
Viewing 1 - 20 of 22 results

Looking for Story Editor · 7:31am Mar 12th, 2020

I'm looking for an editor to edit my Story a New Age, you won't get paid but I will send you chapters before I submit them, and you'll be added to the story description.

Requirements: Your not aloud the just change half the chapter because you think the story would be better if things went a certain way.


Editors? (Another request) · 2:04am Feb 13th, 2021

I'm sending out another call for an editor. I need at least one more or something. Otherwise, the story won't release until April when I give up.

I did post a request in the editors group, but I don't want to send more than one request until it's been a month since the last.

Any takers?


Looking for editors · 4:39am Jun 28th, 2017

Hi! PhysicsGamer here, and I just wanted to let everyone know the reason I have been rather slow in my updates; there are two reasons:
1: The only person who is helping with the editing process has had real life things to attend to.
2: I've been caught up in my studies and have been taking my time on writing.

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To any who are reading this... · 1:17am Jan 1st, 2016

I'm looking for an editor, and I don't know where to look. Can anyone help me?


writing progress · 9:20pm Nov 9th, 2019

Hey guys. Just a short thing:

I have a draft completed for the second chapter of Eerie Lantern. I'm going to kick it around for a few days-- y'know, for the usual editing, but also in case any more ideas strike me to make it more entertaining. Once I feel I can get it to an acceptable level of polish, I'll post. Preferably between Monday and Wednesday, early.

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Looking for editors/betareaders. · 12:50pm Nov 7th, 2018

Finally getting back into writing horse words, but one of my editors had to drop out for the month. If anyone is interested in helping out, feel free to dm me.


Looking for editors · 5:27pm Jul 19th, 2018

Hey there everyone, I’m looking for at least one, preferably more, editors. I’ve been running my current editor ragged and need extra help on some stories; I figured I’d just post the request here in my blog before trying one of the editor groups, just because I’m an introvert and hate branching out.

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Getting Back to Writing Soon · 9:34pm Jul 28th, 2018

Hello everyone,

So a bit of an update. Where I live is pretty warm and we are dealing with an insect infestation. We have an ant problem and for some reason they just swarmed my desk. Unfortunately, my laptop was in the middle of the crossfire. DX I needed to clean up my room and try to get rid of the ants before going back on the laptop.

Also, my Grandma just got out of surgery. So we are trying to help her recover at the moment.

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Rewriting Stories, Also looking for editors. (IMPORTANT INFO BELOW) · 9:41pm May 3rd, 2017

Hey guys, so I'm rewriting a few stories. It's been a difficult couple of months with work and emotional/financial troubles, and reviewing a few chapters I may have posted since then, I've elected to rewrite them. This especially applies to Star Wars: Friendship Divided. Looking from the chapter named "Introductions" onward, I will be rewriting those chapters. That brings me to my next topic: I NEED EDITORS. LIKE, SUPER BAD!!! I'm not convinced of how some of my stories are written. The flow

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So, this is my next attempt at getting an editor. Production on the story is slow due to constantly adding things to my “Projects-to-do” list, and being lazy, but I did get the first few chapters done, with a fourth being planned to get done before release. I just need one more editor on the job for characterization, character choices, and some of the more basic editing stuff.

I have not gotten lucky so far, but I’m not quitting in my quest.

Just PM or comment below if you’re interested.


Status Update: New chapter and looking for help (Important) · 6:32pm May 11th, 2018

Hello everyone :twilightsmile: Sorry for the long wait without news, but the last few months have been very busy for me between university and other stuff, furthermore I went through a period of relative lack of inspiration, at least regarding On the blood of our fathers, on the blood of our sons, while I've been working in my spare time to a few different projects, some of which turned rather successful, others not so much.

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Looking for a cool guy editor · 6:14am Aug 5th, 2015

Hey guys. I like to think I do a pretty good job of sweeping my own stuff for errors and things that just don't flow well, but it's nigh impossible to get them all without a second pair of eyes. So, I'd like to get me an editor to help me out, just to make sure things are going the way they should. It'd help with making sure my stuff is top quality when it comes out hot off the keyboard, and making sure I wouldn't have to go back and edit things after the finalization and publication -- because

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Update on the Wanderer and a few other things · 2:58am Jan 11th, 2016

So this is the first blog post I've ever made on this forgive me if I'm not great at this.
But anyway, reasons chapter three hasn't come out. (Please don't think I'm just making excuses about this, I do want this story to be finished.) First off it is actually done...sort of. I have finished writing it, I just need to edit it and fix whatever mistakes there may be.
Other then that the holidays got me busy and so did Fallout 4 (which is amazing!)

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Time to take another crack at this writing thing · 7:52am Jun 28th, 2016

After a year long hiatus. Sure... that is totally what it is. I've decided to throw my hat into the ring once more. Currently I'm looking for an editor, or a prereader, or something, to help with this particular work. But hopefully it's worked out. The thing that triggered this is that i went to CMPC this year and got to talk to one of my favorite writers about making HIE stories. Was a blast. Anyways for the few followers i do have, you likely have a ll forgotten about me. So this is me

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I Might Do It · 12:05am Oct 25th, 2015

I have seen a prompt in the writers group, this one to be exact and I actaully got something off of it so I guess I'll give a shot.

If anyone's willing to edit I would appreciate it greatly <3

otherwise wish me luck


I'm looking for an editor · 10:45am Aug 18th, 2016

So as many people have told me my story isn't bad it just needs a good editing to it so I'm making this blog post to ask if anyone would be willing to help me edit my stories. I'm afraid that the only thing I can really give you in return is credit at the beginning and end of each chapter in each one of my stories and also credited in the opening description so if anyone will be willing to help me I will be very grateful thank you and have a nice day. P. S And if you have any suggestions for

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Gems: The Sun Princess is out XD · 5:07am Dec 26th, 2016

It took a lot of time to plan out everything, but I've finished both the Prologue and The first chapter today so please do go check out my newest story. Also I'm looking for editors and if your willing to help make this a big thing, please comment below or just show your support. I hope you guys have had terrific Christmas day and I wish you all a happy New year.


New Fic! Ballad of the Dawn Published! · 4:14am Dec 27th, 2017

Hey guys, just a short post before I retire to bed for today. The first chapter of Ballad of the Dawn is published, and it is tagged in the blog post.

Also, I'm looking for editors, so if any of you are interested in editing, PM me!

Anyways, that's it for tonight! Goodnight!


Songs of the Siren Story Update (100 Follower Special) · 7:15pm Mar 6th, 2017

Hello there, good day.

So for any of you interested I am working on this story for all of you, and that means I need editors.

Yeah, I'm looking at you, MLPmatthewl419 and others as well too.


OH MAI GAWD · 7:49am Oct 18th, 2015


But seriously, I'm out of my slump and working overtime on the new chapter, as well as keeping tabs on the new story to see how it goes. If it goes well, I'll definitely continue it. If not, well, let's just say it'll be a backburner project while I work on the main fic.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 22 results