29th).

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I got my 1st respiratory infection in 3 years. · 7:30pm Nov 27th, 2022

After 3 years without a respiratory infection. I have a respiratory infection:

This last Thursday, which is a Holliday in my country, I must have drank too much coffee because I got coughy. I was with relatives at the time, as is the tradition in my country; so now, probably infected them. This must be from work:

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In the last 4 months, the USA had almost 100 thousand vaccine-preventable deaths. · 10:46am Oct 15th, 2021

The Kaiser Family Foundation estimates that about 90,000 deaths from Covid-19 over the past four months were entirely preventable.

The antimasking antivaccing CoViDiots could have gotten vaccinated, but did not. They died. Vaccination prevents 91%* of deaths.

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I received my MultiVariant vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 causing CoViD-19. · 12:44am Dec 18th, 2022

I have ribosomes pumping out SpikeProteins as I write. My immune system should have a robust reaction to them.

By the way, the vaccine comes with free 5G. ¡The reception is great! :facehoof:

I should have many antibodies when I shall watch Avatar 2: The Way Of Water. ¡I wonder what will happen to Aang and Korra!


My girlfriend the wuss is is too afraid to get vaccinated because is is afraid of needles, has the 'Rona and is doing so poorly that she needs to go to the hospital, but is too afraid of needles to do so. Please advice. · 12:24am Jan 23rd, 2022

0thly, my girlfriend is not a QAnonDeathCultist. She is simply a wuss afraid of medical procedures. This has already cost her many teeth in her 40s because she is too afraid to go to the dentist for maintenance and repair (her fear of the dentist causes her much more pain and suffering than the dentist ever could (at this point, her teeth are to bad from neglect that the dentist would probably have to pull all of her teeth and fit her for dentures)).

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Those claiming side-effects from vaccination might experience the nocebo-effect instead of being malingering fakers. · 3:34am Jan 19th, 2022


¡! scored 3 vaccinations against Influenza this month! · 12:59pm Oct 30th, 2022

I once had a bird.
Her name was Enza.
I opened the window;
and in flew Enza.

The clinic gets its vaccines in October. I contacted the clinic in late September and learned that the vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 Multivariate before December, but I could get vaccinated against Influenza in October. I signed up for a vaccination against Influenza on the 12022-10-26th and a vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 on the 12022-12-06th.

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A VERY Simplified Comparison Between Influenza and Coronavirus Death Rates in the US · 4:40pm Mar 25th, 2020

Since it gets brought up a lot these days, I'd find it fascinating to know: how do these two viruses compare? Say, on death rates? What sort of numbers are we talking about here?

First, a few clarifications, and then the numbers themselves. Please note that all this is for casual purposes only: this is not an official analysis!

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¡No healthcare or deathbenefits for antivaccers, just let them die at home! · 7:44am Sep 12th, 2021

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